tipcircle / flitter

Another Twitter clone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Just another twitter clone

It’s deployed at: http://another-twitter-clone.herokuapp.com/

All standard users has the same passwords: ‘test’. You can test this demo: signing up and signini in, postiong tweets, follow people …


  • Heroku => Posgresql/sqlite3 => Thin
  • Rails3
  • JavaScript => Jquery => CoffeeScript
  • CSS3 => SASS => Bootstrap
  • HTML5 => HAML


  1. Heroku: use thin via procfile
  2. Heroku server: Adding Postgres database
  3. Adapting to Bootstrap (navbar, buttons, messages …) and Setings form
  4. Avoiding utf8 snowman effect in the search url
  5. Search users feature
  6. Add Follow/Unfollow to my list of frien#s
  7. Create friend list for each user
  8. Side bar: tweets, following and followers
  9. Styling main page: background and aside
  10. Follow/Unfollow users
  11. Create users timelines
  12. Create char counter (jquery & coffescript)
  13. Styling the update flit form
  14. Use Gravtastic and styling the view
  15. Show Flits list (with Sass style)
  16. Post flits
  17. Add Friendship model and seed
  18. Populating fake data into the database
  19. nifty authentication
  20. nifty:layout with Haml


Nifty layout (NOTE:remove all .erb):

  • rails g nifty:layout —haml (NOTE: move public/stylesheets/saas/application saas to assets directory)
  • rails g controller welcome

Nifty authentication:

  • rails g nifty:athentication —haml
  • rake db:migrate

Creating Model:

  • rails g model Flit user_id:integer message:string created_at:datetime

Populate fake data in the database with gems populator and faker:

  • rake db:seed

Model Friendship:

  • rails g model friendship user_id:integer friend_id:integer

Controller to add Fits:

  • rails g controller Flits

Using Gravtastic to add users avatars related with their emails



Another Twitter clone