to-var / push-notifications-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Push Notifications Server

This server will create mock services that will allow you to test Push Notifications API in your local machine.

Server setup

  1. npm run install: Setup project dependencies
  2. npm run init: Create VAPID keys and base .env file.
  3. Copy the private and public keys into the generated .env file. (Do not hardcode or share these credentials).
  4. Copy public key to client/client.js in the constant VAPID_KEY
  5. Start the server with npm run start
  6. Open local server with npm run open-client:[your os] available options are (macos, linux, windows. You can also open the following url

API Endpoints


  • Type: POST
  • Endpoint: This is the endpoint used by clients to subscribe. Users will be prompted to authorize notifications from their site.

Payload object is built by the browser upon user consent:

  "endpoint": "",
  "keys": {
    "p256dh" :
    "auth"   : "tBHItJI5svbpez7KI4CCXg=="


  • Type: POST
  • Endpoint:
  • Notification body:
  "title":"Lorem in irure officia veniam laborum",
  "body":"Qui proident labore pariatur do incididunt ex fugiat ipsum. Exercitation tempor dolor adipisicing enim qui voluptate dolore magna",
  "tag": "officia-ea-nulla-esse"


Serves client html

Push custom notification to all registered clients.

Notifications overview

  1. Ask for consent flow: Notifications consent flow A service worker will be setup in the client upon user consent.

  2. Display notification flow: Handling pushed notifications Notification badge dismissal, click, and decision making take place on the service worker script.


Google Developers: Web Fundamentals - Web Push Notifications: Timely, Relevant, and Precise


Jose Tovar -



Language:JavaScript 70.6%Language:HTML 29.4%