tmking / compare_migrations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Utility function to compare Rails migration files on a remote server against those locally. This is helpful for ascertaining which migrations will need to be run during a deploy.


  • You use zsh
  • You have a properly configured $fpath (more on this below)
  • Your local source directory has the same name as the app directory on the remote server


Clone the respository somewhere.

$ git clone git:// ~/.zsh/plugins/compare_migrations

Alternatively, you can create a submodule.

$ git submodule add git:// ~/.zsh/plugins/compare_migrations

Add the functions subdirectory to your $fpath. This should be done in your .zshrc.

$ fpath+=$HOME/.zsh/plugins/*/functions/*(N)

For tab completion to work, you'll need to add the Completion directory as well:

$ fpath+=$HOME/.zsh/plugins/*/Completion/*(N)


This plugin provides two commands, compare_migrations and diff-remote.

compare_migrations <remote server>

diff-remote <remote server> <remote path> <local path>


compare_migrations will only work when you're inside of the source directory.
