timjrobinson / react-native-railgun-example

Template React Native project with RAILGUN Wallet SDK

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React Native Railgun example

This repo contains an example (or template) of a React Native app that uses the Railgun Wallet SDK. This was derived from a simple npx react-native init project, with the simple addition of the Wallet SDK.

You can either fork this repo, or follow the steps we used (see below).

Installing Railgun Wallet

In a React Native project, first add these dev dependencies:

npm install --save-dev @babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types

And modify your babel.config.js like this:

 module.exports = {
   presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
+  plugins: [
+    ['@babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types', {loose: true}],
+    ['@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods', {loose: true}],
+    ['@babel/plugin-transform-private-methods', {loose: true}],
+    ['@babel/plugin-transform-class-properties', {loose: true}],
+    ['@babel/plugin-transform-private-property-in-object', {loose: true}],
+  ],

Then add a dependency to shim getRandomValues (important for generating cryptographic keys):

npm install --save react-native-get-random-values

And then add the Wallet SDK:

npm install --save @railgun-community/wallet

If you want to support iOS, then make sure to run (on a macOS computer):

npx pod-install

Finally, at the top of your entry file (typically App.tsx), import the following:

import '@railgun-community/wallet/react-native-shims';

Using Wallet SDK

Now you can finally use the Wallet APIs, like the Getting Started guide shows. However, some steps of that guide need special treatment for React Native.

Start the RAILGUN Privacy Engine: in this step, you cannot use level-js in React Native, so you need to use a different storage engine, such as memdown, like this:

npm install --save memdown
 import '@railgun-community/wallet/react-native-shims';
 import { startRailgunEngine } from '@railgun-community/wallet';
+import memdown from 'memdown';

 // ...

+  memdown(),

Build a persistent store for artifact downloads: in this step, you can use react-native-fs to implement the ArtifactStore, by first installing it:

npm install --save react-native-fs

And then, in your code, import it to create your ArtifactStore with the functions getFile, storeFile, and fileExists:

 import '@railgun-community/wallet/react-native-shims';
+import fs from 'react-native-fs';
-import { startRailgunEngine } from '@railgun-community/wallet';
+import { startRailgunEngine, ArtifactStore } from '@railgun-community/wallet';
 import memdown from 'memdown';

 // ...

+const getFile = async (path: string) =>
+  fs.readFile(`${fs.DocumentDirectoryPath}/${path}`);

+const storeFile = async (
+  dir: string,
+  path: string,
+  item: string | Uint8Array,
+) => {
+  await fs.mkdir(`${fs.DocumentDirectoryPath}/${dir}`);
+  await fs.writeFile(
+    `${fs.DocumentDirectoryPath}/${path}`,
+    item as string,
+  );

+const fileExists = async (path: string): Promise<boolean> =>
+  await fs.exists(`${fs.DocumentDirectoryPath}/${path}`);

+const artifactStore = new ArtifactStore(getFile, storeFile, fileExists);



There are a lot of computational (cryptographic) and disk I/O workloads in the Wallet internals, and React Native is not well suited for that.

Scanning balances is extremely slow. It may take up to 15 minutes to cryptographically process all the transactions in a wallet, and all of this is running on the JS UI thread, so it will block your UI. An improvement is to use react-native-threads to offload these tasks and allow the UI to remain responsive. Even better is to use nodejs-mobile-react-native, speeding up balance scans by 10x or more. The Wallet SDK already supports nodejs-mobile-react-native, but the setup is more sophisticated.

The data is not persistent. We are using memdown as a levelDB alternative, which means there is no persistence. There may be a way to replace that with react-native-leveldb.

Creating proofs (when shielding or transfering) is not yet supported. On the web, there is the snarkjs library to use as the Groth16 prover, but it uses WASM which is not supported in React Native. For React Native, we need to setup support for the native-prover, and this is not yet done.


Template React Native project with RAILGUN Wallet SDK


Language:Java 38.3%Language:TypeScript 26.8%Language:Objective-C 12.3%Language:Ruby 12.3%Language:JavaScript 6.2%Language:Objective-C++ 4.0%