tinyHiker / DSA_leetcode

This directory hold my work on data structures and algorithms. It also holds some of my leetcode practice.

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Credit to TMU/Ryerson's CPS 305 course for teaching me about data structures and algorithms

Credit to Elshad Kamriov's Udemy Course for teaching me strctures in python https://www.udemy.com/course/data-structures-and-algorithms-bootcamp-in-python/ My Image

Overview of Data Structures

Below -->>

Linked Lists

  • Definition: A linear collection of data elements, where each element points to the next, forming a sequence.
  • Key Features:
    • Dynamic size.
    • Efficient insertion and deletion.
    • Sequential access (not random).
  • Types:
    • Singly linked lists.
    • Doubly linked lists.
  • Use Cases: Useful for applications with frequent addition and removal of elements where memory allocation is a concern. linkedlist


  • Definition: A collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations.
  • Key Features:
    • Fixed size.
    • Elements are of the same type.
    • Random access of elements using indices.
    • Efficient access and iteration.
  • Use Cases: When you need fast access to elements using index, and the size of the collection is known and fixed.


  • Definition: A collection of entities that are maintained in a sequence and can be modified by adding at one end (the rear) and removing from the other end (the front).
  • Key Features:
    • FIFO (First In, First Out) structure.
    • Enqueue (add) operations at the rear.
    • Dequeue (remove) operations at the front.
  • Use Cases: Handling of data where the order of operations is essential, like task scheduling.


  • Definition: A collection of elements with two main operations: push, which adds to the collection, and pop, which removes the most recently added element.
  • Key Features:
    • LIFO (Last In, First Out) structure.
    • Push and pop operations.
  • Use Cases: Useful in situations where a reverse order of operations is required, like undo mechanisms in text editors. stacks


  • Definition: A hierarchical data structure with a root value and subtrees of children, each with a parent node.
  • Key Features:
    • Non-linear.
    • Each node can have any number of children.
    • Trees are recursive data structures.
  • Types:
    • Binary Trees.
    • AVL Trees.
    • Red-Black Trees, etc.
  • Use Cases: Representing hierarchical data, like file systems, and for efficient searching and sorting.

Hashmaps (Hash Tables)

  • Definition: A data structure that implements an associative array abstract data type, a structure that can map keys to values.
  • Key Features:
    • Key-value pairs.
    • Efficient insertion, deletion, and lookup.
    • Hash function to compute index for a key.
  • Use Cases: When you need to access elements by a key, and efficiency is a concern. Common in database indexing.

hashmap This summary provides a basic understanding of each data structure, their key characteristics, and typical use cases.

Tree Terminology and Types of Binary Trees

Tree Terminology

  • Root: The top node without a parent.
  • Edge: A link between a parent and a child node.
  • Leaf: A node which does not have children.
  • Sibling: Children of the same parent.
  • Ancestor: A parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, etc., of a node.
  • Depth of a Node: The length of the path from the root to the node, measured in the number of edges.
  • Height of a Node: The length of the path from the node to the deepest node connected to it. This length is measured by the number of edges.
  • Depth of the Tree: The depth of the root node, which is always zero.
  • Height of the Tree: The height of the root node.

Types of Binary Trees

Full Binary Tree

  • Each node has either 0 or 2 children. No node has exactly 1 child.

Perfect Binary Tree

  • Every node other than leaf nodes has exactly two children.
  • All leaf nodes are at the same level.
  • The tree has exactly 2^(h+1) - 1 nodes, where h is the height of the tree.
  • The number of leaf nodes is (n+1)/2 for a tree with n nodes.

Complete Binary Tree

  • Every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled.
  • If the last level is not filled, nodes are as far left as possible.

Balanced Binary Tree

  • A tree where all leaf nodes are at the same distance from the root.

Deepest Node in a Binary Tree

  • The deepest node is the last node reached in a level order traversal.

Tree Search Techniques

Depth First Search (DFS)

  1. Preorder Traversal: Visit the root node, then the left subtree, followed by the right subtree.
  2. Inorder Traversal: Visit the left subtree, then the root node, and finally the right subtree.
  3. Postorder Traversal: Visit the left subtree, the right subtree, and then the root node.

Breadth First Search (BFS)

  • Level Order Traversal: Visit each level from left to right.


This directory hold my work on data structures and algorithms. It also holds some of my leetcode practice.


Language:Python 100.0%