tlringer / proof-demos

Repository where I'll collect some demos of proof assistants that I show to various people in order to spread the magic

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Proof assistants are great. You can use them to prove critical properties about large software systems (like the absence of certain costly or dangerous bugs). The act of proving critical properties about a software system is called verification, and the act of engineering large verified software systems is called proof engineering.

I like to work on automation for these proof assistants. The intro lecture for my class (which is just twenty minutes long) is a good summary of what these proof assistants are and how they work, and what automation can do and why I care about it (and why I think everyone should care about it). It's a pretty good tl;dr of this repository, and probably watches well on 1.5x speed.

I'm going to write more stuff here though because I'm bad at not talking. And I'm going to drop some files in here that I use as demos for people who want to learn things.

How Proof Assistants Work

To develop a verified system using a proof assistant, the proof engineer does three things:

  1. programs in a functional programming language,1
  2. specifies what it means for the program to be correct, and
  3. proves that the program satisfies the specification.

The process of writing this proof is interactive: The proof engineer sends strategies (called tactics) to the proof assistant to solve an outstanding proof obligation, and the proof assistant responds with a new proof obligation. This continues until the proof assistant finds a proof that it can check.

Fun Fact: In my favorite proof assistants, the proof that the proof assistant discovers and checks in the end is actually a term in that same functional programming language that the proof engineer uses to implement the program. A proof proves a theorem when the term corresponding to that proof has the type corresponding to that theorem. So the proof checker is literally a type checker. Just, for a very fancy language where terms and types can express really beautiful things like induction, universal quantification, and computation of existing terms in the program. Like you can write a type like "for all n, the length of appending two lists of length n is 2 * n," and that type is inhabited precisely by the proofs that such a statement holds. This badass correspondence between programs and proofs is called the Curry-Howard Isomorphism. Boom, baby.

Separation of Concerns

OK so what's really, really cool about the process of writing these proofs is that these tools have this beautiful separation of concerns between producing the proof and checking the proof. The proof checker is a small logical kernel that can be vetted by a human---this and the specification that one proves are the trusted parts, which is why human vetting is important.

What this means is that the rest of the process is trustworthy, not just trusted. Like, we can stick arbitrarily fancy automation on top of the process of producing the proof, as long as we don't touch the kernel, and as long as we vet our specification in the end.

Fun Fact: This separation of concerns is called the de Bruijn criterion, if you're curious. Yes, I'm pretty sure it's because of the same de Bruijn dude who did literally everything else.

Tell Me More About Automation

Proof automation is my jam, like I teach a whole class on it. Check it out if you're intersted! The schedule of that class is basically set up to read like a textbook. At the bottom of each page for each reading or hacking session, there's a link to the previous session and to the next session. This took me hundreds of hours to put together so I do appreciate people reading it and doing the exercises.

The tactics I mentioned earlier are one traditional kind of automation people write---and these tactics can pretty much encode arbitrary search procedures (like literally whatever you want to write in OCaml) as long as, in the end, they produce a proof that the kernel can check. We can think of this process of going from tactics to something that the kernel can check as a kind of compilation from a high-level language of search procedures down to a low-level language of proof objects or proof terms---kind of the binary of proofs.

So what kinds of tactics do people use? Typically things like decision procedures, domain-specific or program-specific automation strategies, more general proof strategies (like induction), and a whole lot more. But we can get way more creative than that.

Fun Fact: The first proof of program correctness was written by Alan Turing in the 1940s. He was a cool dude.

Oh? How Creative?

I recommend this podcast to hear some of my recent ideas, but like, some examples: A tactic can take a proof term as input and transform it to create another proof term, like quite literally a proof term transformation (a program transformation, but for proofs). We can use this to do pretty much whatever we could do to programs by transformation: refactor them, repair them, mutate them to find new proofs of new theorems, adapt them across libraries, compile them across language levels. We can even do wild things by the way like slap a whole-ass neural network behind a tactic or have a neural network produce tactics (neural automation working with symbolic automation as building blocks, which is very cute), as long as in the end we produce a term.

This is the blessing of de Bruijn. A whole world of automation to explore. An oracle to check the end result. Arbitrary power, but no loss of guarantees. This is why I love proof assistants.

Fun Fact: Polar bear fur is actually translucent, not white. (IDK I'm out of proof facts for now, and I like bears a lot.)

Some Cool Proof Assistants

A small sample:

Some Cool Verified Systems

An even smaller sample of the vast, vast literature:

  • Bagpipe verified BGP configuration checker, lest we try to bring the whole internet down again
  • CompCert verified optimizing C compiler, used in airplanes
  • Fiat Crypto verified cryptographic code, used in BoringSSL which is in Chrome and Android
  • seL4 verified operating system microkernel, used to make an autonomous helicopter resilient to hacking
  • DaisyNFS verified concurrent file system, extremely performant with strong guarantees

Can We Verify Machine Learning Systems This Way?

Oh, which part of the systems? I guess "yes but" is kind of my answer here.

The Models: So far, there hasn't been much work here, but I think there's a lot of hope for embedding models and reasoning about them interactively. IMO this shouldn't be much different from embedding a state machine and reasoning about it interactively, and there is a ton of work on embedding very large state machines while concisely representing them and avoiding state space explosion. I think one could do something similar for a large neural network, and I think it'd be fun. It'd also let you kind of interactively explore parts of the network. I want to try this one day with a small neural network to start.

The Training: Yeah there is existing work here and if there's anything you'd like your code here to do, this really isn't an issue, it should be totally doable. Interfacing with Python might be annoying though, and you're probably writing Python. Getting probabilistic guarantees might be somewhat annoying but it has been done. Thinking of useful specifications might be hard still.

The Framework: Yes you're all just compilers people in disguise. For sure it's possible to verify important properties of machine learning frameworks and languages this way. Not just possible, but also probably pretty tractable. Like we have so much work on verified compilers and languages. This would be fun.

But This Clashes With My Programming Workflow >:(

That's cool. That's why I'm so obsessed with making these easier to use. I think the future will feature a smooth continuum between tests and proofs, drawing on all sorts of automation with a nice interface to look a hell of lot better. I'm excited to build this future. I just want lots of people to help me out!


  1. If you want to write code in an imperative language, there are frameworks you can use for that, too. I don't want to get too much into how these are implemented, but Iris is a particularly useful framework for reasoning about imperative, possibly concurrent programs.


Repository where I'll collect some demos of proof assistants that I show to various people in order to spread the magic


Language:Coq 100.0%