tnntwister / dc-giveaways

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Discord Giveaways

Code for a small bot to manage giveaways.

Available commands

you can manage giveaways with custom commands :

  • setGiveway id summary : create or update the giveaway member list
  • giveaway id : launch a giveaway roll
  • lastGiveaway id : recall the last winner for a giveaway
  • listSubscribers id : list the members subscribed to giveaway
  • listWinners id : list the winners subscribed to giveaway
  • listAttendees id : list the subscribers to giveaway that can win to the next giveaway

🔔 Be careful : the id is unique, but if you mispelled it you will create another giveaway list.

How you should use it

  1. Create the new giveaway with a unique id

for example /set-giveaway march-2024-treasure Win a fabulous prize

  1. launch a giveway with this id

for example /giveaway march-2024-treasure

  1. Anyone can know anytime who is the last winner with the last-giveaway command

/last-giveaway march-2024-treasure

🎮 all commands should be available in your discord prompt once the bot is activated, appearing when you are typing a slash in your chat input.

How to install it in your discord server

You'll need :

  • a PostgreSQL database.
  • a NodeJs server, able to run services
  1. Populate your PG database with the dump found at /documentation/postgre.sql
  2. clone the repository
  3. Configure your Discord Developer App
  4. copy .env.example to .env, and fill all values
  5. declare a service on your service with the command node <path>/src/index.js
  6. install the bot in your serveur integrations.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%