tiye / tiye

Personal Page of 题叶

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

题叶(tí yè)

Rust and Calcit programmer in Shanghai. Creator of "Calcit" language. Interested in building web based tools and exploring FP for Web UIs.

Project org desc
Calcit Language @calcit-lang a scripting language in Rust, dialect of Clojure
Cirru Syntax @Cirru modern interface for S-Expressions
Respo MVC @Respo Virtual DOM library with persistent data at core
Triadica @Triadica thin layer for making interacrive WebGL toys
Phlox @Phlox-GL calcit-js declarative wrapper on PIXI.js
Cumulo @Cumulo app template for tiny realtime webapps

and use them to power up my tiny apps under Memkits, TopixIM and some other projects.

Also find me on Twitter and 哔哩哔哩.


Personal Page of 题叶