timosanmaz / mina_bridge

Bridge from Mina to Ethereum

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

mina_bridge 🌉

Zero-knowledge state bridge from Mina to Ethereum


This project introduces the proof generation, posting and verification of the validity of Mina states into a EVM chain, which will serve as a foundation for token bridging.

Design objectives

mina_bridge will include:

  1. Backend service for periodically wrapping and posting Mina state proofs to an EVM chain.
  2. A “wrapping” module for Mina state proofs to make them efficient to verify on the EVM.
  3. The solidity logic for verifying the wrapped Mina state proofs on a EVM chain.
  4. Browser utility for smart contract users: Mina address is provided as an input. State is looked up against Mina and then shared as a Mina state lookup-merkle-proof wrapped inside an efficient proof system.
  5. A solidity contract utility that smart contract developers or users can execute on an EVM chain to feed in a Mina state lookup proof that will check the state lookup against the latest posted Mina state proof to verify that this Mina state is valid.


mina_bridge is in an early stage of development, currently it misses elemental features and correct functionality is not guaranteed.


This is subject to change.

    flowchart TB
        MINA[(Mina)]-->A(Periodic proof poller)
        -->|Kimchi + IPA + Pasta proof| B(State proof wrapper)
        -->|Kimchi + KZG + bn254 proof| B3

        subgraph EB["EVM Chain"]
        direction LR
        B1["Block 1"] --> B2["Block 2"] 
            --> B3["Block 3"] --> B4["Block 4"]

        U((User))<-->WEBUI{{Web UI}}<-->MINA
        U<-->S{{Solidity verifier utility}}
        B3-->|Proof request| S

Components of this Repo

This repository is composed of the following components:

Demo (WIP)

This is a minimized version of the project, in which a user can submit a o1js circuit, generate a Kimchi KZG proof of it and verify it in an Ethereum smart contract. The bridge project will work the same way, with the difference that the submitted circuit will execute the verification of a Mina state proof.


flowchart TB
    U((User))-->|Submits a provable o1js program/circuit| P(Kimchi KZG Prover)
    -->|Kimchi+KZG+bn254 proof| V(Ethereum smart contract verifier)
    -->|Deploy| B2

    subgraph EB["EVM Chain"]
		direction LR
		B1["Block 1"] --> B2["Block 2"] 
        --> B3["Block 3"]
Kimchi KZG prover


Ethereum smart contract verifier

This is a solidity program contained in eth_verifier which will:

  1. Take as input a JSON file containing the needed proof info. For now a test proof is being generated from a test circuit with test_circuit/.
  2. Run a stripped-out version of the verification of the submitted proof.

and can later be deployed into the chain.


Go into demo/ and run:


this will take a o1js program, generate a proof of it, serialize it into JSON and send it into the solidity verifier.

You can generate a test proof for the verifier by going to demo/eth_verifier/ and running:

make proof

which does this by executing a Rust binary.

Verifier circuit

This module contains the o1js circuit used for recursively verify Mina state proofs. A proof of the circuit will be constructed in subsequent modules for validating the state.

The code is written entirely in Typescript using the o1js library and is heavily based on Kimchi's original verifier implementation.


On verifier_circuit/ run:


This will create the constraint system of the verification of a proof with fixed values. This will also clone the Monorepo version of Mina so that the bridge uses o1js from there.


npm run test
npm run testw # watch mod

will execute Jest unit and integration tests of the module.


  • poly_commitment/: Includes the PolyComm type and methods used for representing a polynomial commitment.
  • prover/: Proof data and associated methods necessary to the verifier. The Fiat-Shamir heuristic is included here (ProverProof.oracles()).
  • serde/: Mostly deserialization helpers for using data from the verifier_circuit_tests/ module, like a proof made over a testing circuit.
  • util/: Miscellaneous utility functions.
  • verifier/: The protagonist code used for verifying a Kimchi + IPA + Pasta proof. Here:
    • batch.ts/ includes the partial verification code used for verifying a batch of proofs.
    • verifier.ts/ has the main circuit for verification, currently executes a minimal final verification over a batch of partially verified proofs.
    • sponge.ts/ has a custom sponge implementation which extends the Poseidon.Sponge type from o1js.
  • test/: JSON data used for testing, which are derived from the verifier_circuit_tests/.
  • SRS.ts contains a type representing a Universal Reference String (but uses the old Structured Reference String name).
  • polynomial.ts contains a type used for representing and operating with polynomials.
  • alphas.ts contains a type representing a mapping between powers of a challenge (alpha) and different constraints. The linear combination resulting from these two will get you the main polynomial of the circuit.
  • main.ts is the main entrypoint of the module.

Verifier circuit tests

Contains a Rust crate with Kimchi as a dependency, and runs some components of it generating data for feeding and comparing tests inside the verifier circuit.

For executing the main integration flow, do:

cargo run

this will run the verification of a test circuit defined in Kimchi and will export some JSON data into verifier_circuit/src/test.

For executing unit tests, do:

cargo test -- --nocapture

this will execute some unit tests and output results that can be used as reference value in analogous reference tests inside the verifier circuit.

Other components

  • kzg_prover: Rust code for generating a KZG proof. This proof is used in the verifier_circuit.
  • public_input_gen/: Rust code for generating a Mina state proof. This proof is used in the verifier_circuit.
  • srs/: Contains tests SRSs for Pallas and Vesta curves.
  • test_prover/: Typescript code using o1js library. This is a test prover for the Kimchi proof system. It's a PoC and will be removed in the near future.


On root folder run:


This will:

  • Generate the test proof and the expected value of the MSM that will be done in the verification (in the completed version, this value would be the point at infinity). These values will be used as public inputs for the verifier circuit.
  • Run the verifier circuit using the test proof as input.
  • Generate the proof of the verification and write it into a JSON file.

Kimchi proving system

Kimchi is a zero-knowledge proof system that’s a variant of PLONK.

Kimchi represents a series of enhancements, optimizations, and modifications implemented atop PLONK. To illustrate, it addresses PLONK's trusted setup constraint by incorporating a polynomial commitment in a bulletproof-style within the protocol. In this manner, there's no necessity to rely on the honesty of the participants in the trusted setup.

Kimchi increases PLONK's register count from 3 to 15 by adding 12 registers. With an increased number of registers, Kimchi incorporate gates that accept multiple inputs, as opposed to just two. This unveils new opportunities; for instance, a scalar multiplication gate would necessitate a minimum of three inputs—a scalar and two coordinates for the curve point.

New proof systems resembling PLONK employ custom gates to efficiently represent frequently used functionalities, as opposed to connecting a series of generic gates. Kimchi is among these innovative protocols.

In Kimchi, there's a concept where a gate has the ability to directly record its output onto the registers utilized by the subsequent gate.

Another enhancement in Kimchi involves the incorporation of lookups for performance improvement. Occasionally, certain operations can be expressed in a tabular form, such as an XOR table.

In the beginning, Kimchi relies on an interactive protocol, which undergoes a conversion into a non-interactive form through the Fiat-Shamir transform.

Proof Construction & Verification

Secuence diagram linked to proof-systems/kimchi/src/verifier.rs

Commitments to secret polynomials

Links to the associated code.

public input & witness commitment



permutation commitment

Commitments to quotient polynomials

Links to the associated code.


quotient commitment

Verifier produces an evaluation point

Links to the associated code.


change of sponge

recursion challenges

Prover provides needed evaluations for the linearization - 1

Links to the associated code.


negated public input

15 register/witness - 6 sigmas evaluations

Prover provides needed evaluations for the linearization - 2

Links to the associated code.


Batch verification of evaluation proofs

Links to the associated code.


polynomials that have an evaluation proof

Pickles - Mina’s inductive zk-SNARK composition system

To efficiently provide incremental verifiable computation, Pickles employs a set of friendly curves known as Pasta. Within the Mina source code, these curves are denoted as "tick" and "tock."

  • Tick - Vesta (a.k.a. Step), constraint domain size 2¹⁸ [block and transaction proofs]
  • Tock - Pallas (a.k.a. Wrap), constraint domain size 2¹² [signatures]

The Tock prover undertakes a more limited role, exclusively engaging in recursive verifications without involving other logical processes. As a result, it necessitates fewer constraints and operates within a more compact domain size. Within Pickles' internal terminology, Tick is denoted as Step, and Tock is referred to as Wrap.

Tock is used to prove the verification of a Tick proof and outputs a Tick proof. Tick is used to prove the verification of a Tock proof and outputs a Tock proof.

  • Provetock ( Verify(Tick) ) = Tickproof

  • Prove tick (Verify(Tock) ) = Tockproof

Analysis of the Induction (recursion) method applied in Pickles. Then the original HALO2 will be analyzed.

The Verifier is divided into 2 modules, one part Slow and one part Fast.

Figure 1

S0 is the initial statement, U is the Update algorithm, the Pi are the proofs, and the S's are the updated statements.

Figure 2

On top of each Pi proof, we run a Fast verifier. With the Pi proof and the cumulative Statement from the previous step, the U algorithm is applied and a new updated Statement is created. This new updated Statement is the input of the Slow part of the Verifier, but we don't run the Slow Verifier until we reach the end of the whole round.

Execution of Verifier Slow (which is very slow) can be deferred in sequences, and the V slow current always accumulates to the previous statement. This implicitly 'runs Vs on S1' as well.

Remember that the S's are statements that accumulate, so each one has information from the previous ones.

Figure 3

When we reached the last round we see that the intermediate Verifiers Slow disappears, as they are no longer useful to us.

Figure 4

Attention!! We haven't executed any Verifier Slow yet; we only run Verifier Fast in each round.

Therefore, in the last step, we execute the current Verifier Fast on its Pi, and the Last Verifier Slow on the Final S. This may take 1 second, but it accumulates all the previous ones.

Figure 5

Everything inside the large red square in the following figure has already been processed by the time we reach the last round.

Figure 6

Let's now see how the Verifier Fast is divided.

Figure 7

Vf corresponds to field operations in a field F, and Vg corresponds to group operations in a group G.

Figure 8

The proof Pi is divided into 2 parts, one corresponding to group operations G, and it exposes, as a public input to the circuit, the part of the proof that is necessary to execute Vf.


Bridge from Mina to Ethereum


Language:TypeScript 72.1%Language:Rust 20.4%Language:Elixir 3.6%Language:JavaScript 2.6%Language:Shell 0.7%Language:Makefile 0.6%