tingletech / aqdc

arbitrarily qualified dublin core indexing spec

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Arbitrarily Qualified Dublin Core

Arbitrarily Qualified Dublin Core Element Names are based on RFC 5013 Element Names prefixed with the String aqdc_.

curl -s "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5013" \
| grep "Element Name" \
| sed -e 's/^Element Name:   /Element Name:   aqdc_/'
Element Name:   aqdc_title
Element Name:   aqdc_creator
Element Name:   aqdc_subject
Element Name:   aqdc_description
Element Name:   aqdc_publisher
Element Name:   aqdc_contributor
Element Name:   aqdc_date
Element Name:   aqdc_type
Element Name:   aqdc_format
Element Name:   aqdc_identifier
Element Name:   aqdc_source
Element Name:   aqdc_language
Element Name:   aqdc_relation
Element Name:   aqdc_coverage
Element Name:   aqdc_rights

Elements names in Arbitrarily Qualified Dublin Core are the Element Names from RFC5013 prefixed with the string aqdc_.
Content is as described in the RFC, and is encoded as per this specification.

aqdc_ Values

Dublin core values require a simple string which may optionally be qualified by any or all of the following:

  • value_uri : linked data style URI representing the same value as the value string.
  • qualifier_uri : URI to a qualifier, such as dcterms: or other mapping analog from the source metadata
  • qualifier_string : arbitrarty label displayed to the end user along with this field

Simple String AQDC Value

aqdc_creator: [ 'Brian Tingle' ]

AQDC Value with String and URI

aqdc_creator: [
  'Brian Tingle', {
    'value_uri': 'http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5309-7921'

(question, is authority source/type needed, or can it be infered by the URI value?)

AQDC Value with LC Relators terms

{aqdc_creator: [
  'Brian Tingle', {
    'qualifier_uri': 'http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/ppt',
    'qualifier_string': 'Puppeteer'

AQDC Value with no labels

aqdc_creator: [
  { 'value_uri': 'http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5309-7921' }

AQDC Value Unknown

should this be valid?

aqdc_creator: [
  { 'qualifier_uri': 'http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/ppt' }

Fully normalized for indexing, this might look like

  aqdc_creator: [ '[not supplied]', {
    'qualifier_uri': 'http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/ppt',
    'qualifier_string': 'Puppeteer'

Which might display along the lines of

Creator (Puppeteer): [not supplied]

full example

{"aqdc_creator": [
  "Brian Tingle", {
    "value_uri": "http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5309-7921",
    "qualifier_uri": "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/ppt",
    "qualifier_string": "Puppeteer"

File Format for sending to

Create one JSON-L file per record? Probably not. Could we use \n\n as the record seperator, and a single \n as a field seperator?

{"aqdc_creator":["Brian Tingle",{"value_uri":"http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5309-7921","qualifier_uri":"http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/ppt","qualifier_string":"Puppeteer"}]}

A file with metadata for a set of records.

{'aqdc_title':['Record 1']}

{'aqdc_title':['Record 2']}

ordering option 2 --

  {"aqdc_title":["Record 1"]},
  {"aqdc_title":["Record 2"]},
  // an array of single key objects?

Special rule when AQMD Value String can be parsed as URI?

A special parser option that will normalize input values such as:


Special rule for link to reference image

For Calisphere/DPLA use case, need to create thumbnail/reference image

Special rule for link to full text

Want to full text index everything

Special rule for link to the page for record in its primary DAMS

This will have links to the best viewers for the content described in the record.


arbitrarily qualified dublin core indexing spec