tkych / donuts

Graph Drawing DSL (or Graphviz Interface) for Common Lisp.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Last Updated : 2012/06/29 21:28:17 tkych

Version : 0.3.1 (beta)

Donuts: Graph Drawing DSL (or Graphviz Interface) for CL


Donuts converts a graph represented by S-expression to the image. How to use donuts is simple. <> creates a node. -> puts an edge two nodes. && makes a graph by bundling some nodes, edges and graphs. $$ outputs an image of the graph.

For further details, please see index (Under Translation) or index-ja (Japanease) in doc directory.

The Goal of Donuts

Graphviz is a collection of library and utility for drawing a graph. Dot language is description language, used in Graphviz. Graphviz is very useful. However, I (as a lisp programmer) think there are some points to do kaizen.

  1. Since dot language is not Turing-complete, when we draw a graph, we don't take full advantage of the pattern in the graph.

  2. Because dot language is so-called compiled language, development cycle is inconvenient.

  3. Plain Common Lisp does not have ability to draw graph.

The goal of donuts is to draw graph in lispic way of thought (REPL, macro, CLOS, multi-paradigm style, and so on).


Installation & Start

  1. CL-REPL> (ql:quickload :donuts)
  2. CL-REPL> (in-package :donuts)
  3. DONUTS> (dot-output (&& (-> 1 2))) ;output dot code in standard-output
  4. DONUTS> ($$ (&& (-> 1 2))) ;output graph image to viewer


  • Node-Constructor, <> makes node from node's identity. (<> label) => node
  • Edge-Constructor, -> makes edge between nodes. (-> node1 node2) => edge
  • Graph-Constructor, &&, &, [&] makes graph with nodes, edges, graphs. (&& . nodes-edges-graphs) => graph
  • Shell-Interface, $$, $ outputs graph to viewer. ($$ graph) => NIL ;output image to viewer
  • DOT-OUTPUT outputs dot code in standart-output. (DOT-OUTPUT graph) => NIL ;output dot code


  DONUTS> (dot-output
            (& (:label "example")
              (-> (<> "a" :shape :box) "b" :color :red)))

  digraph graph_ID_41 {
    node_ID_39 [label="a",shape=box];
    node_ID_39 -> "b" [color=red];

  DONUTS> ;; Example from
          ($ (:outfile "cluster.pdf")
             (&& ([&] (:label "process #1" :style :filled :color :lightgrey)
                   (with-node (:style :filled :color :white)
                     (--> "a0" "a1" "a2" "a3")))
                 ([&] (:label "process #2" :color :blue)
                   (with-node (:style :filled)
                     (--> "b0" "b1" "b2" "b3")))
                 (->> (<> "start" :shape :Mdiamond) "a0" "b0")
                 (==> "a3" "b3" (<> "end" :shape :Msquare))
                 (->  "a1" "b3")
                 (->  "a3" "a0")
                 (->  "b2" "a3")))

   ; Create cluster.pdf & Output image to viewer

   ;; Example from
   ;; num-day: total number of days in month
   ;; starting-day: 0 as Sun, 1 as Mon, ... , 6 as Sat
   (defun generate-monthly-calendar (month year num-days starting-day)
     (let ((month     (generate-month-nodes month year))
           (luminary7 (generate-luminary7-nodes))
           (days      (generate-day-nodes num-days starting-day)))
       (apply #'&& (loop :for week :in (cons luminary7 (group days 7)) 
                         :collect (apply #'--> month week)))))

   (defun generate-month-nodes (month year)
     (<> (format nil "~@(~A~)\\n~D" month year) :shape :Msquare))

   (defun generate-luminary7-nodes ()
     (loop :for day :in '("Sun" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat")
           :collect (<> day :shape :egg :style :filled :color :lightgray)))

   (defun generate-day-nodes (num-days starting-day)
     (loop :for day :in (nconc (loop :repeat starting-day :collect "")
                               (loop :for d :from 1 :to num-days :collect d)
                               (loop :repeat (- (* 7 (if (and (= 28 num-days) (= 0 starting-day))
                                                         4 5)) ;for Feb starting Sun in common year
                                                     starting-day num-days)
                                     :collect ""))
           :collect (<> day :shape :box)))

   ;; from On Lisp, e.g. (group '(1 2 3 4) 2) => ((1 2) (3 4))
   (defun group (lst n)
     (if (zerop n) (error "zero length"))
     (labels ((rec (lst acc)
                (let ((rest (nthcdr n lst)))
                  (if (consp rest)
                      (rec rest (cons (subseq lst 0 n)
                      (nreverse (cons lst acc))))))
       (if lst (rec lst nil) nil)))

   ($$ (& (:size "8,6":rankdir :LR)
         (generate-monthly-calendar 'may 2012 31 2)))

   ; Output Calendar to Viewer

   ;; Example from
   ($$ (& (:rankdir :LR)
     (with-node (:shape :plaintext)
       (let ((a (<> (html (table :border 0 :cellborder 1 :cellspacing 0
                                 (tr (td :rowspan 3 :bgcolor :yellow "class"))
                                 (tr (td :port "here" :bgcolor :lightblue "qualfier"))))))
             (b (<> (html (table :bgcolor :bisque
                                 (tr (td :colspan 3 "elephant")
                                     (td :rowspan 2 :bgcolor :chartreuse
                                         :valign :bottom :align :right "two"))
                                 (tr (td :colspan 2 :rowspan 2
                                         (table :bgcolor :grey
                                                (tr (td "corn"))
                                                (tr (td :bgcolor :yellow "c"))
                                                (tr (td "f"))))
                                     (td :bgcolor :white "penguin"))
                                 (tr (td :colspan 2 :border 4 :align :right :port "there" "4"))))
                     :shape :ellipse :style :filled))
             (c (<> (html "long line 1" (br) "line 2" (br :align :left) "line 3" (br :align :right))))
             (d (<> "d" :shape :triangle)))
           (~ b c)
           (-> (@ a :here) (@ b :there) :dir :both :arrowtail :diamond)
           (-> c b)
           (-> d c :label (html (table (tr (td :bgcolor :red :width 10)
                                           (td "Edge labels" (br) "also")
                                           (td :bgcolor :blue :width 10))))))))))

   ; Output example to Viewer


  <donuts-code> ::= '('<output-op> <graph>')'|<node>|<edge>|<graph>|<html-like-label>|<tag>|<common-lisp-code>
  <output-op> ::= 'dot-output'|'dot-pprint'|'$$'|'$' <attr-list>

  <attr-list> ::= '('{<attr>}')'
  <attr> ::= <attr-keyword> <attr-value>

  <graph> ::= '(&&' <graph-elts>')'|'(&' <attr-list> <graph-elts>')'|<cluster>
  <graph-elts> ::= nil|<pre-node>|<node>|<edge>|<graph>|<cluster>|<rank>|<with>|<graph-elts>{ <graph-elts>}
  <cluster> ::= '([&]' <attr-list> <graph-elts>')'

  <pre-node> ::= <number>|<string>
  <node> ::= <pre-node>|'(<>' (<pre-node>|<html-like-label>){ <attr>}')'|<record>|'(@'<node> <port>[ <port>]')'

  <record> ::= '([] "'<record-label>'"'{ <attr>}')'
  <record-label> ::= <field>{'|'<field>}
  <field> ::= [<filed-port> ]{char}|'{'<record-label>'}'
  <filed-port> ::= <keyword>

  <port> ::= <compass-port>|<filed-port>
  <compass-port> ::= :n|:ne|:e|:se|:s|:sw|:w|:nw|:c|:_

  <edge> ::= '('<edge-cons> <node> <node>{ <attr>}')'|'('<multi-edge-cons>{ <node>}')'|'(?' <node>{ <attr>}')'
  <edge-cons> ::= '->'|'--'
  <multi-edge-cons> ::= '-->'|'->>'|'---'|'-<'|'O'

  <rank> ::= '(rank' <rank-keyword>{ <node>}')'|'(~'{ <node>}')'
  <rank-keyword> ::= :same|:min|:max|:source|:sink

  <with> ::= '('<with-op> <attr-list> <graph-elts> ')'
  <with-op> ::= 'with-node'|'with-edge'

  <html-like-label> ::= '(html'{ <tag>| <txt>}')'
  <txt> ::= <string>|<number>
  <tag> ::= '('<tag-cons> <tag-body>')'
  <tag-cons> ::= 'table'|'font'|'i'|'b'|'u'|'sub'|'sup'|'br'|'hr'|'tr'|'vr'|'td'|'img'
  <tag-body> ::= <tag>|<attr>|<txt>|<tag-body>{ <tag-body>}

Author, License, Copyright


Graph Drawing DSL (or Graphviz Interface) for Common Lisp.


Language:Common Lisp 100.0%