A micro-benchmark for testing static taint analysis. Each test is like follows. The rewriteEntrypoints specifies the entry points, the setSourceSinkConfigFile specifies the sources and sinks, and the setTaintWrapperConfigFile sepecifies the configuration files for taint propagation rules. Please contact jagger.wj@antfin.com for more details.
public void queryByNameTaint() {
int actual = TestConfig.getDefault()
.rewriteEntrypoints("<"+ SampleFacadeImplWrap.class.getName()+": void queryForPage(int,int)>\n")
.setTaintWrapperConfigFile(wrapperFile) // default: "./EasyTaintWrapperSource.txt"
.setSourceSinkConfigFile(sourceFile) // default: "./SourcesAndSinks.txt"
Assert.assertEquals(5, actual);