tmvien / Millions-of-NYC-Parking-Violation-Analysis

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Almost 1,000,000 data points from this link is loaded into kibana API using opensearch API. The analysis was focused on the last 10 years, March 24, 2012 - March 24, 2022.

Here are all the command line arguments to deploy our script using Docker:

docker build -t project1:1.0 .

docker run
-e DATASET_ID="nc67-uf89"
-e APP_TOKEN=<app_token>
-e ES_HOST=<domain_endpoint>
-e ES_USERNAME=<master_username>
-e ES_PASSWORD=<master_password>
-e INDEX_NAME=<index_name>
project1:1.0 --page_size=1000 --num_pages=1000

Analysis 1 - Top 10 Types of Violations

Analysis 2 - Violation Trend in past 10 years

Analysis 3 - The Number of Violations by County

Analysis 4 - Distribution of Parking Violations in 24 Hours

Analysis 5 - Distribution of Fine Amount
