tladesignz / FullyNoded

A Bitcoin Core GUI for iOS devices. Allows you to connect to and control multiple nodes via SSH or Tor

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FullyNoded BETA

A feature rich Bitcoin app which is 100% powered by your own Full Node. Allows you to connect to and control multiple nodes and multiple wallets via SSH or a Tor hidden service.

There may be bugs, always decode your transaction and study it before broadcasting, ideally get comfortable with it on testnet first, I am not responsible for loss of funds. It is not even possible to broadcast transactions in the app.

What can Fully Noded do?

Its easier to list what it can't do, right now it does not include functionality for creating custom scripts or time locked transactions. Other then that it can do everything Bitcoin Core can do with the additon of some HD multisig functionality that is not really possible using only Bitcoin Core.

Join the Testflight

Download the testflight on your iOS device by tapping here

Download from App Store

Get the app


If you have questions, suggestions, or just want to talk about Full Nodes join the Telegram


These may be outdated but will give you the general idea, please contribute by making better tutorials.

Simple Install Using iTunes or XCode

You can download the IPA file here then you can install it directly to your device using either iTunes or XCode (you can also just drag and drop the ipa file onto a simulator in xcode).

Build From Source - Mac

First things first see if you have brew installed by opening a terminal and running brew help, if you get a valid response you have brew installed already. If not in your terminal run:

cd /usr/local


mkdir homebrew && curl -L | tar xz --strip 1 -C homebrew

Wait for bew to finish.

Next we will need to install carthage: Follow these simple instructions for installing carthage on mac

If you want to use Tor first you will need to use brew to install the dependencies for Tor.framework (if not you can skip to the next steps):

brew install automake autoconf libtool gettext


git clone

cd Tor.framework

git submodule init
git submodule update

carthage build --no-skip-current --platform iOS

You will need Xcode.

  • Install Xcode
  • You will need a free Apple developer account create one here
  • In XCode, click "XCode" -> "preferences" -> "Accounts" -> add your github account
  • Go to Fully Noded in GitHub click "Clone and Download" -> "Open in XCode"
  • Open Terminal
  • cd Documents FullyNoded (or wherever it downloaded to)
  • run carthage update --platform iOS and let carthage do its thing
  • When Carthage frameworks are installed (it takes awhile and its normal to get an error about xconfig something something) run the app in Simulator.

Connect to your Nodl's node

  • Gain root access to your Nodl by ssh root@nodl.local or ssh root@<insert your IP>
  • Create a password for the bitcoin user (if you have not already) sudo passwd bitcoin
  • The password you just set is the password you will need to add in Fully Noded as your SSH password
  • Your Fully Noded SSH User will be bitcoin
  • The SSH port in Fully Noded will be 22 (unless you customize it which is recommended)
  • The SSH IP in Fully Noded will either be nodl.local or your Nodls IP
  • Back to your Nodl
  • Switch user to bitcoin user su - bitcoin
  • Open your bitcoin.conf file nano .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
  • Now you can see your RPC credentials that you need for Fully Noded
  • rpcpassword is the RPC password in Fully Noded and rpcuser is the RPC user in Fully Noded, easy right?
  • RPC port in Fully Noded will be 8332 for mainnet, 18332 for testnet or 18443 for regtest.
  • Thats it, you should be connected, if it gets stuck on connecting at home screen just force close the app and open again.

Connect to your mac's node

  • Click Apple icon in top left of your computer
  • Click "System Preferences"
  • Click "Sharing"
  • Follow below image for instructions:

Connecting over Tor (mac edition)

  • This is only working if you build the app from source so first follow those instructions above.
  • You will need to install Tor on your mac, you will need to install brew first if you don't already have it, the instructions are included in the build from source instructions above, once you have brew installed open terminal and run brew install tor
  • Once Tor is installed you will need to create a Hidden Service.
  • First locate your torrc file, this is Tor's configuration file. Open Finder and type shift command h to navigate to your home folder and shift command . to show hidden files on your mac.
  • The torrc file should be located at ‎⁨/usr⁩/local⁩/etc⁩/tor⁩/torrc, to edit it you can open terminal and run sudo nano /usr⁩/local⁩/etc⁩/tor⁩/torrc
  • Find the line that looks like:
#ControlPort 9051

and delete the # so it shows

ControlPort 9051
  • Then locate the section that looks like:
## Once you have configured a hidden service, you can look at the
## contents of the file ".../hidden_service/hostname" for the address
## to tell people.
## HiddenServicePort x y:z says to redirect requests on port x to the
## address y:z.

  • And below it add:
HiddenServiceDir /Users⁩/yourName/Desktop⁩/tor/FullyNodedV3/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePort 8332

  • The HiddenServiceDir can be whatever you want, you will need to access it so put it somewhere you will remember.
  • Save and close nano with ctrl x + y + enter to save and exit nano (follow the prompts)
  • Start Tor by opening a terminal and running tor
  • Tor should start and you should be able to open Finder and navigate to your /Users⁩/yourName/Desktop⁩/tor/FullyNodedV3/ (the directory we added to the torrc file) and see a file called hostname, open it and that is the onion address you need for Fully Noded.
  • The HiddenServicePort needs to control your nodes rpcport, by default for mainnet that is 8332 or for testnet 18332.
  • Now in Fully Noded go to "Settings" -> "Node Manager" -> and add a new node choosing Tor and inputting your RPC credentials, then copy and paste your onion address with the port at the end qndoiqnwoiquf713y8731783rg.onion:8332
  • Restart your node and you should be able to connect to your V3 hidden service from anywhere in the world with your node completely behind a firewall and no port forwarding! Pretty private, pretty secure and not that difficult to do.

bitcoin.conf settings

  • Here is an example bitcoin.conf file best suited for Fully Noded:
#forces your node to accept rpc commands

#To get the most out of Fully Noded you should use it with a fully indexed non pruned node

#Choose any username or password, make the password very strong

#if you only want to accept connections over tor the following settings are needed (recommended)


  • If you get an "Unable to connect" error then ensure you input the correct IP, password, port and username into Fully Noded. Try and SSH into the node in terminal and issue a bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo command to ensure rpc commands are working properly, that the node is on, etc... If you have an issue in your server running bitcoin-cli commands then it will not work in the app either.

  • You will need to ensure your Bitcoin Core node instance is running on a machine that allows SSH log in via password. In order to enable that:

  • sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  • Find the line that shows: PasswordAuthentication no

  • and change it to: PasswordAuthentication yes

  • Exit nano and ensure you saved the changes.

  • Then run: sudo service sshd restart

  • Back in Fully Noded pull the home screen to refresh it and it should connect.

  • I am always keen to help people run nodes and connect to them, if any issues at all just DM me on twitter @FullyNoded or raise an issue here.

Security & Privacy

  • All network traffic is encrypted by default.

  • Fully Noded NEVER uses another server or uploads data or requires any data (KYC/AML) from you whatsoever.

  • Any information the app saves onto the device locally is encrypted to AES standards and the encryption key is stored on the secure enclave meaning even if a hacker got your iPhone and jail broke it they would still not be able to access any information that is saved by the app (at least that is the case up until this point, DYOR regarding iPhone security)

  • SSH is a secure way of connecting to your node. All traffic between your iPhone and the node are encrypted to a high standard. You can read more here

  • We highly recommend using a very strong password for SSH log in. SSH can be a target for hackers, if you have a simple password it will greatly increase the chances of the hacker to get access to your computer.

  • We highly recommend altering the port for SSH to a custom port, 22 is default. This will go a long way to prevent hackers from obtaining access to your computer. To do this:

  • On your nodes machine run: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  • Find the line that says: # Port 22

  • And change it to something like: Port 52120

  • Ensure your firewall allows incoming connections to this port. You can choose any unused port up to 65,535

  • Exit nano, ensure you save the changes, then run: sudo service sshd restart


Please let us know if you have issues, the app is designed to work with any node running on any machine and is not tailor made for one specific OS, therefore it is very flexible and different OS will have different nuances. We would like to know about them! Please share your experience.

Please feel free to build from source in xcode and submit PR's. I need help and my to do list is way too long. If you can not code then simply testing the app and making video tutorials would go a very long way.

Built With

  • NMSSH for SSH'ing into your node.
  • CryptoSwift for encrypting your nodes credentials.
  • keychain-swift for storing your nodes credentials decryption key on your iPhones secure enclave.
  • Tor for connecting to your node more privately and securely.

Changes v0.1.7

  • Clarifies whether user is importing BIP32 extended key or BIP44/BIP84
  • Add ability to create a blank wallet incase users want to import their own private keys
  • Add a "fee rate" label in Node Stats which displays the fee rate in satoshis per byte depending on the fee rate you set in settings (the app by default sets the lowest possible fee rate)
  • Add ability to export and import descriptors, this is a benefit for users to reduce the confusion of derivation schemes for extended keys and especially HD multisig wallets
  • The app now saves all HD wallet descriptors that you import into it so that you can easily recover them and import them into new nodes or other apps/bitcoin core.
  • Fix UI bug where node credentials would dissapear when navigating back after saving or updating a node, sensitive info like RPC password and onion address will dissapear when you navigate away, feature not bug.
  • The app now first checks for a list of your active wallets as its first node command, if there are mutliple wallets loaded that were not loaded using the app the user will be prompted to choose which one they want to work with
  • The home screen will only reload wallet specific RPC calls when user changes to a different wallet (eg the balances and transactions)
  • Major improvements to UX when user switches between multiple nodes and/or multiple wallets
  • Now you can tap your balances and the app will connect to Tor and fetch the USD/BTC exchange rate and display your balances in fiat for a short time
  • UI improvements and fixes
  • Add more structs to clean up the code
  • Add a "Reducer" class to reduce the amount of code and allow seamless Tor integration
  • Wallet name is now displayed as the "balances" section header on home screen instead of in "node stats"
  • Node label is now displayed as the title of the home screen instead of in "node stats"
  • Add ability for user to disable biometrics
  • Statusbar will now show white text throughout the app
  • Fixed a bug where QR codes were not getting saved/shared when tapping them
  • Fix a bug where getting an addresses info by label would not display the address info
  • Add ability to sign and verify messages
  • Add ability to encrypt your wallet, decrypt your wallet, and change the passphrase (this is not BIP39 passphrase)
  • Remove sweep option in "Send from Wallet", if you want to sweep do it in UTXOs
  • Add ability to add a V3 key auth as an extra layer of authentication for Tor nodes
  • Add a dedicated testing Tor node
  • Remove rpcport for tor nodes as its redundant
  • Add a kill button that resets the app, removing all saved data
  • Add ability to "clear bash history" which will clear all the Fully Noded related commands from your nodes server bash history
  • Add label to UTXO's

Changes v0.1.6

  • Enable hd musig functionality
  • Improve wallet manager UX
  • Improve UTXO UX by adding an info button that displays all the info about that particular utxo
  • Now the fee optimizer does not allow a fee less than minrelayfee
  • Fixed a bug where editing the amount in "spend from wallet" would result in poor UX

Changes v0.1.5

  • General UI/UX improvements and fixes
  • Code refactoring
  • Fix multiple minor bugs assocated with the unlock screen
  • Disallow simultaneous node commands when navigating the app
  • Improve ssh reconnection if connection timed out
  • Major rework to UX flow for importing keys

Changes v0.1.4

  • Update Tor functionality to work for Home screen
  • Update Tor compatibility with MultiWallet rpc calls

Changes v0.1.3

  • Fix fee alert that showed 101% fee overpayment instead of 1%
  • Fix UI issue when locking or unlocking your only remaining UTXO
  • Improve UI/UX for "Multi Wallet Manager"
  • Move settings for importing and invoices to "Incomings" where they belong
  • Fixed a bug that would not present importing keys table when importing an xpub whilst "rescan" was toggled on and user selected an image of the xpub QR from photo library

Changes v0.1.2

  • Fix a bug where joinpsbt view did not display due to a missing constraint
  • Add combinepsbt functionality
  • Improve UI for UTXO's
  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash when navigating from tabbar child view controllers, changing settings, then navigating back to main menu
  • Simplified the code for passing the SSH and Tor classes to all view controllers
  • Fixed a bug where amounts were not rounded returning an "Invalid amount" error from Bitcoin Core
  • Simplified the code in settings, no longer alter cell labels outside of cellforrowat
  • Add more utility functions in "Tools"
  • Improve UX when toggling "Add to Keypool" and "Import as Change" in importing settings to only allow combinations that Bitcoin Core will accept
  • Add ability to import public keys using importmulti descriptor based approach, wil import them as "combo" which imports all three address formats of the pubkey
  • Add ability to lock and unlock specific UTXO's so that they are not selected by Bitcoin Core coin selection algorithm when "spending from wallet", "create psbt" or "process psbt"

Changes v0.1.1

  • Automatically reconnect to your node when using the app if the connection dies for some reason, you should not see "Channel allocation error" again
  • Complete overhall of the UI, minimalist, cypherpunk ultra dark theme
  • Add seperate utilities options for "Blockchain" and "Wallet" tools
  • User can now utilize "getaddressinfo", "listaddressbygroupings", "getnetworkinfo", "getblockchaininfo", and "getwalletinfo" in Utilities
  • General refactoring for efficiency
  • Fixes a bug when creating a PSBT with a non default wallet.
  • Improved UTXO manager. Add ability to spend any amount from a UTXO instead of only sweeping it. Add smart fee optimization to UTXO spends.
  • Added ability to analyze PSBT's and Join PSBT's
  • Add ability to create a hot wallet.
  • Allows use of the app when disablewallet is set to true.
  • Add ability to create and import P2SH, P2WSH and P2SH-P2WSH multisig
  • Improve UI and UX
  • Remove decode transaction button from raw displayer, instead add dedicated transaction decoder in outgoings
  • Now when you import an xpub, the app will show you the addresses that will be imported before importing them and their index.
  • Tapping a confirmed transaction on home screen now gives you detailed info about the transaction where you can also bump the fee if its unconfirmed
  • Multiple minor bug fixes
  • Enables spending from P2SH, P2WSH, and P2SH-P2WSH multisig (for best experience import the multisig first)
  • Tap text fields to paste into them
  • Creating unsigned transactions with wallet are now replaceable
  • "Spend from wallet" now utilizes "fundrawtransaction" and take advantage of Bitcoin Cores coin selection algorithm and smart fee optimization
  • Allow user to spend from watch-only when doing a "Spend from wallet" and "Create PSBT"
  • Set a fee depending on a target number of blocks for "Spend from wallet" and "Create PSBT"
  • Creating a PSBT will now automatically be processed with "walletprocesspsbt"
  • Node statistics now show if you are reachable over Tor, difficulty, and the size of the blockchain
  • Previously we fetched the latest block from a third party API to get the sync status, now we rely only on your nodes "verification progress"
  • Mining fee is now set by a slider, based on target number of blocks (time) to get your transaction confirmed in. This utilizes Bitcoin Core smart fee estimation. The minimum fee possible (set by default) is 1008 blocks or 7 days, the maximum fee is 10-20 mins or the next 1 to 2 blocks. When signing a transaction in "Sign" the app will determine the fee for the transaction and then check it against your current settings and give you a warning if it is too high or too low based on your preference. All other transactions that you create in the app build in your preference to the transaction therefore no fee warning is necessary. All transactions built with the app have RBF enabled. The only caveat is if you build a transaction with inputs which are not part of the wallet (this is possible in "Spend with external"), in that case we add a buffer to the fee estimation when building transactions in this way so that it accounts for the added signature data.
  • When you "Spend from external" all fields are mandatory now.
  • You can now batch outputs from "Spend from wallet", tap the plus sign to add multiple outputs

Changes v0.1.0

  • Fixes buggy responses when changing settings for importing.
  • Fix crash when SSH not connected when toggling importing settings.
  • Now that home screen balance shows cold storage balance we check your utxos for spendable balance when sweeping during raw transaction creation.
  • Simplify the smart fee alert.
  • Issue all bitcoin-cli commands via curl over ssh instead of raw string in bash, this makes the app simpler and more reliable.
  • Users can now create a local network connection with a computer that has a node on it, connect to that network with their device and control their Bitcoin Core node over the local network with no internet connection.
  • Use importmulti instead of importaddress as importmulti gives better success/fail responses and adds more customization.
  • Displays 🥶 cold storage balance seperately from 🔥 hot wallet balance.
  • Display last 50 transactions instead of 10.
  • Remove need to input bitcoin-cli path as we are using curl now.
  • Fixes a bug that was not allowing user to tap QR codes to save/share them.
  • Add ability to use your RSA private key and public key with an optional password to SSH into your nodes host.
  • Error checking improvements.
  • Enable RBF by default when creating a PSBT.

Changes v1.49

  • Harden PSBT's

Changes v1.48

  • Coldcard wallet compatibility for importing xpubs from your Coldcard wallet into your node. On your Coldcard wallet you will need to insert an SD card, go to "Advanced" -> "Micro SD" -> "Dump Summary". Then create a QR code with either the BIP44 or BIP84 xpub, in Fully Noded inputting your master key fingerprint from Coldcard into Fully Noded settings. Go to "Incomings" -> "Import a key" and scan the xpub QR code, you will now be able to receive and create PSBTs for your Coldcard.
  • Added a fingerprint cell in settings so you can add a fingerprint for your master public key.
  • If you add a fingerprint the derivation will be xpub/0/0, if you do not add a fingerprint the xpub will be treated as a BIP32 extended key and your derivation will be xpub/0.

Changes v1.47

  • Bug fix where QR scanner did not self dismiss when scanning a QR while signing an unsigned transaction.
  • Fixes layout issues for log in screen when switching from landscape to portrait.
  • Add spinner view to PSBT tasks.
  • Bug fix where user could create a node with both SSH and Tor disabled.

Changes v1.46

  • Update to Swift 5 / Xcode v10.2.1
  • Replaced AES256CBC with CryptoSwift
  • Replaced Swift Keychain Wrapper with keychain-swift
  • The replaced libraries are not maintained/updated or as widely used, which is why we switched, this is a breaking change which forced us to delete all your previous node credentials and encryption key and use these updated libraries instead.
  • Automatically add and connect to a testnet node so users may test the app properly before adding their own node.
  • Added the ability to use Tor in the app to connect to your nodes hidden service, however this is only working in the simulator for now, if you can help debug why it is only working in the simulator please do reach out, if it does work on your device please do let us know about it.
  • Added "Utilities" button on the home screen which allows users to take advantage of the "multiwalletrpc" which allows you to create wallets, load them and unload them. When you create a wallet it is automatically loaded and the app will call all wallet related rpc functions to this wallet only. If you want to revert to using another wallet you can unload them and load the wallet you would like to use or revert back to the default wallet by tapping that option in utilities.
  • When the user creates a wallet in utilities it is by default a watch-only wallet with private keys disbaled and an empty keypool, which allows the user to import keys into the keypool and as receieve/change adresses making it very easy to create unsigned transactions (raw or PSBT) with the watch-only wallet.
  • Supports importing of BIP32 extended xpub/xprv. Importing an xprv DOES NOT import private keys as of Bitcoin Core v0.18.0 this is going to change in v0.19.0.
  • Allows users to enable or disable rescanning of the blockchain when imporitng xpubs.
  • Allows users to specify a range of addresses to import. For example you would import 0 to 99 to the keypool with change addresses disabled then import 100 to 199 with change addresses enabled.
  • PSBT functionality added, create (walletcreatefundedpsbt), process, and finalze.
  • Updated UI for creating raw transactions, unsigned transactions and signing transactions.
  • Updated the UI for home screen.
  • Changed the minus button to a play button, once you have filled out the necessary info to build a transaction just tap the play button to create it.
  • Updated the UI so that when you press the sweep button it diplsays the amount we will sweep from your wallet. We always deduct your mining fee plus 50,000 satoshis to the sweep amount to ensure we can bump the fee incase you set too low of a mining fee.
  • Updated the Node management flow, for some wallet functionality (createwalletfundedpsbt and signrawtransactionwithkey) we must use a curl command via ssh to send the command as raw data instead of a string. Therefore we need your rpcusername and rpcpassword to issue the http command to your local host. For this reason when adding node it is optional to first add your rpc credentials, if you do not add the rpc credenitals 99% of the apps functionality will still work but createwalletfundedpsbt and signrawtransactionwithkey will not.
  • Updated the error reporting, the error will now show up for 5 seconds and not blur out the entire screen, also the error is swipable so you can swipe it up to dismiss it.
  • Add ability to manually rescan the blockchain in "Utilties"
  • Add the 👀 emoji to any transaction that is controlled by watch-only addresses in the home screen.
  • Add a label to display the name of your rpcwallet in home screen (top left) that you either created or manually loaded in utilities.

How does it work?

Bitcoin Core includes a ton of functionality that is not shown to the user in the GUI, this functionality must be accessed by using the command line aka CLI, doing so can be quite tedious where tiny typos will return errors. Fully Noded does the hard work of issuing the CLI commands to your node in a programmatic and reliable way powered by the taps you make on your iPhone or iPad. The purpose of Fully Noded is to allow users a secure and private way to connect to and control their node, unlocking all the powerful features Bitcoin Core has to offer without needing to use CLI.

Fully Noded needs to connect to the computer that your node is running on in order to issue commands to your node. It does this either using SSH or Tor both of which encrypt all the commands going from your iOS device to your nodes computer. That way if a hacker decided to spy on your web traffic they would not know you are talking to a Bitcoin node or be able to decrypt the communications between your iOS device and node. These are widely used technologies and I would urge you to research them before using the app.

Connecting to your nodes computer is the first part, once connected Fully Noded then needs to be able to issue RPC commands to your node. It issues these commands to your local host over curl. In order ot be able to do that Fully Noded needs to know your RPC credentials which is why you need to fill them out when adding a new node to Fully Noded. Specifically Fully Noded needs your rpcusername, rpcpassword and rpcport (this may change in the future to use rpcauth instead). It is important to keep in mind the RPC credentials are only used to issue commands to your local host, there is no need whatsover to do any port forwarding for your nodes ports. You can actually run your node completely behind Tor, only accepting connections to other nodes over Tor and Fully Noded will still be able to connect to your node and issue commands, if you use SSH to connect to your node then of course you need to open your SSH port, if you use a hidden service to connect to your node then your nodes computer can be completely behind a firewall with no ports open at all.

Once Fully Noded is connected it will start issuing commands one at a time, here are all the commands needed to load the home screen:

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listwallets", "params":[] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://user:password@

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getbalance", "params":["*", 0, false] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://user:password@

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getunconfirmedbalance", "params":[] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://user:password@

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listunspent", "params":[0] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://user:password@

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getblockchaininfo", "params":[] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://user:password@

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getpeerinfo", "params":[] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://user:password@

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getnetworkinfo", "params":[] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://user:password@

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getmininginfo", "params":[] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://user:password@

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "uptime", "params":[] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://user:password@

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getmempoolinfo", "params":[] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://user:password@

curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listtransactions", "params":["*", 50, 0, true] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://user:password@

The method is a bitcoin-cli command and you can use this great resource to dive deeper into what they all do.

This is the code in Fully Noded from the Node Logic class which issues the above commands, if you look at it you will see a lot of commands that look like this:

reducer.makeCommand(command: BTC_CLI_COMMAND.listunspent,
param: "0",
completion: getResult)

The BTC_CLI_COMMAND.listunspent directly represents the bitcoin-cli command we linked to just above and the params represent the options you can pass with those commands. There is a single Connector.swift class in the app for connecting to your node and also single classes for issuing the commands to your node either over ssh or tor.


Once upon a time I tried using Glacier Protocol and was one day forced into having to move my deep cold storage (which was later lost in a tragic boating accident). I learnt first hand how nerve wracking it was and saw that much of what Glacier Protocol instructs the user to do manually as far as creating transactions is concerned should be automated by software.

That experience in combination with being constantly dissapointed by the lack of quality iOS wallets on the market caused me to make my own. I started out using an outdated library called Core Bitcoin and Blockcyphers API, this was less then ideal as Core Bitcoin was outdated and using Blockcyphers node to broadcast my transactions was not private. Thanks to some inspiration from fellow bitcoiners I came up with the idea of making a wallet that allows you to connect to a node to power it.

The purpose?

I am not here to tell you how to use Bitcoin, but for me the best use of Fully Noded is to utilize the import function to manage your HD mutlisig cold storage or as a watch only wallet for your hardware wallet. Not only does it include all the functionality you can possibly have as a watchonly wallet (build unsigned transactions, balance monitoring, and invoices) it also uses Bitcoin Core to help you spend your cold storage if you need to. Just build a transaction with the "spend from cold" switch turned on and then paste the transaction into "sign" and you can scan the appropriate private key and your node will sign the transaction with that private key. It also allows you to spend specific UTXO's, lock them, sweep them etc so you are in 100% full control of your cold storage and what gets spent.

When 0.19.0 is released you will also be able to import xprvs into your node, this means you can have multiple nodes each with one xprv from your HD multisig setup imported into it. Then with Fully Noded you can connect to those nodes to sign the multisig transaction without the need for manually scanning the correct private key as your nodes wallet will do it for you, because it is multisig it is relatively safe to have a minority portion of the private keys online too.

Fully Noded saves every HD wallet you import into it by saving that wallets descriptor which makes it easy for you to recover your wallet. Fully Noded also saves the descriptor so that you can generate HD mutlisig invoices deterministically, this is something that Bitcoin Core (nor any hardware wallet does), it is possible because Fully Noded saves the descriptor and the index of the last invoice you created, the user can simply bump up the index to get the next address (in the app see "incomings" -> "invoice" -> "HD Multisig").

When importing into your node your node imports all the scripts necessary to sign the transaction with so you do not need to worry about manually inputting the redeem script every time you need to spend, when it comes to signing it will automatically fetch the correct redeem script for you to sign with. This is all stuff you had to do manually before if using Glacier Protocol, now it is automated. This set up in combination with an offline seed generator (multiple hardware wallets) and recovery backups engraved onto steel make the most secure, private, trust minimized user friendly HD multisig set up available.


A Bitcoin Core GUI for iOS devices. Allows you to connect to and control multiple nodes via SSH or Tor

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Swift 99.9%Language:Objective-C 0.0%Language:Ruby 0.0%