tlepple / cli_assist

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • This was built and tested on Docker Version 19.03.8
  • This assumes you already have Docker installed.
  • All steps below are run from a terminal window

Docker Setup Steps:

# Pull docker image centos 7
docker pull centos:7

# Create a docker volume to persist data
docker volume create cli-assist-vol1

# inspect volume
docker volume inspect cli-assist-vol1

# list volumes
docker volume ls

# run a new docker container with this volume from centos image

 docker run -it \
  --name centos_cli_assist \
  --mount source=cli-assist-vol1,target=/app \
  centos:7 bash

Pull git repo into this new container to setup CDP Pre-Reqs

# install git 
yum install -y git
cd /app
git clone
cd /app/cli_assist

Install cli tool into this docker container

cd /app/cli_assist

# run the build
. provider/aws/

Test that it is working for cli items

# python
python3.7 --version

# aws
aws --version

cdp --version

Usefull docker command reference:

# list all containers on host
docker ps -a

#  start an existing container
docker start centos_cli_assist

# connect to command line of this container
docker exec -it centos_cli_assist bash

#list running container
docker container ls -all

# stop a running container
docker container stop centos_cli_assist

# remove a docker container
docker container rm centos_cli_assist

# list docker volumes
docker volume ls

# remove a docker volume
docker volume rm cli-assist-vol1



Language:Shell 100.0%