tlangfor / tlangfor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About me

I'm a Research Computing Facilitator and recovering academic at the Yale Center for Research Computing. Coming from the data-intensive field of nuclear and particle physics I have an interest in helping researchers wrangle their computing needs.

I spent 15 years working on developing instrumentation to detect interactions from neutrons and neutrinos. After building these detectors I found myself needing software tools to collect, manage, simulate, and analyze large volumes of data. This lead me to working on a variety of HPC systems, mainly in a high-throughput mode of parallel computing.

After getting a taste of HPC, I got pulled into the world of research support, first for my colleagues and then as a part-time member of YCRC. I discovered that I really enjoyed helping people learn about HPC, and in early 2022 took the leap to join YCRC full-time.

Since becoming a full-time RCF I have taken a deep dive into tightly coupled parallel workflows and applying an experimentalist mentality to cluster benchmarking and node profiling. I currently help maintain YCRC's largest cluster, Grace, which hosts all our MPI-based workflows.
