tobisamuel / events

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Events App - FrontEnd

This is a NextJS, TS and TailwindCSS project.

Getting Started

This project uses yarn workspaces as default monorepo architecture.

First clone the repo

git clone

Install all dependencies

yarn install

Run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev


As you know by now that this is a typescript based project. Please all types must be created separately in the @types directly outside of the componentss folder. If your components require a custom type, create them inside a folder called types or @types and export it to be used somewhere else.

Commit Standards

Check the .github folder in the repository to check the commit template.


  • dev -> pr this branch for everything frontend related
  • main -> dont touch this branch, this is what is running in production.


events-app is open to contributions, but I recommend creating an issue or replying in a comment to let us know what you are working on first that way we don't overwrite each other.

Contribution Guidelines

  1. Clone the repo git clone
  2. Open your terminal & set the origin branch: git remote add origin
  3. Pull origin git pull origin dev
  4. Create a new branch for the task you were assigned to, eg TicketNumber/(Feat/Bug/Fix/Chore)/Ticket-title : git checkout -b ZA-001/Feat/Sign-Up-from
  5. After making changes, do git add .
  6. Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message : git commit -m "your commit message".
  7. To make sure there are no conflicts, run git pull origin dev.
  8. Push changes to your new branch, run git push -u origin ZA-001/Feat/Sign-Up-from.
  9. Create a pull request to the dev branch not main.
  10. Ensure to describe your pull request.
  11. If you've added code that should be tested, add some test examples.


Under no circumstances should you merge a pull requests on a specific branch to the dev or main branch

Code Explanation

API Calls

A separate folder called http which contains interceptor.ts and lib folder were created to handle any outgoing or incoming http request/response. the lib folder should contain all outgoing API calls to the backend server.

❗❗Do not create any custom http calls inside a page or components. Whatever calls that need to be processed by the server should be called within the lib folder.


Within this file contains a MainLayout component, rather than calling Footer, Sidebar, TopBar component on every file manually, all you have to do is first invoke the <MainLayout> component inside any page before adding the children of that page.

for example

import MainLayout from "../components/Layout/MainLayout";

function Home() {
  return (
    <MainLayout className="">
      <p className="text-dark-100">Home Page</p>

export default Home;



Language:TypeScript 98.2%Language:CSS 1.1%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:Shell 0.4%