tinio / on

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


I've been meaning to start up another blog for quite some time now, given the variety of topics on my mind that I'd like to explore, write about and expand upon. I never got around to properly set up a WordPress instance but my needs are very minimal and with GitHub's support for creating new files, I think using this web interface would suffice and to some extent actually be ideal.

With regards to the repo name it would have been what I also named the blog which is just 'On.' Since I intend to be topic driven with my writings and due to my inability to come up with creative titles, most of my entries would have just been titled 'On <topic name>', (i.e. 'On gaming', 'On coding', 'On basketball', 'On laundry', etc...).

So here goes... I hope you enjoy and provide feedback (grammar suggestions, opinions, comments) both good and bad on what I write about.

Thank you for your time.

Aurelio D. Tinio
