tjcchen / prompt-workshop

a prompt workshop built with nextjs

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A prompt workshop app made with nextjs.

Additional Dependencies Aside From NextJS

npm install bcrypt    # hash passpord
npm install mongodb   # database
npm install mongoose  # manage database
npm install next-auth # 3rd party authentication - google, facebook etc

Directories Explained

# only display directories and ignore node_modules
tree -d -I node_modules

├── app              # main code logics
├── components       # components
├── models           # models for database
├── public           # public assets
│   └── assets       # assets
│       ├── icons    # icons
│       └── images   # images
├── styles           # styles
└── utils            # utilitity functions


# NextAuth Secret Environment Variable( generate by openssl )
openssl rand -base64 32

# remove cached .env
git rm .env --cached

To Do Tasks

[1]. implement search functionality

  • Search by prompt
  • Search by tag
  • Search by username

[2]. implement click on tag

[3]. implement view other profiles

The Benefits of Using NextJS

  1. Support both Server Side Rendering( SSR ) and Client Side Rendering( CSR ), which is benenficial to SEO.

  2. Routing systems become simple:

1. ReactJS Routing
ReactJS -> React-Router-DOM -> Create Routes

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";

# Rap your app with BrowserRouter
  <App />  

# Define you Routes in your app and import it on the top
  <Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
  <Route path="/create" element={<Create />} />
  <Route path="/blogs/:id" element={<BlogDetails />} />
  <Route path="*" element={<NotFound />} />

# Now you are all set. You can use this with
<Link to="/create" element={Create}/>

2. NextJS Routing

# Use a directory based routing system
|---blog          -> /blog
|---about         -> /about
|---profile       -> /profile
|---services      -> /services

handler: app/blog/page.jsx
  1. Fullstack Application Support
API routes -> serverless functions to handle API requests

# dir
API handler: app/api/profile/route.js -> localhost:3000/api/profile

# code
# GET request
export const GET = async (req, res) => {
  // ...

# POST request
export const POST = async (req, res) => {
  // ...
  1. Automatic code splitting

This feature would load code chunks when needed, reducing the initial load time of a website.

  1. It's still React, we, developers, just need to focus on business logic.

Improved SEOs

# static export
export const metadata = {
  title: "",
  description: ""

# dynamic export
export async function generateMeta() {
  // ...
  // some code logic
  // ....

  return {
    title: "",
    description: ""

NB: static export and dynamic export cannot be coexisted in a single file


  1. Google Authentication:

  2. MongoDB Atlas:

  3. NextAuth Documentation:

  4. NextAuth Provider Config:

  5. OpenSSL Terminal Online:

  6. Vercel Deployment:

  7. Github OAuth 2.0 Authentication:


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


a prompt workshop built with nextjs


Language:JavaScript 84.4%Language:CSS 15.6%