timurguseynov / vlog-toolset

Video and audio recording toolset for vloggers🎙️🎥

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Designed to record vlogs with classical jump cuts using camera of Android-based device and microphone of GNU/Linux machine. I use it with Pitivi for my Russian YouTube channel.


git clone git@github.com:alopatindev/vlog-toolset.git && cd vlog-toolset && ./configure


  • GNU/Linux
    • ruby (tested with 2.5.1)
    • python3 (tested with 3.6.5)
    • pip (tested with 9.0.1)
    • ffmpeg (tested with 3.4.4)
    • sync-audio-tracks (should be in your PATH environment variable)
    • alsa-utils (tested with 1.1.2)
    • mpv (tested with 0.27.2)
    • android-tools (tested with 8.1.0_p1, adb version is 1.0.39)
  • Android device


  • records video
    • using camera of Android-based device
  • records audio
    • using microphone, connected to GNU/Linux machine
  • detects voice (to trim silence)
    • if you save clip without auto trimming — it will just remove beginning and ending of each clip
      • which typically contain the button click sound
  • synchronizes audio
  • combines stuff together to produce MP4 video clips
    • which contain
      • H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video taken from camera
      • ALAC audio recorded with GNU/Linux machine
  • plays lastly recorded video clips
    • with optional mirror effect
cd vlog-toolset

./bin/vlog-recorder -h
Usage: vlog-recorder -p project_dir/ [other options]
    -p, --project [dir]              Project directory
    -t, --trim [duration]            Trim duration of beginning and ending of each clip (default: 0.15)
    -s [arecord-args],               Additional arecord arguments (default: " --device=default --format=dat"
    -A, --android-device [device-id] Android device id
    -o, --opencamera-dir [dir]       Open Camera directory path on Android device (default: "/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/OpenCamera")
    -b [true|false],                 Set lowest brightness to save device power (default: false)
    -S, --speed [num]                Speed factor for player (default: 1.2)
    -m, --mirror [true|false]        Enable mirror effect for player (default: true)
    -P [seconds],                    Minimum pause between shots for auto trimming (default: 2)
    -a, --aggressiveness [0..3]      How aggressively to filter out non-speech (default: 1)
    -d, --debug [true|false]         Show debug messages (default: false)

./bin/vlog-recorder -p ~/video/new-cool-video-project
r - (RE)START recording
s - STOP and SAVE current clip
S - STOP and SAVE current clip, don't use auto trimming
d - STOP and DELETE current clip
p - PLAY last saved clip
f - FOCUS camera on center
h - show HELP
q / Ctrl+C - QUIT


  • applies some effects to video clips
    • speed/tempo change
    • forced constant frame rate
      • which is useful for video editors that don't support variable frame rate (like Blender)
    • video denoiser, mirror, vignette and/or whatever you specify
  • renders video clips to a final video
  • plays a video by a given position
./bin/vlog-render -h
Usage: vlog-render -p project_dir/ [other options]
    -p, --project [dir]              Project directory
    -L, --line [num]                 Line in render.conf file, to play by given position (default: 1)
    -P, --preview [true|false]       Preview mode. It will also start a video player by a given position (default: true)
    -f, --fps [num]                  Constant frame rate (default: 30)
    -S, --speed [num]                Speed factor (default: 1.2)
    -V, --video-filters [filters]    ffmpeg video filters (default: 'hqdn3d,hflip,vignette')
    -c, --cleanup [true|false]       Remove temporary files, instead of reusing them in future (default: false)
    -l, --language [en|ru|...]       Language for voice recognition (default: 'en')

./bin/vlog-render -p ~/video/new-cool-video-project --preview false
  • it also runs voice recognition in a selected language
  • makes more precise clips segmentation
  • produces media output
    • clips are located in project_dir/output/
    • concatenation of all clips is located at project_dir/output.mp4
  • produces a configuration file
    • the columns in the config are:
      • clip filename
      • speed multiplier
      • start position (in seconds)
      • end position (in seconds)
      • recognized text (to figure out which clips can be removed / reordered)
    • you can edit the config
      • put # in the beginning of line you want to ignore (or just remove the entire line)
      • add empty newlines to increase delay after clip
      • change speed of individual clips
vi ~/video/new-cool-video-project/render.conf


  • plays longest pauses
    • to check the quality of video montage (useful if you do it manually, with video editors)
  • plays parts with voice only
  • or plays both voiced + silent parts
    • silent parts will be sped up
./bin/vlog-play-segments -h
Usage: vlog-play-segments [options] -i video.mp4
    -i, --i [filename]               Video to play
    -S, --speed [num]                Speed factor (default: 1.5)
    -m, --mode [silence|voice|both]  Play silent parts starting from longest segment OR voice only OR both, but silences will be sped up (default: silence)
    -P [seconds],                    Minimum pause between shots (default: 2)
    -w, --window [num]               Time window before and after the segment (default: 0)
    -a, --aggressiveness [0..3]      How aggressively to filter out non-speech (default: 3)

./bin/vlog-play-segments -i ~/video/new-cool-video-project/output.mp4

Known issues/limitations

  • it's just a dumb dirty PoC, it's not necessarily gonna work on your hardware
    • I'm using Meizu MX4
      • front camera faces at me
      • autorotation is enabled
      • the device is at landscape position (counterclockwise from normal position)
  • paths with spaces and weird characters are unsupported
  • cuts precision accuracy is pretty poor
    • better approach would be something like roughcut


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; read LICENSE.txt for details.

Copyright (C) 2018—2019 Alexander Lopatin <alopatindev ät gmail dot com>


Video and audio recording toolset for vloggers🎙️🎥

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Ruby 81.2%Language:Python 18.2%Language:Shell 0.6%