tkkcc / dot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


a git wrapper to manager dotfiles, with solutions to

  1. multi host
  2. root folder, permission
  3. public version

here is all code, note that USER need hard code

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
g="git --git-dir=$d/git --work-tree=${DOT_DIR}"
    if [[  -d "$d/git" ]];then
        read -rp "remove $d/git? [y/N]" t
        [[ ! "$t" ==  "y" ]] && return 1
        rm -Rf $d/git
    mkdir -p $d
    $g init
    $g config --local include.path ../filter
    $g config --local core.attributesFile $d/attribute
    $g remote add origin "$1"
    $g fetch origin
    $g reset origin/master
    $g -C / status -s -uno "$@"
    $g -C / ls-tree -r --name-only ${1-HEAD}|sed 's/^/\//'
    $g commit -uno "$@"
    while read i;do
        [ ! -e "$i" ] && continue
        chown "$1":"$1" "$i"
        if [ -d "$i" ];then
            chmod "$2" "$i"
            echo "$1" "$2" "$i"
            chmod "$3" "$i"
            echo "$1" "$3" "$i"
    echo "update permission"
    chown -R "$USER":"$USER" "$d"
    for i in $l;do
        while [[ "$i" == "$HOME"* ]]; do
            echo "$i"
            i="$(dirname "$i")"
    done|sort -u|chmow "$USER" 700 "og-rw,u+rw"
    for i in $l;do
        [[ "$i" == "$HOME"* ]] && continue
        while [[ "$i" != / ]]; do
            echo "$i"
            i="$(dirname "$i")"
    done|sort -u|chmow root 755 "og-w,u+rw"
    unset IFS
    export DOT_DIR=$(mktemp -dp $d)
    $0 reset --hard
    c=$($g rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
    for i in $($g branch|cut -c 3-); do
        r="$0 rebase --onto master master $i"
        echo "$r"
    $0 checkout $c
    [[ "$1" == -f ]] && exec $EDITOR $d/filter
    [[ "$1" == -a ]] && exec $EDITOR $d/attribute
    a=$(list|sed "s|^/|$DOT_DIR|"|fzf)
    [[ -n "$a" ]] && exec $EDITOR "$a"
declare -f -F -- "$1" > /dev/null || exec $g "$@"


These environment variables may appear


There are three hosts: a laptop and desktop with root access, a server without root access


On laptop, use master branch

  1. dot init create a repository in $HOME/.local/share/dot/git

  2. dot add $C/i3/config $C/aria2 stage files

  3. dot status show tracked files

    new file:   home/bilabila/.config/aria2/aria2.conf
    new file:   home/bilabila/.config/aria2/aria2.session
    new file:   home/bilabila/.config/i3/config
  4. dot rm --cached '*session' unstage aria2.session for clean

  5. dot add -N $S; dot add -p $S select, edit and stage $S

  6. modify example to stage all, now dot status show

    new file:   etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/01-mouse.conf
    new file:   etc/default/tlp
    new file:   etc/grub.d/40_custom
    new file:   etc/hostname
    new file:   etc/hosts
    new file:   etc/intel-undervolt.conf
    new file:   etc/locale.conf
    new file:   etc/locale.gen
    new file:   etc/localtime
    new file:   etc/mkinitcpio.d/0.preset
    new file:   etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset
    new file:   etc/modprobe.d/0.conf
    new file:   home/bilabila/.condarc
    new file:   home/bilabila/.config/BaiduPCS-Go/pcs_config.json
    new file:   home/bilabila/.config/Code Industry/Master PDF Editor 5.conf
    new file:   home/bilabila/.config/Dharkael/flameshot.ini
    new file:   home/bilabila/.config/Genymobile/Genymotion.conf
    new file:   home/bilabila/.config/Mousepad/accels.scm
    new file:   home/bilabila/.config/SogouPY/env.ini
    new file:   home/bilabila/.config/SogouPY/phrase/PhraseEdit.txt
    new file:   home/bilabila/.config/SogouPY/sogouEnv.ini
  7. dot commit

  8. dot log -p recheck this commit, edit or remove for clean, then dot commit --amend

  9. dot remote add origin, should be private

  10. dot push -u origin master


On server, use branch h. First download or copy the dot script into PATH

  1. dot clone create $HOME/.local/share/dot/git, fetch, reset origin/master, without changing local file

  2. dot checkout -b h create branch h

  3. dot status show

    deleted:    etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/01-mouse.conf
    deleted:    etc/default/tlp
    deleted:    etc/grub.d/40_custom
    deleted:    etc/hostname
    modified:   etc/hosts
    deleted:    etc/intel-undervolt.conf
    deleted:    etc/locale.conf
    deleted:    etc/locale.gen
    typechange: etc/localtime
    deleted:    etc/mkinitcpio.d/0.preset
    modified:   home/bilabila/.config/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml
    modified:   home/bilabila/.config/aria2/aria2.conf
    modified:   home/bilabila/.config/clash/config.yml
    modified:   home/bilabila/.config/fish/
    modified:   home/bilabila/.config/fish/fish_variables
    modified:   home/bilabila/.config/fish/functions/
    modified:   home/bilabila/.config/fish/functions/
    modified:   home/bilabila/.config/fish/functions/
    modified:   home/bilabila/.config/git/config
    modified:   home/bilabila/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks
    modified:   home/bilabila/.config/htop/htoprc
  4. dot rm --cached -r /etc delete root files from index

    rm 'etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/01-mouse.conf'
    rm 'etc/default/tlp'
    rm 'etc/grub.d/40_custom'
  5. dot add -p edit and stage, there may be some changes that should be in master, just add it to h

  6. dot checkout -p unstage

  7. dot add .hushlogin track extra file

  8. dot commit

  9. dot reset --hard sync to local

  10. dot log --all --graph --abbrev-commit

    * commit 6361d26 (HEAD -> h)
    | Author: bilabila <>
    | Date:   Wed Apr 3 17:44:07 2019 +0800
    |     Wed Apr  3 17:44:07 CST 2019
    * commit c37abbd (origin/master)
      Author: bilabila <>
      Date:   Tue Apr 2 14:21:39 2019 +0800
          Tue Apr  2 14:25:10 CST 2019
  11. dot diff master h tell how to move from master to h


Pick some change from h to master

  1. set environment variable DOT_DIR to a tmp folder $A/dot/tmp(must exist), dot's working tree change from / to it

  2. dot checkout master -f move to master

  3. dot cherry-pick -n h apply commit h to staged and local, dot reset unstage all, dot add -p select, edit and stage

  4. dot diff --cached see picked changes

  5. dot commit

  6. dot log --all --graph --abbrev-commit show

    * commit f9ae0a9 (HEAD -> master)
    | Author: bilabila <>
    | Date:   Wed Apr 3 18:09:11 2019 +0800
    |     Wed Apr  3 18:09:11 CST 2019
    | * commit 6361d26 (h)
    |/  Author: bilabila <>
    |   Date:   Wed Apr 3 17:44:07 2019 +0800
    |       Wed Apr  3 17:44:07 CST 2019
    * commit c37abbd (origin/master)
      Author: bilabila <>
      Date:   Tue Apr 2 14:21:39 2019 +0800
          Tue Apr  2 14:25:10 CST 2019
  7. dot reset --hard reset unpicked changes

  8. dot checkout h move to h

  9. dot rebase master rebase h on master

    * commit e557f16 (HEAD -> h)
    | Author: bilabila <>
    | Date:   Wed Apr 3 17:44:07 2019 +0800
    |     Wed Apr  3 17:44:07 CST 2019
    * commit f9ae0a9 (master)
    | Author: bilabila <>
    | Date:   Wed Apr 3 18:09:11 2019 +0800
    |     Wed Apr  3 18:09:11 CST 2019
    * commit c37abbd (origin/master)
      Author: bilabila <>
      Date:   Tue Apr 2 14:21:39 2019 +0800
          Tue Apr  2 14:25:10 CST 2019
  10. dot diff master h compare again

  11. unset DOT_DIR change working tree to /

  12. dot reset --hard change real config

  13. dot push origin --all --force-with-lease upload


Return to laptop, on master

  1. dot fetch update local origin/master
  2. in tmp working tree, dot reset --hard, dot clean -fidx, dot rebase origin/master move master to origin/master
  3. unset DOT_DIR, sudo dot reset --hard sync to local
  4. sudo dot perm reset permission


Make a public version is a little different from branch h

  1. in tmp working tree, create branch public

  2. dot reset --hard, dot clean -fidx, dot rm --cached -r $DOT_DIR sync commit tree to working dir but empty index

  3. dot add $DOT_DIR -N, dot add -p select, edit(remove ssh key, replace password, access_token) and stage

  4. dot grep 1234 recheck

  5. dot commit

  6. dot reset --hard, dot rebase --root -i and squash all except first

    pick c37abbd Tue Apr  2 14:25:10 CST 2019
    s f9ae0a9 Wed Apr  3 18:09:11 CST 2019
    s 6f613d6 Wed Apr  3 18:38:29 CST 2019
    s f7bf473 Wed Apr  3 18:42:17 CST 2019
    s d791968 Wed Apr  3 18:54:08 CST 2019
    s 3baaf11 Wed Apr  3 19:08:52 CST 2019
    # Rebase 3baaf11 onto e15e32d (6 commands)

    this new tree contains no sensitive data

    * commit 2afe678 (HEAD -> public)
      Author: bilabila <>
      Date:   Tue Apr 2 14:21:39 2019 +0800
          Wed Apr  3 19:08:52 CST 2019
    * commit d791968 (master)
    | Author: bilabila <>
    | Date:   Wed Apr 3 18:54:08 2019 +0800
    |     Wed Apr  3 18:54:08 CST 2019
    * commit f7bf473 (origin/master)
    | Author: bilabila <
  7. dot remote add public

  8. dot push public public:master, first public is remote, next is local branch, master is remote branch, always specify remote when push

  9. dot push origin --all --force-with-lease push to private repository

  10. dot cherry-pick -n f7bf473..master, dot reset, dot add -p pick from master


git only track file, here is an example to readd folder, a is all to add, r to exclude

pacman -Qnettq >$S/yq
pacman -Qmettq | sed s/^/#/ >>$S/yq
  $C/Code\ Industry/Master\ PDF\ Editor\ 5.conf
  # $S/data
dot reset -q
for i in "${a[@]}"; do
  dot add -f -- "$i" 2>/dev/null
#dot add --ignore-errors -f -- "${a[@]}"
for i in "${r[@]}"; do
  dot rm --cached -rfq -- "$i" 2>/dev/null
for i in "${re[@]}"; do
  dot reset -q -- "$i" 2>/dev/null
dot status
echo '1. vscode setting'
echo '2. rclone sync $HOME/.local/share/fonts/ gd:fonts'


Some file contain useless info, and should be filtered. For example, there is a changing line in ranger's bookmarks ':/home/bilabila. To filter this line, add a filter driver to $HOME/.local/share/dot/filter

[filter "bookmarks"]
    clean = sed "/^\\'/d"

and a filter config to $HOME/.local/share/dot/attribute

/home/bilabila/.config/ranger/bookmarks filter=bookmarks

These two files are "included" in $HOME/.local/share/dot/git/config when dot init or dot clone, you can edit them by dot edit -f and dot edit -a. These two files are just git's config and attributes, separated in order to be versioned. See mine for more examples

convert username

You may want to export your config to others, but some are hard code. Here is a helper to replace username in file and folder name and file content. Not tested much.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# transfer username in dot config

# rename in file
find . -type f \
    -exec grep -iq -- $pre {} \; \
    -exec nvim -c "bufdo %s/$pre/$cur/gce|update" -- {} +

# rename file and folder name
find . -iname "*$pre*"|sort -r|while read i;do
    [[ ! -e "$i" ]] && continue
    n="$(dirname "$i")"/"$(basename "$i"|sed s/$pre/$cur/I)"
    read -rp "rename '$i' to '$n' [Y/n]?" t </dev/tty
    [[ "$t" == n ]] && continue
    [[ -e "$n" ]] && read -rp "remove '$n' [Y/n]?" t </dev/tty
    [[ "$t" == n ]] && continue
    rm -Rf "$n" 2>/dev/null
    mv -fT -- "$i" "$n" </dev/tty

# find all '......'
find . -type f -exec grep -nF -- $pre {} +
find . -type f \
    -exec grep -qF -- $pre {} \; \
    -exec vim -c "bufdo /\.\{6\}|update" -- {} +



Language:Lua 38.9%Language:Shell 36.9%Language:Perl 13.9%Language:Python 5.5%Language:JavaScript 3.0%Language:Vim Snippet 1.3%Language:CSS 0.4%Language:Scheme 0.1%