tmhglnd / mercury-playground

The Mercury live coding environment running in the browser

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Print current randomSeed

idontknoweider opened this issue · comments


I believe that being able to print the current randomSeed could be useful. I personally would like so to be able to explore and be able to save some seeds that were useful, so that later on I can use them again or share them. So that 'cool' randomness is not lost.


This is now possible in 2cf53e7 with getSeed(). Below is a little example on how you can generate a random randomSeed and then print it to see what it was for re-use later.

set scale minor a

// generate a random seed between 1000-10000
set randomSeed random(1 1000 10000)

// print the seed to the console
print getSeed()

list notes random(8 0 12)
new synth saw time(1/16) note(notes 1)