todarede / PHP-Str

Convenient object-oriented operations on strings

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Convenient object-oriented operations on strings


  • PHP 5.3.0+


  1. Include the library via Composer [?]:

    $ composer require delight-im/str
  2. Include the Composer autoloader:

    require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


Usually, you'll want to set up the following shorthand in the global namespace of your PHP code:

function s($str, $charset = null) {
    return new \Delight\Str\Str($str, $charset);

This lets you create string objects by simply wrapping strings in s(...).

With that shorthand in place, creating instances from any string is as simple as this:

s('Hello w☺rld')
// or
s('Hello w☺rld', 'UTF-8')
// or
s('Hello world', 'ISO-8859-1')

Available methods

  • startsWith
  • startsWithIgnoreCase
  • contains
  • containsIgnoreCase
  • endsWith
  • endsWithIgnoreCase
  • trim
  • trimStart
  • trimEnd
  • first
  • last
  • toLowerCase
  • isLowerCase
  • toUpperCase
  • isUpperCase
  • isCapitalized
  • truncate
  • truncateSafely
  • count
  • length
  • cutStart
  • cutEnd
  • replace
  • replaceIgnoreCase
  • replaceFirst
  • replaceFirstIgnoreCase
  • replacePrefix
  • replaceLast
  • replaceLastIgnoreCase
  • replaceSuffix
  • split
  • splitByRegex
  • words
  • beforeFirst
  • beforeLast
  • between
  • afterFirst
  • afterLast
  • matches
  • equals
  • equalsIgnoreCase
  • compareTo
  • compareToIgnoreCase
  • escapeForHtml
  • normalizeLineEndings
  • reverse
  • acronym
 * Returns whether this string starts with the supplied other string
 * This operation is case-sensitive
 * @param string $prefix the other string to search for
 * @return bool whether the supplied other string can be found at the beginning of this string
public function startsWith($prefix);


 * Returns whether this string starts with the supplied other string
 * This operation is case-insensitive
 * @param string $prefix the other string to search for
 * @return bool whether the supplied other string can be found at the beginning of this string
public function startsWithIgnoreCase($prefix);


 * Returns whether this string contains the supplied other string
 * This operation is case-sensitive
 * @param string $infix the other string to search for
 * @return bool whether the supplied other string is contained in this string
public function contains($infix);


 * Returns whether this string contains the supplied other string
 * This operation is case-insensitive
 * @param string $infix the other string to search for
 * @return bool whether the supplied other string is contained in this string
public function containsIgnoreCase($infix);


 * Returns whether this string ends with the supplied other string
 * This operation is case-sensitive
 * @param string $suffix the other string to search for
 * @return bool whether the supplied other string can be found at the end of this string
public function endsWith($suffix);


 * Returns whether this string ends with the supplied other string
 * This operation is case-insensitive
 * @param string $suffix the other string to search for
 * @return bool whether the supplied other string can be found at the end of this string
public function endsWithIgnoreCase($suffix);


 * Removes all whitespace or the specified characters from both sides of this string
 * @param string $charactersToRemove the characters to remove (optional)
 * @param bool $alwaysRemoveWhitespace whether to remove whitespace even if a custom list of characters is provided (optional)
 * @return static this instance for chaining
public function trim($charactersToRemove = null, $alwaysRemoveWhitespace = null);


 * Removes all whitespace or the specified characters from the start of this string
 * @param string $charactersToRemove the characters to remove (optional)
 * @param bool $alwaysRemoveWhitespace whether to remove whitespace even if a custom list of characters is provided (optional)
 * @return static this instance for chaining
public function trimStart($charactersToRemove = null, $alwaysRemoveWhitespace = null);


 * Removes all whitespace or the specified characters from the end of this string
 * @param string $charactersToRemove the characters to remove (optional)
 * @param bool $alwaysRemoveWhitespace whether to remove whitespace even if a custom list of characters is provided (optional)
 * @return static this instance for chaining
public function trimEnd($charactersToRemove = null, $alwaysRemoveWhitespace = null);


 * Returns the first character or the specified number of characters from the start of this string
 * @param int|null $length the number of characters to return from the start (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function first($length = null);


 * Returns the last character or the specified number of characters from the end of this string
 * @param int|null $length the number of characters to return from the end (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function last($length = null);


 * Converts this string to lowercase
 * @return static this instance for chaining
public function toLowerCase();


 * Returns whether this string is entirely lowercase
 * @return bool
public function isLowerCase();


 * Converts this string to uppercase
 * @return static this instance for chaining
public function toUpperCase();


 * Returns whether this string is entirely uppercase
 * @return bool
public function isUpperCase();


 * Returns whether this string has its first letter written in uppercase
 * @return bool
public function isCapitalized();


 * Truncates this string so that it has at most the specified length
 * @param int $maxLength the maximum length that this string may have (including any ellipsis)
 * @param string|null $ellipsis the string to use as the ellipsis (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function truncate($maxLength, $ellipsis = null);


 * Truncates this string so that it has at most the specified length
 * This method tries *not* to break any words whenever possible
 * @param int $maxLength the maximum length that this string may have (including any ellipsis)
 * @param string|null $ellipsis the string to use as the ellipsis (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function truncateSafely($maxLength, $ellipsis = null);


 * Counts the occurrences of the specified substring in this string
 * @param string $substring the substring whose occurrences to count
 * @return int the number of occurrences
public function count($substring = null);


 * Returns the length of this string
 * @return int the number of characters
public function length();


 * Removes the specified number of characters from the start of this string
 * @param int $length the number of characters to remove
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function cutStart($length);


 * Removes the specified number of characters from the end of this string
 * @param int $length the number of characters to remove
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function cutEnd($length);


 * Replaces all occurrences of the specified search string with the given replacement
 * @param string $searchFor the string to search for
 * @param string $replaceWith the string to use as the replacement (optional)
 * @return static this instance for chaining
public function replace($searchFor, $replaceWith = null);


 * Replaces all occurrences of the specified search string with the given replacement
 * This operation is case-insensitive
 * @param string $searchFor the string to search for
 * @param string $replaceWith the string to use as the replacement (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function replaceIgnoreCase($searchFor, $replaceWith = null);


 * Replaces the first occurrence of the specified search string with the given replacement
 * @param string $searchFor the string to search for
 * @param string $replaceWith the string to use as the replacement (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function replaceFirst($searchFor, $replaceWith = null);


 * Replaces the first occurrence of the specified search string with the given replacement
 * This operation is case-insensitive
 * @param string $searchFor the string to search for
 * @param string $replaceWith the string to use as the replacement (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function replaceFirstIgnoreCase($searchFor, $replaceWith = null);


 * Replaces the specified part in this string only if it starts with that part
 * @param string $searchFor the string to search for
 * @param string $replaceWith the string to use as the replacement (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function replacePrefix($searchFor, $replaceWith = null);


 * Replaces the last occurrence of the specified search string with the given replacement
 * @param string $searchFor the string to search for
 * @param string $replaceWith the string to use as the replacement (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function replaceLast($searchFor, $replaceWith = null);


 * Replaces the last occurrence of the specified search string with the given replacement
 * This operation is case-insensitive
 * @param string $searchFor the string to search for
 * @param string $replaceWith the string to use as the replacement (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function replaceLastIgnoreCase($searchFor, $replaceWith = null);


 * Replaces the specified part in this string only if it ends with that part
 * @param string $searchFor the string to search for
 * @param string $replaceWith the string to use as the replacement (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function replaceSuffix($searchFor, $replaceWith = null);


 * Splits this string into an array of substrings at the specified delimiter
 * @param string $delimiter the delimiter to split the string at
 * @param int|null $limit the maximum number of substrings to return (optional)
 * @return static[] an array containing the substrings (which are instances of this class as well)
public function split($delimiter, $limit = null);


 * Splits this string into an array of substrings at the specified delimiter pattern
 * @param string $delimiterPattern the regular expression (PCRE) to split the string at
 * @param int|null $limit the maximum number of substrings to return (optional)
 * @param int|null $flags any combination (bit-wise ORed) of PHP's `PREG_SPLIT_*` flags
 * @return static[] an array containing the substrings (which are instances of this class as well)
public function splitByRegex($delimiterPattern, $limit = null, $flags = null);


 * Splits this string into its single words
 * @param int|null the maximum number of words to return from the start (optional)
 * @return static[] the new instances of this class
public function words($limit = null);


 * Returns the part of this string *before* the *first* occurrence of the search string
 * @param string $search the search string that should delimit the end
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function beforeFirst($search);


 * Returns the part of this string *before* the *last* occurrence of the search string
 * @param string $search the search string that should delimit the end
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function beforeLast($search);


 * Returns the part of this string between the two specified substrings
 * If there are multiple occurrences, the part with the maximum length will be returned
 * @param string $start the substring whose first occurrence should delimit the start
 * @param string $end the substring whose last occurrence should delimit the end
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function between($start, $end);


 * Returns the part of this string *after* the *first* occurrence of the search string
 * @param string $search the search string that should delimit the start
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function afterFirst($search);


 * Returns the part of this string *after* the *last* occurrence of the search string
 * @param string $search the search string that should delimit the start
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function afterLast($search);


 * Matches this string against the specified regular expression (PCRE)
 * @param string $regex the regular expression (PCRE) to match against
 * @param mixed|null $matches the array that should be filled with the matches (optional)
 * @param bool|null $returnAll whether to return all matches and not only the first one (optional)
 * @return bool whether this string matches the regular expression
public function matches($regex, &$matches = null, $returnAll = null);


 * Returns whether this string matches the other string
 * @param string $other the other string to compare with
 * @return bool whether the two strings are equal
public function equals($other);


 * Returns whether this string matches the other string
 * This operation is case-sensitive
 * @param string $other the other string to compare with
 * @return bool whether the two strings are equal
public function equalsIgnoreCase($other);


 * Compares this string to another string lexicographically
 * @param string $other the other string to compare to
 * @param bool|null $human whether to use human sorting for numbers (e.g. `2` before `10`) (optional)
 * @return int an indication whether this string is less than (< 0), equal (= 0) or greater (> 0)
public function compareTo($other, $human = null);


 * Compares this string to another string lexicographically
 * This operation is case-sensitive
 * @param string $other the other string to compare to
 * @param bool|null $human whether to use human sorting for numbers (e.g. `2` before `10`) (optional)
 * @return int an indication whether this string is less than (< 0), equal (= 0) or greater (> 0)
public function compareToIgnoreCase($other, $human = null);


 * Escapes this string for safe use in HTML
 * @return static this instance for chaining
public function escapeForHtml();


 * Normalizes all line endings in this string by using a single unified newline sequence (which may be specified manually)
 * @param string|null $newlineSequence the target newline sequence to use (optional)
 * @return static this instance for chaining
public function normalizeLineEndings($newlineSequence = null);


 * Reverses this string
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function reverse();


 * Turns this string into an acronym (abbreviation)
 * @param bool|null $excludeLowerCase whether to exclude lowercase letters from the result (optional)
 * @return static a new instance of this class
public function acronym($excludeLowerCase = null);

Checking the length of a string

$length = count($strInstance);
// or
$length = $strInstance->length();
// or
$length = $strInstance->count();

Creating instances from all entries in an array

$instances = \Delight\Str\Str::fromArray($arrayOfStrings);


All contributions are welcome! If you wish to contribute, please create an issue first so that your feature, problem or question can be discussed.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.


Convenient object-oriented operations on strings

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%