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ConFoo MTL 2017 Speaker decks

Lists below all speaker decks from ConFoo MTL 2017.

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A Crash Course in Tech Management

By VM (Vicky) Brasseur

An introduction to Deep Learning

By Breandan Considine

Building Behat Tests Like a Pro

By Mathieu Dumoulin

What's new in PostgreSQL 9.6

By Magnus Hagander

TypeScript for JavaScript Developers

By Christopher Harrison

Tricher grâce à l'UX quand il n'y plus de code optimisable

By Stéphanie Walter

Deck Blog

Twitter @WalterStephanie

The Bootiful Application

By Josh Long

Securing Microservices

By Majid Fatemian

Twitter @majidfn

Take your Rails App Abroad with I18n

By Anne Johnson


Microservices Minus the Hype: How to Build and Why

By Mark Heckler

CSS Layout Techniques: Replacing Floats with Flexbox

By Bermon Painter

Remove the boilerplate

By Gleb Bahmutov

Deck: Slides

Twitter: @bahmutov

The Present and Future of WordPress's REST API

By David Hayes

GraphQL on Rails

By Christian Joudrey

Get more than a cache back! Redis

By Maarten Balliauw

Deck: Slides

Twitter: @maartenballiauw

Connecting people - Identity in your platform

By Rowan Merewood

PM-Led Accessibility: Level up yourself and your team!

By Robert Jolly

V like Velocity - Predicting from Streams with Azure ML

By Barbara Fusinska


Introduction to Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

By Santiago Paiva

Understand your application with metrics

By Mariusz Gil

In 30 Minutes 20 Tools/Platforms You should Consider

By Eric Pickup

JavaScript Speech Recognition

By Simon MacDonald

Deploying a Rails App at Scale using Amazon Web Services

By Tony Wieczorek

Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.js Application

By Ben Hall

Irresistible APIs

By Kirsten Hunter

Top 5 best ways to improve your code

By Eric De Carufel

Python for non-Python developers

By Christopher Harrison


Life of a pixel: Understanding rendering performance

By Martin Splitt

Deck Google Doc

Twitter @g33konaut

Moving From a Monolithic to a Microservices Architecture

By Artur Caliendo Prado

Sharing secrets in a containerized world

By Christian Heimes

Mastering PHP Payments with Omnipay

By Drew McLellan

Compassionate Firing

By Adam Jonas

Your app lives on a network - networking for web developers

By Wim Godden

Why scala is eating the world

By Fred Cecilia

Set Yourself Free with (a) DocumentDB

By Roland Guijt

Données ouvertes (opendata) historisées et Python

By David Larlet


How do you know you're writing good code?

By Robert Richelieu

From Mobile First to Offline First

By Bradley Holt

Deck speakerdeck

Twitter @BradleyHolt

Going to Eleven: Ready for the Swarm

By Steve Jackson

Deck speakerdeck

Twitter @stevejxsn

Tests unitaires: éviter les pièges & nouvelles pratiques

By Félix-Antoine Bourbonnais

Crystal: Fast(er) Ruby

By Jason Charnes

Three Dangerous Trends that Decrease your Trust Factor

By Sonia Di Maulo

Twitter @soniadima

Queries Inside Out: The Algorithms in your Database

By Brad Urani

Math: Ruining Everything Since Forever

By Christopher Swenson

Run absolutely everything* with the uWSGI application server

By Joël Perras

The Post JavaScript Apocalypse

By Douglas Crockford

Surviving Your Next Data Breach

By Anna Filina

The Progressive Web and its New Challenges

By Christian Heilmann


9:00-9:25 Surviving Your Next Data Breach

By Anna Filina

Twitter @afilina

9:25-9:50 The Progressive Web and its New Challenges

By Christian Heilmann

Deck slideshare

Twitter @codepo8


Building interactivity with websockets

By Wim Godden

Protect your users with Circuit Breakers

By Scott Triglia

Deck slideshare

Twitter @scott_triglia

The Seven Righteous Fights

By Heidi Waterhouse

A picture speaks a thousand words– data visualisation with R

By Barbara Fusinska

Build a Web API with Hanami

By Christophe Philemotte

.NET Debugging tricks you wish you knew

By Tamir Dresher

Varnish In Action

By Thijs Feryn

Deck speakerdeck

L'accessibilité, c'est simple : revoyons les bases

By Damien Senger

Fully automated ACME/Letsencrypt integration

By Magnus Hagander

Solving real world problems with design patterns!

By Hugo Hamon

Getting and staying fast - A web performance round-up

By Bastian Hofmann

Java EE -- the most lightweight enterprise framework?

By Sebastian Daschner

Comment s'adapter à la croissance d'une startup?

By Lucien Boix

What can I build with AMP?

By Rowan Merewood

Ready, Set, Go Mobile with React Native!

By Alexandre Rimthong

Event Sourcing: the good, the bad and the complicated

By Marco Pivetta

DNS for Developers

By Maarten Balliauw

Deck: Slides

Twitter: @maartenballiauw

Running .NET applications with Docker

By Ben Hall

I saw the future, and the web servers were written in PHP

By David Zuelke

Deck speakerdeck

Twitter @dzuelke

Accessible JavaScript-powered Web Applications

By Robert Jolly

Advanced Virtualmachining with Vagrant

By Sean Coates

HTML5 et la sécurité : de nouvelles préoccupations

By Rodolphe Rimele

Domain-Driven Data

By Bradley Holt

Deck speakerdeck

Programmer's Guide to the Galaxy of SEO

By Marc Perez

Demystifying WebGL

By Martin Splitt

The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans

By Christian Heilmann

Deck slideshare

More Human Interfaces: Developing Wearable & Alexa Voice UIs

By Mark Heckler

Git Scenarios: How Do I Fix That?

By Rob Richardson

Tests fonctionnels automatisés avec CasperJS

By Jacques Berger

Symfony Components And Your Legacy Code

By Andreas Hucks

Blocked on I/O: The Pitfalls of Event-Driven Programming

By Greg Ward

Getting browsers to improve the security of your webapp

By François Marier

The Evolution and Future of Content Publishing

By Haris Mahmood

Introduction to Data Visualization

By Santiago Paiva

Deck github

Exploring GraphQL

By Marc-Andre Giroux

Leveraging type inference with fluent APIs and typesafe DSLs

By Breandan Considine

Machine Learning Algorithms

By Hanneli Tavante

Containerless in the Cloud with AWS Lambda

By Ryan Cuprak

Moneyball on the Keyboard: Scouting Talented Developers

By Adam Jonas

Why we left MongoDB?

By Antonio Chavez

Atoum, le framework de tests unitaires simple et moderne

By Mikael Randy

Leveraging Azure Search in Your Application

By Jeremy Hutchinson

Self-improving software

By Gleb Bahmutov

An Introduction To Go

By Dave MacFarlane

Creating a Database with Django ORM

By Susan Ibach

Creating Bots

By Christopher Harrison

Get Your SVGs Up & Moving

By Sarah Etter

Four Weird Things About Time

By Andrew Burke

Ruby on Rails at 1,000,000 Lines of Code

By Brad Urani

I forgot how to do SQL, and you can too!

By Christopher Neugebauer

Learn Unit Testing with Katas

By David Hayes

Docker and Java

By Anthony Dahanne

Making the Case for Refactoring to Non-Technical Managers

By Adam Juda

Introduction to Performance Optimization of .NET Web Apps

By Pierre-Luc Maheu

Extremely defensive PHP programming

By Marco Pivetta

Intro to highly available web apps

By Sean Coates

Cassandra - an introduction

By Hanneli Tavante

Toute la lumière sur le Shadow DOM

By Rodolphe Rimele

Profiling Node Applications

By Sasha Goldshtein

Enterprise learning can be fun

By Christophe Philemotte

Machine learning for Music performance

By Fred Cecilia

Creating a responsive application using Reactive Extensions

By Tamir Dresher

Tales from Python core security

By Christian Heimes

HTML5 APIs You've Never Heard Of

By Drew McLellan

MySQL Replication Evolution

By Dave Stokes

The hidden secrets of project rescue

By Yann Larrivee

Death By Specification

By Steve Jackson

Preparing your data for Machine Learning

By Susan Ibach

Getting Started with Symfony 3

By Hugo Hamon

Le Web & les troubles de l'attention : un handicap invisible

By Damien Senger

Like a Fish in Water With ASP.NET Core

By Roland Guijt

Putting Hypermedia Back in REST with JAX-RS

By Sebastian Daschner

ElasticSearch In Action

By Thijs Feryn

A taste of ES6: the language and the tools

By Rob Richardson

Working In The World Of Responsive Design

By Haris Mahmood

Machine Learning for the rescue

By Mariusz Gil

How I Finally Started Using the Magic of Ruby

By Andrew Burke

Search-First Writing for Developers

By Heidi Waterhouse

Accessible & Usable Web Forms. Your How To Guide!

By Rabab Gomaa

Intermediate Laravel Tips and Tricks

By Mathieu Dumoulin

Construire une application Ionic sans perdre la raison

By Stéphanie Walter

HTTP/2.0 101 Introduction

By Bastian Hofmann

Testing When The World Is Watching

By Elizabeth Zagroba

Modern Linux Tracing Landscape

By Sasha Goldshtein

Functional Programming Ideas for Object-Oriented Ruby

By Anne Johnson

Refactoring vers les Design patterns

By Eric De Carufel

Database 101

By Dave Stokes

A Remote Chance of Success

By VM (Vicky) Brasseur

Crystal clear service interfaces with Swagger/OpenAPI

By Scott Triglia

A Survey of Terrible SAAS Pricing Pages

By Adam Juda

Forget your tasks with confidence, with Getting Things Done

By David Zuelke

React et l'écosystème RRRR

By Benjamin Dreux

Divide and Conquer - Your Business Code and your Framework

By Andreas Hucks

A Handy Look at Hanami

By Jason Charnes

Cryptography Pitfalls

By John Downey

Stop Writing More Tests!

By Christopher Neugebauer

Cloud Native Java

By Josh Long

Becoming a Polyglot

By Kirsten Hunter

Techniques for Cross Platform .Net Development

By Jeremy Hutchinson

Développeurs web, je vous présente... le monde réel!

By Jean-Philippe Côté

3D on the Web

By Denis Grigor

Real-Time Monitoring with Grafana, StatsD and InfluxDB

By Artur Caliendo Prado


By Christopher Swenson

Hello, my name is Joël.

By Joël Perras

The Map App: Visualizing Geographic Data

By Sarah Etter

Ruby for the Industry

By Antonio Chavez

Nouveau socle pour une nouvelle vie

By Mikael Randy

Faster Java EE Builds with Gradle

By Ryan Cuprak


10:00AM - 10:45AM

Build a Web API with Hanami


9:00AM - 09:45AM

Enterprise Learning Can Be Fun


List all speaker decks from ConFoo MTL 2017

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