tinyledmatrix / ReflowMaster

Reflow Master is an open source Toaster Oven reflow controller that includes both hardware and software.

Home Page:http://unexpectedmaker.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Reflow Master is my open source toaster oven reflow controller that I also sell full assembled on tindie: https://www.tindie.com/products/13378/

Reflow Master

It's custom hardware and custom code but all open source so if you want the challenge of making one yourself or you want to hack the code, go for it!

I have a live stream build of the board here if you want to see what's involved https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGQ-GZZ90oE

ReflowMaster Design Files

Inlcluded in this reposity:

  • EagleCAD schematics and Board layout files (Eagle 9.1)
  • Exported Gerber files (Gerber 274X)
  • STL files for the 3D printed case
  • Adrduino code

Which TFT?

The TFT I am using is a 2.4" SPI TFT using the ILI9341 Driver available via...

AliExpress http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/bQYyZYRe

Ebay https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/705-53470-19255-0/1?icep_id=114&ipn=icep&toolid=20004&campid=5338252684&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fitm%2F2-4-240x320-SPI-TFT-LCD-Serial-240-320-ILI9341-PCB-Adapter-SD-Card-M52%2F291549777432%3FssPageName%3DSTRK%253AMEBIDX%253AIT%26_trksid%3Dp2057872.m2749.l2649

SAMD21 Bootloader

You will need to use a SAMD21G18 that already has an Arduino bootloader on it before it is put on the board. If you need to add a bootloader, you'll need an ATMEL ICE and an adapter for the chip. The cheapest adapter you can get is my SAMD21G Mangler available here... https://www.tindie.com/products/13379/

Hacking the code

The Reflow Master board works like an "Adafruit Feather M0" - so you'll need to have the Adafruit Cortex m0 hardware profiles installed as well as the regular Cortex m0 Arduino profiles.

Reflow Master

You can use the instructions here to install everything you need to get up and running in the Arduino IDE: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-feather-m0-basic-proto/setup

You will also need the following lobraries installed

Plus the following libraries from Library Manager

  • One Button
  • Adafruit_GFX
  • Adafruit_ILI9341
  • FlashStorage


Buy me a coffee or back me on Patreon?

I love making and designing projects but sharing open source projects takes a lot of thought and time. I do it because I think it’s important to share knowledge and give back to the community like many have done before me.

If you find this project useful or want to see more open source projects like it, please consider buying me a coffee or backing me on Patreon to say thanks!

buymeacofee patreon

Unexpected Maker







Reflow Master is an open source Toaster Oven reflow controller that includes both hardware and software.



Language:C++ 100.0%