tminka / ScalaZ3

Binders and more to the Z3 SMT solver for Scala

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ScalaZ3 for Scala 2.10

This is ScalaZ3 for Scala 2.10 and Z3 4.3. Switch to the branch '2.9.x' for Scala 2.9 support.

Compiling ScalaZ3


You should have Java and SBT 0.13.x installed.


  1. Download Z3 source code from, compile it, and copy the headers and built library to z3/[z3version]/include and z3/[z3version]/lib respectively. (eg: z3/4.3-unix-64b/include/z3.h and z3/4.3-unix-64b/lib/

  2. Run 'sbt package' to create the jar file. It will be in 'target/scala-2.10/scalaz3_2.10-2.1.jar' and will contain the shared library dependencies.

  3. For testing, run

    sbt test


  1. Download Z3 source code from, compile it, and copy the headers and built library to z3/[z3version]/include and z3/[z3version]/lib respectively. (eg: z3/4.3-osx-64b/include/{z3,z3_api,z3_macros}.h and z3/4.3-osx-64b/lib/libz3.dylib).

  2. Run sbt package to create the jar file. It will be in target/scala-2.10/scalaz3\_2.10-2.1.jar and will contain the shared library dependencies. Make sure to compile with gcc and not clang (which may be aliased as gcc).

  3. For testing, run

    sbt test


Cygwin does not work for generating scalaZ3. Use Visual Studio instead, if the given dll does not work.

If you wish to use the given DLL for x64 architectures:

  1. Download Z3 4.3 release for 64bit Windows, and copy libz3.dll to z3\[z3version]-win-[arch]\bin and include\*.h to z3\[z3version]-win-[arch]\include\. (eg: z3\4.3-win-64b\bin\libz3.dll)

  2. If you wish, you can create scalaz3.dll by yourself by following these steps, else just use the current version and move to step 3).

  1. Create a new Visual Studio Project: Win32 Project, DLL, named scalaz3

  2. In the project menu, properties, platform, create a new one X64 from win32 settings, and set it up as default

  3. Copy-paste all *.h and *.c files from ScalaZ3\src\c to the folder where you created your visual studio project, e.g.: C:\Users\...\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\scalaz3\scalaz3

  4. Copy-paste all include files from the z3\[z3version]-win-[arch]\include directory, as well as all dll files from the z3\[z3version]-win-[arch]\bin folder to the project folder.

  5. In the Visual Studio interface, right-click the project, add existing item... and add all of the above.

  6. In project properties, configuration properties, C/C++, General, Other include directory, add both C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\include and C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\include\win32. You should have this jdk installed already. If not, download it there.

  7. Open the Visual Studio Command Line Prompt for x64 bits (Start menu, All programs Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio Tools, Native tool command line x64 for VS2013 or something similar)

  8. Navigate to the visual studio project (see step 4.) and run: dumpbin /exports libz3.dll > libz3.def

  9. Change the content of libz3.def so that the start looks like (use Notepad++ for example)

  10. Create the lib with the Visual Studio Command Line with the command:
    lib /def:.\libz3.def /OUT:.\libz3.lib
    and then add it to the project.

  11. Rename cast.c,extra.c, z3_thycallbacks.c and z3_Z3Wrapper.c with the *.cpp extension

  12. Change (*ENV)->get....(ENV, to ENV->get...( everywhere (ENV is a string which is not necessarily "env") in extra.cpp, z3_Z3Wrapper.cpp and Z3_thycallbacks.cpp. Fix other compilation errors if any.

    You can use the regexp to find
    and replace by
    The following four instructions also help to fix errors depending on your jni.h version and visual studio version:

  13. Change the quotes #include <z3.h> to #include "z3.h" in cast.h,extra.h, z3_thycallbacks.h, z3_thycallbacks.cpp and z3_Z3Wrapper.cpp.

  14. Add #include "stdafx.h" at the very beginning of cast.h, z3_thycallbacks.cpp, extra.cpp and casts.cpp

  15. Remove all inline keywords in cast.cpp and cast.h

  16. Locate line 27 in Z3_thycallbacks.cpp and change (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, pc); to pc;.

  17. Now compiling (Project menu, generate the solution) gives the DLL in the following repository (Note that this is the "solution" folder, not the "project" one)
    C:\Users\...\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\scalaz3\x64\Debug

  18. Copy the scalaZ3.dll from step 17 to ScalaZ3/lib-bin and replace the existing dll.

  19. Remove C:\cygwin\bin from the PATH environment variable so that when invoking sbt it makes sure that no cygwin is involved.

  1. Run to create the jar file. It will end up in 'target/scala2.10/scalaz3_2.10-2.1.jar' and will contain the shared library dependencies.

    sbt package //fails at some point because it cannot run gcc sbt packageBin // Uses the correct dll

  2. Run the tests with

    sbt test


Binders and more to the Z3 SMT solver for Scala


Language:Scala 46.2%Language:C 39.3%Language:Java 14.5%