tobikuyo / fp_study_notes_hello_github

Hello Github!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Study Notes

git CLI cheatsheet


Fork & Clone

  • Hit 'Fork' on this repo (it's in the top right!)
  • On your fork (it will say <your-github-username>/fp_study_notes_hello_github at the top of the page), click the green 'Code' button and copy the SSH option if you have already setup git in your terminal, or the HTTPS option if not.
  • Clone down your fork using git clone <what you copied> in your terminal

Make a Change

  • Move into the project folder with cd fp_study_notes_hello_github
  • Open it up in a text editor (if you have setup VS Code, you can do this from the command line using code .)
  • Make a change! In the students array, add a new JSON object with a key of "name" and string value of your name and another key of "github" and string value of your GitHub username to <your-cohort>/roster.json and save the file (Windows/Linux: ctrl+s / MacOS: command+s). See example below and in other cohorts' rosters.
  • Check the git status of the project with git status - <your-cohort>/roster.json should show in red as there are unstaged changes
        "name": "Loki Laufeyson",
        "github": "VariantL1130"

Stage your Change

  • Stage your change with git add . (or git add <your-cohort>/roster.json)
  • Check the status again - <your-cohort>/roster.json should now show in green as the changes have been staged but not yet committed

Commit your Change

  • Commit your change with git commit -m "add <your-name>". The -m is a flag for 'message' and you must leave a message with every commit!
  • Check the status again - there should be nothing to commit now but an indicator that your local version is one commit ahead of the origin. As it suggests, use git push to push up your work to GitHub!

Make your first PR

  • You made your own fork of this, now use the GitHub browser interface to see if you can make a Pull Request back to getfutureproof/fp_study_notes_hello_github. Try and request review from @getfutureproof-admin. We will merge your PR when we receive it!


Hello Github!