tinkitwong / Assessment---GovTech

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Author : Tin Kit Wong


  1. Setup mySQL and mySQL workbench (optional)

  2. Install dependencies yarn install


# starts server
yarn run dev

# test suites
yarn run test

API Routes

Note : API Usage via Postman Collections; Download and import GovTech Assessment API.postman_collection.json into your Personal Workspace and follow the examples given. Please see the description and examples of each EndPoint provided.





Tech Stack

Tech Stack

  1. NodeJs / Express
  2. Sequelize ORM
  3. MySQL



  1. Leverages on MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture
  2. HTTP Requests handled at the Route Layer -> Controller Layer -> Services (which iteracts with DB Models) -> Database
  3. MVC helps to regulate the complexity of application by dividing into their respective layers/parts (ie. model, view and controller)
  4. This shows that each layer has a specific duty, allowing development & testing within each layer with a clear objective.

Assumptions on API

General Assumptions

  1. Omission of View Component in MVC Architecture as there is no functional requirement. Can consider setting up views for visualisation requirements like backend dashboard
  2. Usage of MySQL due to structured and relational nature of data (ie. Households can have many family members, Persons have many metadata)

Assumptions / Inferences on Requirements

  1. Household must exist before Person can be added as Family Members to this Household
  2. Only expected/valid HousingTypes, OccupationTypes can be added. Define them in app_root_dir/utils/constants.js
  3. The selection criteria for grant disbursement API Endpoint (/api/grants/checkElligibility) checks for households:
    • householdSize <= the quried size
    • household income <= the queried totalIncome
  4. There must be existing household and recipients elligible for grants for grant disbursement API EndPoint to work.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%Language:Shell 0.0%