tktcorporation / simple-portfolio-generator

A repository where you can create a simple design portfolio by simply forking.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

spg Create a simple design portfolio automatically!


This is a portfolio generator made by extending the functionality of github/personal-website.

The goal is to convey more information to the viewers while keeping the beautiful design of the original as much as possible.

image image

Getting Started

Automatically generate

  1. Fork the takeda0125/simple-portfolio-generator repo.
  2. Open /config/config.yml.
  3. Write your username next to username: and commit.
  4. After the build, which starts automatically, you're done!


  • By default, up to 12 repositories with the highest number of stars will be displayed.
  • The background of the repository card will be the image if OGP is set, otherwise it will be white.
  • Regardless of the settings of ecxclude_repos, max_count_repo_show and exclude_fork_repo, skills will be generated from the language of all repositories except fork repositories.
  • After the build, a .log file with the list of repository names displayed and the auto-generated skills will be output to /config.


Using GitHub Pages, you can easily publish your portfolio.

If you set the repository name to {your username} and change the Setting -> Pages ->Source of the repository to gh-pages, the portfolio will be published at {your username}



You only need to work in the /config.


  • username: Specify the GitHub account from which you want to obtain the profile and repository data.

  • user:

    • bio: Overwrite the obtained bio.
    • email: Overwrite the obtained email. (I have anti-spam protection for the HTML, so it's probably safe.)
    • company: Overwrite the obtained company.
    • location: Overwrite the obtained location.
    • social_media: Specify multiple social network accounts, etc. in the form of media_name: username.
      If you want to specify accounts that are not supported, edit social-media.yml.
  • repos:
    # If you want to overwrite the obtained repository

    • repo-name:
      • description: Overwrite the obtained description.
      • bg_color: Specify the background color of the card.
      • language: If you specify "", Language will not be inserted into the repository card.

    # If you want to add an application published outside of GitHub

    • app-name:
      • html_url: Specify the URL of the app.
      • ogp_url: You don't need to specify OGP directly, but if for some reason you can't set OGP for the page with the specified URL, specify the URL of an alternative image.
      • bg_color: Specify the background color of the repository card.
      • description: Specify a description of the app.
  • exclude_repos: Specify repositories not to be displayed in the form of - repo-name.

  • skills

    • name-of-language-or-framework: Specify the skill description.
      If you want to specify a language or framework that is not supported, please edit the skill-logo.
  • exclude_skills: Specify skills not to be displayed in the form of - skill-name.

  • history: If set to true, the job history field will be added to the portfolio and the contents of /config/ will be displayed.

  • others: If set to true, the others field will be added to the portfolio and the contents of /config/ will be displayed.
    Write your self-promotion and other things that you cannot write in other fields.

  • system:

    • max_count_repo_show: Specify the maximum number of repositories to be displayed.
    • exclude_fork_repo: Specify whether to hide the fork repository.
    • sort_repos_by: Specify whether the repositories obtained should be sorted by the time of the last push or the number of stars.
    • titles: Specify the title and subtitle for each.


  • The description in repos can be written in MarkDown using multiline strings in yaml.
  • The order of the repos is: repositories obtained, apps added by config.
  • The order of the skills is: the ones with description specified in config, and the ones obtained automatically.


Set the accounts that can be specified in social_media of user in config.yml.

  • media-name:
    • profile_url_prefix: If this property is present, the link will be the URL concatenated with the string specified in config.
    • icon_svg: specify HTML such as SVG.


  • icon_svg is actually just HTML parsing, so it doesn't have to be svg.


Set the logo of the skill card.

  • name: Specify the url of logo.



Version History

  • 0.1
    • Initial Release


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details



A repository where you can create a simple design portfolio by simply forking.



Language:TypeScript 94.5%Language:CSS 4.0%Language:JavaScript 1.5%