toda-lab / Vbt-X

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VBT-X is a diversity-aware fairness testing approach for black-box machine learning models. VBT-X improves verification-based testing (VBT), another fairness testing approach, with a sampling technique. We first reimplement VBT, referring to the source code of VBT, and then implement the sampling technique.

Refer to our paper IST'23 for more technical details. The experimental results of the evaluation of VBT-X are available in DOI.


VBT-X was proposed by Zhenjiang Zhao, Takahisa Toda and Takashi Kitamura. The implementation was performed by Zhenjiang Zhao.



The experiments were based on Python 3.8.10. We recommend using a virtual environment to run and test VBT-X, to avoid dependency conflicts between packages. We show two ways to create a virtual environment.

  • If you already have Python 3.8.10 installed, you can use venv to create a virtual environment.
  • If not, you can
    • install Python 3.8.10 use pyenv, which enables you to install and manage multiple different versions of Python, and then create a virtual environment using venv,
    • or use conda to directly create a virtual environment that already contains Python 3.8.10.

Using venv

Make sure Python 3.8.10 and venv are installed.

Create a virtual environment called env_vbtx:

python3 -m venv env_vbtx

Activate the environment:

source env_vbtx/bin/activate

Install required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt   

Using conda

Make sure conda is installed.

Create a virtual environment called env_vbtx, and install Python 3.8.10 and pip in it:

conda create --name env_vbtx python=3.8.10 pip

Activate the environment:

conda activate env_vbtx

Install required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt   


Use the following command to run VBT-X:

python <dataset> <protected_attr> <model> <vbtx_version> [runtime] [loop_times]

The possible values for each parameter are listed below:

  • dataset: Adult, Credit, Bank
  • protected_attr: sex, race, age
  • model: LogReg, NB, RanForest, DecTree
  • vbtx_version: naive, improveds10, improved
  • runtime: the running time in seconds (default=1200)
  • loop_times: the number of repeated runs (default=31)

The parameter 'vbtx_version' specifies the version of VBT-X to be used: naive refers to Basic VBT-X(s=10), improveds10 refers to VBT-X(s=10) and improved refers to VBT-X.

The folder FairnessTestCases contains 12 machine learning models prepared for fairness testing. The folder Datasets contains 3 training datasets, on which the 12 models were trained.


As an example, the following command means to use VBT-X to perform a fairness testing on the configuration (Adult, sex, NB) within 60 seconds:

python Adult sex NB improved 60 1


Each run outputs two .csv files, located in two folders DiscData and TestData, respectively. The results contained in each folder are as follows:

  • DiscData: the results of detected discriminatory instances
  • TestData: the results of generated test cases

For the running example, suppose we obtain a result file DiscData/improved-NB-Adult-sex-60-0.csv, and the first six rows of this file are shown below:

$ head -6 DiscData/improved-NB-Adult-sex-60-0.csv

For interpreting this file, a row represents an individual, and a pair of two consecutive rows represents a discriminatory instance. For example, the pair of row 1 and row 2 is a discriminatory instance, the pair of row 3 and row 4 is another discriminatory instance, and so on.

An individual (i.e., a row) is represented as a sequence of attribute values. The order of these attributes is the same as the order of the attributes of the training data. For example, you can find the list of attributes for Adult with the following command:

$ head -1 Datasets/Adult.csv

The results in DiscData are interpreted in the same as above, except that a pair of two consecutive rows represents a test case.

How to cite

If you use the VBT-X, please cite our paper IST'23.


title = {Diversity-aware fairness testing of machine learning classifiers through hashing-based sampling},
journal = {Information and Software Technology},
volume = {167},
pages = {107390},
year = {2024},
issn = {0950-5849},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Zhenjiang Zhao and Takahisa Toda and Takashi Kitamura},
keywords = {Algorithm fairness, Fairness testing, SAT/SMT solving, Constraint sampling, Hashing-based technique}


VBT-X is licensed under The MIT License.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%