tlipski / taxi-toolkit

A Clojure library designed to help with writing integration tests using clj-webdriver.

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A Clojure library designed to help with writing integration tests using clj-webdriver.


(ns example.test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [ :refer :all]
            ;; Require all symbols from the index namespace. It contains
            ;; all symbols from the taxi-toolkit.
            [ :refer :all]
            ;import separately, as importing this namespace requires selenium-server (e.g.
            ;[org.seleniumhq.selenium/selenium-server "2.48.2" :scope "test"]) to be present in classpath
            [ :as fixtures]
            [ :as url]))

  (fixtures/jvm-timeout-fixture 300)
  ;you can place your app starting fixture here
  (fixtures/webdriver-remote-fixture 30000 {:width 1680 :height 1050} {:browser :firefox}))

;; Declare all the UI elements on which you wish to assert later.
;; Functions (by-...) are so-called "selectors" - they return a map
;; in a form accepted by (taxi/find-element).
(def ui {:search-btn (by-ng-click "search()")
         :form       {:self   (by-class-name ".search-form")
                      :name   (by-ng-model "")
                      :age    (by-ng-model "")
                      :title  (by-ng-model "query.title") ;select
                      :active (by-ng-model "") ;checkbox
         :results    {:self (by-role "result-table")
                      :all-rows (by-class-name ".row")}})

(deftest user-interface
  ;; Register UI map
  (set-ui-spec! ui)

  (get-url (url/app-url "/form.html"))

  ;; (assert-ui) accepts a map, where keys refer to the UI elements declared
  ;; in the UI map, and values are an assertions (or vector of assertions).
  (assert-ui {:filter-btn          [is-visible? (has-text? "Filter")]
              [:form :name]        is-visible?
              [:form :age]         is-visible?
              :results             is-hidden?})

  ;; (fill-form) is a helper to quickly input text into multiple UI elements.
  (fill-form {:name   "Jorge Luis Borges"
              :age    "115"
              :title  {:value "Mr"}
              :active true})

  ;; syntax below will work too and preserve the order:
  (fill-form :name   "Jorge Luis Borges"
             :age    "115"
             :title  {:value "Mr"}
             :active true)

  (a-click :filter-btn)
  (wait-for-visible :results)

  (assert-ui {:form                      is-hidden?
              :results                   is-visible?
              ;; With the ^:all hint, assertions will be made on all elements
              ;; found with the given query.
              ;; `(each)` is a helper function to assert on each or all elements.
              ^:all [:results :all-rows] [(each is-visible?)
                                          (each (has-class? "result-row"))
                                          (each has-text? ["result1" "result2"])]})

   ;; If you need to use raw Taxi API to interact with UI elements, you can
   ;; use ($) and ($$) functions to get one or all matching elements
   ;; respectively, such as:
   (wait-until #(re-find #"cls1|cls2" (attribute ($ :search-btn) :class))))


taxi-toolkit consists of a set of helpers designed to reduce boilerplate code and improve readability of test suites written using clj-webdriver.

To use it, simply require an index namespace:

(require [ :refer :all])

UI maps

Obtaining reference to an element can be pretty verbose. taxi-toolkit provides set of helper functions useful in common scenarios.

In each test suite you first need to declare a UI map (or maps). UI map tells taxi-toolkit how to find each element(s) you need later in your test cases. Each UI map needs to be registered with tookit using set-ui-spec! function.

For example:

(def ui {:submit-btn (by-exact-text "Submit")
         :cancel-btn (by-exact-text "Cancel")
         :even-rows  (by-xpath "//tr[position() mod 2 = 0]")
         :menu       {:self            (by-role "user-menu")
                      :change-password (by-ng-click "changePassword()")
                      :log-out         (by-ng-click "logOut()")}})

(set-ui-spec! ui)

You can target decendants of top level UI elements (one level supported).

(def ui {:parent {:self      (...)
                  :decendant (...)}})
  • see the :menu element in an example above.


(set-ui-spec! ui-map1 ...)

Sets UI map (or maps) for use withing taxi-toolkit. This means that all toolkit functions such as $, $$ or assert-ui will br able to find elements using their label (which is a key in a map).


;; Find element
`($ :menu)`

;; Same as above (find element)
`($ :menu :self)`

;; Find decendant to :menu
`($ :menu :log-out)`

;; Find by x-path
`($ (by-xpath "//*[contains(@data-x, 'something')]"))`

Used to find one element matching the query. The preferred way of using this method is to pass the key(s) specifying element in the UI map.

Alternatively, you can use a selector directly.


($$ :even-rows)

($$ (by-xpath "//*[contains(@data-x, 'something')]"))

Same as $, but returns not one, but all matching elements.

Simple selectors

Selectors are simple functions that return the same map as accepted by taxi/find-element.

taxi-toolkit comes with a basic set of selectors, as well as set of selectors useful in Angular application testing. You can easily write your own. Don't forget to create a pull request then!


(by-attribute "data-src" "abc")

Finds element by any attributes value.


(by-class-name "class1")

Finds element by CSS class name.


(by-css ".class1.class2")

Finds element by CSS selector.


(by-id "some-element")

Finds an element by DOM ID.


(by-exact-text "Some label")

Finds an element which contents match exact text given.


(by-name "some-name")

Finds an element by name attribute.


(by-partial-text "lab")

Finds an element which contents contain given text.


(by-role "some-menu")

Finds element by its role attribute.


(by-xpath "//*[position=" 1 "]")

Uses all passed parameters (concatenated) to form an XPath expression.

Angular selectors

Set of selectors useful when testing Angular applications.


(by-ng-bind "some.thing")

Finds element by the value of ng-bind attribute.


(by-ng-click "someFn()")

Finds element by the value of ng-click attribute.


(by-ng-model "people")

Finds element by the value of ng-model attribute.


(by-ng-grid-header "Column 1")

(by-ng-grid-header "Column 2" 3)

If two parameters are given, finds a cell in a column with the header passed as a first parameter, and row number passed as a second parameter.

If no row number is passed, selects each cell in a column.

Complex UI selectors

Advanced selectors.


(by-label "abc")

Finds a <div> in a Bootstrap panel next to an element with the given label. I.e.:

   <div class="panel">
     <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-2">abc</div>
        <div class="col-md-10">This will be found</div>


taxi-toolkit contains a set of functions helpful in writing readable test cases.


(assert-ui m)

Accepts a map of element - assertion pairs. Each assertion will be run over given element.

By default, for each element key, one element is found. If you wish to assert on all matching elements, you need to use ^:all hint. See (each).

If, in the UI map, the element you want to assert on is a nested element, refer to it in a vector.

This function required UI map to be set.


(assert-ui {:submit-btn      is-hidden?
            :cancel-btn      [is-visible? (has-text? "Cancel")]
            [:menu :log-out] [is-visible? (has-text? "Log out")]})


(assert-nav el-vec url)

Clicks each element in a vector and then waits until current URL matches the given pattern. Assertion fails when webdriver times out.


(assert-nav [:cancel-btn] "/some-page-url")


Asserts that element has an attribute with the given value.

(assert-ui {:submit-btn (has-attr? "role" "some-role")})

Alias: has-attribute?


Asserts that an element has the given value.

(assert-ui {:password  (has-value? "Pass123")})


Asserts that an element is considered present (existing and visible).

(assert-ui {:submit-button is-present?})


Asserts that an element exists.

(assert-ui {:hidden-form-input is-existing?})


Asserts that selector matches the given number of elements.

(assert-ui {^:all [:even-rows]  (is-count? 3)})

Alias: found-exact-nr?, is-exactly-nr?


Asserts that an element is enabled.

(assert-ui {:submit-btn is-enabled?})


Assert that an element is not disabled.

(assert-ui {:submit-btn is-disabled?})


Assert that a <select> element allows for multiple selections.

(assert-ui {:known-languages allows-multiple?})


Assert that a <select> element doesn't allow multiple selections.

(assert-ui {:country-of-birth is-not-multiple?})


Assert that the page's title is as given. This assertion may not be made on an element, since it's asserting agains the <title> value of the page.

(has-page-title? "Welcome to the Jungle")


Helps with running the same assertion function over multiple elements. Can also be used to run one assertion on multiple elements and matching response to each item in a given vector.

(each assert-fn) (each (assert-fn assert-fn-arg)) (each assert-fn expected-values-vector)

Called simply with one argument, the assert-fn will run for each element matching the selector. See below.

(each is-visible?)

The assert-fn may be invoked in case itself returns an assert-fn. See below.

(each (has-class? "featured"))

Called with two arguments, each will expect a return value from the assert-fn to match against the corresponding item in the given vector. See below.

(assert-ui {^:all [:even-rows]  (each has-text? ["Row2" "Row4" "Row6"])})


Asserts that element is in focus.

(assert-ui {:submit-btn is-focused?})


Asserts that element is not in focus.

(assert-ui {:submit-btn is-not-focused?})


Asserts that element has CSS class applied. Only classes applied using a HTML class attribute are taken into an account:

(assert-ui {:submit-btn (has-class? "btn-success")})


Asserts that element does not have a CSS class applied.

(assert-ui {:submit-btn (has-no-class? "btn-danger")})


Asserts that an element is visible.

(assert-ui {:submit-btn is-visible?})

Alias: is-displayed?


Asserts that an element is hidden.

(assert-ui {:next-btn is-hidden?})


Asserts that element does not exist in the DOM.

(assert-ui {:submit-btn is-missing?})


Asserts that element does not exist in the DOM. (faster than the regular is-missing, but can not be used in assert-ui).

(x-is-missing? :loader-animation)


Asserts that an element is selected.

(assert-ui {:agree-checkbox is-selected?})


Asserts that an element is not selected.

(assert-ui {:no-insurance-please is-not-selected?})

Alias: is-deselected


Asserts that element contains the given text.

(assert-ui {:submit-btn (has-text? "Submit")})


When an action is performed, you often want to assert on the UI after it becomes stable, i.e. no elements are added/removed without the next interaction. This set of helpers will let you wait for various criteria to be met, and perform assertions or other actions only afterwards.


(wait-and-click :menu :log-out)

Waits for an element to appear in the DOM, then clicks it.

Same as:

(wait-for :menu :log-out)
(a-click :menu :log-out)


(wait-for :menu :log-out)

Waits for an element to appear in the DOM.


(wait-for-enabled :menu :log-out)

Waits for an element to become enabled.



Waits for all Angular animations to complete.

WARNING: Due to the bug with angular-animate, this function currently simply waits for 500 ms before proceeding.


(wait-for-text "Sign out" :menu :log-out)

(wait-for-text #"(?i)sign out" :menu :log-out)

Waits for an element to contain the given text. Accepts either a string or a regular expression pattern.


(wait-for-present :log-out)

Waits for an element to exist in the DOM, and for it to become visible (present?). Convenient especially when asserting on an interactive element that was recently introduced in the DOM.


(wait-for-url #"/some-url")

Waits for the browser to navigate to the given URL. Accepts a regular expression pattern.


(wait-for-visible :menu :log-out)

Waits for an element to become visible.


(wait-for-removed :menu :log-in)

Waits for an element to be removed from the DOM.


(wait-for-class "active" :menu :log-out)

Waits for an element to have a certain class.


(wait-for-class-removed "disabled" :menu :log-out)

Waits until an element is missing a certain class.


(wait-for-element-count 8 :menu :items)

Waits until the number of elements found by selector matches the expected count.



(a-click :menu :log-out)

Works like taxi/click for elements such as <a> or <button>, and like click-not-clickable for other elements.


(a-text ($ :menu :log-out))

Works like taxi/text for elements such as <div> or <p>, and like taxi/value for form elements like <input>.


(classes ($ :menu :log-out))


(click-non-clickable ($ :menu :log-out))

Clicks elements that are not anchors or buttons. Works by moving the cursor on top of that element, then pressing and releasing a mouse button.

Returns list of CSS classes given element has applied directly (via an attribute).


Similar to taxi/quick-fill, but elements are referenced using label from UI map.


(set-ui-map! {:username (by-ng-model "user.username")
              :password (by-ng-model "user.password")})

(fill-form {:username "jorge.luis.borges"
            :password "tiger"})


Given an input element, presses backspace key as many times as it takes to clear it.

(clear-with-backspace :some-el)


A Clojure library designed to help with writing integration tests using clj-webdriver.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%