tmtsoftware / tcs-template-scala

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TCS CSW Template

This project implements a TCS template Assembly using TMT Common Software (CSW) APIs.


  • tcs-template-assembly - a template assembly that implements several command types, monitors state, and loads configuration
  • tcs-template-hcd - an HCD that the assembly communicates with
  • tcs-template-deploy - for starting/deploying the Assembly and HCD
  • tcs-template-client - a client app that sends commands to the Assembly

Examples in the template

This template shows working examples of:

  1. Create typed actors for each of the internal components in the TCS architecture doc: Lifecycle Actor, MonitorActor, Command Handler Actor, Event Handler Actor
  2. Submit messages: a. immediate completion b. query/subscribe for long running commands c. submitting a set of messages, returning a single final response
  3. Loading and using configuration with the configuration service
  4. HCD to Assembly CurrentState publish/subscribe
  5. Client app to exercise the assembly commands


Creating Typed Actors

The template code creates Typed Actors for the following assembly subcomponents:

Lifecycle Actor, Monitor Actor, Command Handler Actor and EventPublisher Actor.
Also actors for each command: SetTargetWavelength, Datum and Move.

Lifecycle Actor

The lifecycle actor contains all lifecycle related functions: functions that are performed at startup and shutdown. Loading configuration and connecting to HCDs and other Assemblies as needed.

Monitor Actor

Health monitoring for the assembly. Tracks dependency location changes and monitors health and state of the assembly.

Command Handler Actor

Directs submit commands to appropriate workers. Handles onGoOnline and onGoOffline actions (for now, going offline means ignoring incoming commands)


This command demonstrates how immediate response commands are implemented. This example command emulates the TPK Offset command.

Setup(Prefix("tcs.tcs-template"), CommandName("setTargetWavelength"), None).add(targetType).add(wavelength)

Parameter Types:

wavelength: double

targetType: enum(SCIENCE|GUIDESTAR)


This command demonstrates how long running commands are implemented. This example emulates the ENC Datum command.

Setup(Prefix("tcs.tcs-template"), CommandName("datum"), None).add(axes)

Parameter Types:

Axes: enum(Aximuth|Elevation|BOTH)


This command demonstrates how command aggregation can be implemented. This example emulates the MCS Move command. The command aggregates HCD commands: Point(axes) and PointDemand(Az, El).

Setup(Prefix("tcs.tcs-template"), CommandName("move"), None).add(axes).add(az).add(el)

Parameter Types:

axes: enum(Aximuth|Elevation|BOTH)

az: double

el: double

Event Handler Actor

This cannot be implemented fully until CSW Event Service becomes available. For now, events to be published are written to a log file.

Using the Configuration Service

The configuration service example code is in TcstemplateAssemblyHandlers.scala. A ConfigClientService is obtained at startup and the configuration is loaded in the method: getAssemblyConfig, which returns a Config instance.

The Config is supplied to the LifecycleActor's behavior when it is spawned. During the assembly initialize(), an InitializeMessage is sent to the LifecycleActor, and upon receipt a configuration value is read and sent to logger.

Support for State Reporting


Build and Running the Template

Downloading the template

Clone or download tmtsoftware/tcs-template-scala to a directory of choice

Building the template

cd tcs-template

sbt stage publishLocal

Deploying/Running the Template Assembly

Set up appropriate environment variables

Add the following lines to ~/.bashrc (on linux, or startup file appropriate to your linux shell):

export interfaceName=<machine interface name> (The interface name of your machine can be obtained by running: ifconfig -a | sed 's/[\t].*//;/^$/d')

export clusterSeeds=<machine IP>:7777

Install csw-prod

Clone or download tmtsoftware/csw-prod project to a directory of choice

cd csw-prod

sbt stage publishLocal

Start the csw-prod Location Service:

cd csw-prod/target/universal/stage/bin

./csw-cluster-seed --clusterPort 7777

Start the csw-prod Configuration Service:

cd csw-prod/target/universal/stage/bin

./csw-config-server --initRepo

Populate the assembly configuration

cd tcs-template-deploy/src/main/resources


Start the tcs-template Assembly

cd tcs-assembly/target/universal/stage/bin

./tcstemplate-container-cmd-app --local ../../../../src/main/resources/TcstemplateContainer.conf

Build/Run the Client App


The client app is not part of the CSW template. It was added with the following steps:

  1. Add the tcs-template-client project directory to the tcs-template project
  2. Add tcs-template-client to build.sbt and project/Dependencies.scala
  3. Add the App object code to tcs-template-deploy/src/main/scala/org.tmt.tcs.tcstemplatedeploy as TcsTemplateClientApp.scala. This is the same location as the container starting apps.
  4. Sbt build stage on the project will create the necessary scripts with jar dependencies to target/universal/stage/bin

Build Instructions

The build is based on sbt and depends on libraries published to bintray from the csw-prod project.

See here for instructions on installing sbt.

Pre-requisites before running Components

Make sure that the necessary environment variables are set. For example:

  • Set the environment variables (Replace interface name, IP address and port with your own values):
export interfaceName=enp0s31f6
export clusterSeeds=

for bash shell, or

setenv interfaceName enp0s31f6
setenv clusterSeeds

for csh or tcsh. The list of available network interfaces can be found using the ifconfig -a command. If you don't specify the network interface this way, a default will be chosen, which might sometimes not be the one you expect.

Before running any components, follow below steps:

  • Download csw-apps zip from
  • Unzip the downloaded zip
  • Go to the bin directory where you will find script.
  • Run ./ --help to see more information
  • Run ./ start to start location service and config server

Running HCD and Assembly

  • Run sbt tcs-template-deploy/universal:packageBin, this will create self contained zip in target/universal directory
  • Unzip generate zip and enter into bin directory
  • Run container cmd script or host config app script



Language:Scala 99.6%Language:Shell 0.4%