tjvsx / habitat-governance

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Habitat Token Diamond

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Inspired by Nick Mudge's governance-token-diamond. See orginal README below.

Updated Features:

  1. Uses solidity ^0.8.0.
  2. Uses Solidstate contracts for replaced Diamond(Gem.sol), ERC20Token(Token.sol), and storage syntax.

For context, when a proposal is passed in Governance the executedProposal function can perform arbitrary functionality by calling the proposal's ProposalContract that contains the execute(_proposalId) function.

  1. A ProposalContract can call back to the diamond's existing functions.
  2. The Diamantaire contracts are a set of ProposalContracts that can cut any deployed facet. Be sure to read this contract's comments to understand current limitations with this approach.
  3. Removed the totalSupplyCap state variable for now.

Governance Token Diamond

Note: A diamond is a contract that uses the code of its "facet" contracts to execute functionality. Diamond implementations follow the Diamond Standard.

This is an ERC20 governance token diamond that can be used to govern a project as well as itself.

The GovernanceTokenDiamond contract is the governance token diamond. It routes function calls to the facets defined in the facets folder.


  1. Implements the ERC20 standard.
  2. Accepts executable proposals.
  3. Allows people to vote on proposals using their ERC20 token balance.
  4. Token holders are rewarded for submitting good proposals and penalized for submitting bad proposals.
  5. Token holders are rewarded for voting by being minted new tokens. This is "governance mining". Safeguards exist to prevent too much inflation.
  6. Passed proposals are executed on-chain.
  7. Passed proposals are executed using delegatecall to enable governance of the governance token diamond itself.
  8. Implements the Diamond Standard so that passed proposals can add/replace/remove functions.

Executable Proposals

Governance token holders can make proposals to change the project it is governing or change the governance token diamond itself.

A proposal is a contract that implements the execute(uint256 _proposalId) function. All functionality of a proposal is executed and/or triggered by this function.

The execute function is called with delegatecall from the governance token diamond.

Note: The solidity delegatecall opcode enables a contract to execute a function from another contract, but it is executed as if the function was from the calling contract. Essentially delegatecall enables a contract to “borrow” another contract’s function. Functions executed with delegatecall affect the storage variables of the calling contract, not the contract where the functions are defined.

Using delegatecall to call the execute function is what enables governance token holders to govern the governance token diamond.

Using delegatecall to call execute allows the governance token diamond to be modified in two different ways:

  1. The governance token diamond has a number of state variables that are settings for various functionality. The execute function can change the values of state variables and therefore can change any of the settings.
  2. The execute function can call the diamondCut internal function from the Diamond Standard to add new functions to the goverance token diamond, replace existing functions and remove functions.

The execute function can of course interact with other contracts on the network in order to cause changes and effects in order to govern a project.

I got the idea of executable proposals from DerivaDEX and Compound's governance token contract.

I got the idea of using the Diamond Standard with an ERC20 governance token from DerivaDEX.

Proposals and Voting

A proposal is submitted by calling the propose(address _proposalContract, uint _endTime) function on the diamond.

_proposalContract is the proposal, which is a contract that has the execute(uint256 _proposalId) function.

_endTime specifies what time, in seconds, the vote for _proposalContract ends. _endTime is a timestamp, the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970.

For example to specify that the voting period for a proposal is 3 days _endTime could be calculated like this: block.timestamp + 60 * 60 * 24 * 3. The minimumVotingTime and maximumVotingTime settings control the minimum and maximum voting time.

In order to submit a proposal a governance token holder must own a certain amount of the governance token. This is controlled by the proposalThresholdDivisor setting.

Token holders that submit proposals that pass a vote are rewarded by being minted new governance tokens, and are penalized by losing their entire governance token balance when their proposals lose a vote. This is "governane mining". How much the reward is, is determined by the proposerAwardDivisor and voteAwardCapDivisor settings. When a proposal loses a vote the proposer's tokens are burned.

Remember that any of the settings can be changed by a proposal.

The voting period for a proposal starts once a proposal is succssfully submitted using the propose function mentioned above.


Once a proposal is submitted governance token holders can vote on it.

Governance token holders call the vote(uint _proposalId, bool _support) function to vote. _proposalId is for choosing which proposal to vote on and _support is for voting for or against. The value true is voting for, and the value false is voting against.

The weight of a token holder's vote is how many governance tokens the token holder owns.

A proposal passes a vote when more votes are for it than against it and the total number of votes is greater than a certain amount determined by the quorumDivisor setting.

Once a token holder votes on a proposal their tokens become locked until the voting period for the proposal is over. By "locked" is meant token holders will not be able to transfer governance tokens from the address that they used to vote until the voting period for the proposal they voted on is over. However a token holder can vote for multiple proposals when their tokens are locked.

The reason for locking governance tokens after a vote is to prevent double voting with the same tokens. Holder A could vote and then transfer his/her tokens to another address and vote again. This is prevented by locking the tokens until after a vote is over.

Tokens holders are rewarded for voting by being minted new governance tokens. This is "governance mining". How much the reward is, is determined by the voterAwardDivisor setting and the voteAwardCapDivisor setting.

Token holders can change their mind and undo their vote for a proposal by calling the unvote(uint _proposalId) function. That removes the token holder's votes, removes their reward for voting, and unlocks the token holder's tokens so they can be transferred again.

Executing a Proposal

After the voting period for a proposal is over it can be executed by anyone by calling the executeProposal(uint _proposalId) function on the governance token diamond.

After the voting period for a proposal is over any token holders who voted for or against it will automatically have their governance tokens unlocked so they can transfer them again.

The token holder or address that proposed the proposal will not be able to transfer governance tokens until the executeProposal function is called for their proposal.

If a proposal did not pass a vote then calling executeProposal will cause the proposer's governance tokens to be burned.

If a proposal did pass a vote then calling executeProposal will execute the execute function from the proposal contract and will reward the proposer by minting new governance tokens and adding them to the proposer's balance.

If a proposal passes a vote but the proposal reverts when executed then the proposal goes into a PassedAndExecutionStuck state and the proposer does not receive the governance token award. A new proposal can fix or replace a stuck proposal by modifying state variables of the diamond.

Preventing Too Much Inflation

The totalSupplyCap state variable exists to put a cap on the total supply of governance tokens. Once the total supply hits this cap then no more governance tokens are minted and awarded for voting or submitting proposals.

Various state variables or settings such as proposerAwardDivisor, voterAwardDivisor, and voteAwardCapDivisor are used to regulate the rate new governance tokens are minted and set appropriate incentives for governance.



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