tlawand / crypto_wallet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multi-Currency Crypto Wallet

About this wallet

This wallet was written in Python3 using the bit and libraries. It allows the user to derive their wallets for around 300 crypto currencies using their mnemonic phrase only.

It also enables users to send BTC and ETH over the test networks (for ETH, users need to have a local network running on localhost:8545).

There are four main functions that make up the wallet, of which the user will be using three (derive_wallets, priv_key_to_account, and send_tx).

To send a transaction, the user will need to first derive their wallets using the derive_wallets function. Then, the user will need to get the account from the private key for their desired network (BTC or ETH test networks) using the priv_key_to_account function. Lastly, the user will need to use the send_tx function to send a transaction to another account on the testnet.

Main functions used

Derive wallets from mnemonic phrase

def derive_wallets(mnemonic, coin, num_keys):
    p = subprocess.Popen(
        f'./derive -g --mnemonic="{mnemonic}" --coin={coin} \
            --numderive={num_keys} --format=json',
    (output, _) = p.communicate()

    return json.loads(output)

Get account from private key

def priv_key_to_account(coin, priv_key):
    if coin == ETH:
        return Account.privateKeyToAccount(priv_key)
    elif coin == BTCTEST:
        return PrivateKeyTestnet(priv_key)

Create raw transaction

def create_tx(coin, account, to, amount):
    if coin == ETH:
        gas_estimate = w3.eth.estimateGas(
            {'from': account.address, 'to': to, 'value': amount}
        return {
            'to': to,
            'from': account.address,
            'value': amount,
            'gas': gas_estimate,
            'gasPrice': w3.eth.gasPrice,
            'nonce': w3.eth.getTransactionCount(account.address),
    elif coin == BTCTEST:
        return PrivateKeyTestnet.prepare_transaction(
            [(to, amount, BTC)]

Sign and send transaction

def send_tx(coin, account, to, amount):
    raw_tx = create_tx(coin, account, to, amount)
    signed_tx = account.sign_transaction(raw_tx)
    if coin == ETH:
        return w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
    elif coin == BTCTEST:
        return NetworkAPI.broadcast_tx_testnet(signed_tx)

Test transactions sent

BTC (Testnet)

from wallet import *
account = priv_key_to_account('btc-test', 'cVbFWg3ixkMkRfHT5hEikEzvg5pcprD4wueN9sc2FgcpY3Nhp6yR')

# transaction 1
send_tx(coin=BTCTEST, account=account, to='mhAQDXGeMu5Nb7Ewz8z1HSM7VhcDLiaBMz', amount=0.0001)

# transaction 2
send_tx(coin=BTCTEST, account=account, to='mhAQDXGeMu5Nb7Ewz8z1HSM7VhcDLiaBMz', amount=0.003)

Sending BTC over the testnet in the terminal

Confirmation of BTC transaction 1

Confirmation of BTC transaction 2

ETH (on local testnet)

from wallet import *
account2 = priv_key_to_account('eth', '0x9882016626cbbff782d07fb927917ff21f406add2ff5b82928a70b2df921fdf8')

# transaction 1
send_tx(coin=ETH, account=account2, to='0x4509f5A86E81fC3bf8458b8Bba21bF9694aA89B3', amount=5)

# transaction 2
send_tx(coin=ETH, account=account2, to='0x4509f5A86E81fC3bf8458b8Bba21bF9694aA89B3', amount=int(5e18))

Sending ETH over the testate in the terminal

Confirmation of ETH transaction 1

Confirmation of ETH transaction 2


The required Python packages can be installed using pip3 install -r requirements.txt after navigating to the wallet's directory from the terminal.

As for hd-wallet-derive, installation instructions follow (assuming that PHP is already installed).

  • Navigate to the Github website for the hd-wallet-derive library and scroll down to the installation instructions.


  • Next, open a terminal and execute the following commands. If you are using Windows, you will need to open the git-bash GUI via C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe directly to enable something called tty mode that makes the terminal more compatible with Unix systems. Once installed, you may move back to using the usual git-bash terminal.
git clone
cd hd-wallet-derive
php -r "readfile('');" | php
php -d pcre.jit=0 composer.phar install
  • You should now have a folder called hd-wallet-derive containing the PHP library.

To be able to run a local ETH testnet, you can either install Ganache or Go Ethereum



Language:Python 100.0%