tmick0 / sm_customvotes

A sourcemod plugin for configurable voting

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A sourcemod plugin for configurable voting.



sm_customvotes_enable: 0 to disable, 1 to enable (default 0)

sm_customvotes_config: path to the config file, relative to the game root


sm_customvotes_reload: force reloading the config file

Vote specification

The config file uses SMC key-value syntax. Each custom vote has the following fields:

ratio: required ratio of yes votes for the vote to pass (optional, default 0.5)

vote_text: message to be displayed when the vote is running (template, optional, default "${vote_voter} has voted to ${vote_name} (${vote_count} votes / ${vote_required} needed)")

pass_text: message to be displayed when the vote completes with the necessary number of votes (template, optional, default "Vote to ${vote_name} has passed")

fail_text: message to be displayed when the vote completes without the necessary number of votes (template, optional, default "Vote to ${vote_name} has failed")

duration: length of time (seconds) before voting concludes, special value -1 means unlimited (optional, default -1)

cooldown: length of time (seconds) required between attempts to run this vote (optional, default 0)

trigger: console command to register to initiate the vote (required)

arguments: ordered comma-separated list of arguments to the vote, which define template variables (optional, see syntax in next section)

command: console command to execute when the vote passes (template, required)

Additionally, each vote has a name, which comes from the key corresponding to its specification block.

For example:

  "Stab Stab Zap"
    "ratio" "0.60"
    "trigger" "votestabstabzap"
    "command" "exec custom/foo/bar.cfg"
  "Mute Player"
    "ratio" "0.60"
    "vote_text" "${vote_voter} has voted to mute ${target_name} (${vote_count} votes / ${vote_required} needed)"
    "pass_text" "Vote to mute ${target_name} has passed"
    "duration" "120"
    "cooldown" "240"
    "trigger" "votemute"
    "arguments" "target_name:target"
    "command" "sm_silence ${target_name}"

Template syntax

The above fields tagged as template accept variable substitutions with the ${var} syntax.

A number of variables are predefined:

vote_name: name of the vote, from the key of its spec block

vote_count: number of "yes" votes received

vote_required: number of votes required for the measure to pass

vote_voter: name of the player whose vote is currently being processed (nominally available only in the context of the text template)

The arguments field allows parameters to be passed when initiating the vote, which will become variables in that vote's context. The arguments field accepts a comma-separated list of argument specifications of the form identifier [ ":" type ] [ "=" value ], i.e. a required identifier name followed by two optional fields: a :-prefixed type, and a =-prefixed value.

The identifier may include alphanumeric and underscore; type lowercase alpha, and value any character except the comma.

If type is specified as one of the below known types, the argument will be validated against one of the following rules before initiating the vote:

  • target: The argument must identify a single target player (uses FindTarget)
  • number: The argument must parse successfully as a float
  • integer: The argument must parse successfully as an integer

If value is specified, the argument is optional. Optional arguments must follow required arguments if both are used.


  • target_name:target: specifies one variable called target_name, which must validate as a target
  • message=hello world: specifies one variable called message, which defaults to "hello world" and has no validation rules
  • duration:number=15.0: specifies one variable called duration, which defaults to 15.0 and must be a number
  • target_name:target,duration:number=15.0: requires the target_name argument as above, and optionally the duration argument


A sourcemod plugin for configurable voting

License:GNU General Public License v3.0