research-megan-dass created by GitHub Classroom
Currently, the traditional methods of learning the problem-solving skills involved in computer science can prove to be confusing and non-intuitive to young children, therefore detracting them from getting involved in CS. Augmented Reality using the Microsoft HoloLens can be used to create an engaging environment and immerse children. My project is to create an Augmented Reality HoloLens application that teaches children how to start using their problem solving skills and think like a programmer, while immersing them in a fun environment so children become more interested in the CS field.
-Unity 2017.1.2f1 -Visual Studio 2017 -Microsoft HoloLens (1st gen)
Download Unity from When installing Unity, choose the components "Microsoft Visual Studio Community", "UWP" components, and "Windows Store" components
Select File -> Build Settings -> Windows Store Platform -> Settings: Universal 1.0/HoloLens/D3D/Local Machine/Copy Reference - Checked/Unity Project - Checked Make new Folder Build - Select and Build -> Navigate to Build Folder -> Click on .sln file (Visual Studio File) [There's also one in home folder] Open Visual Studio Change Debug to Master Change ARM to x86 Click on Arrow next to Local Machine and change from Local Machine to Device Plug in HoloLens to Computer (same cable as the charging cable) Hit green arrow with Device