timdouglas / grunt-cache-breaker

Simple cache-breaker, appends a timestamp to a give asset url

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


// Turn these :
<script src="/js/dist/combined.min.js"></script>
<link href="/css/style.css"></link>

// Into these :
<script src="/js/dist/combined.min.js?rel=123456"></script>
<link href="/css/style.css?rel=123456"></link>

// Or these :
<script src="/js/dist/combined.min_v1.2.3_.js"></script>
<link href="/css/style_v1.2.3_.css"></link>

// Or these :
<script src="/js/dist/combined.min.js?rel=v1.2.3"></script>
<link href="/css/style.css?rel=1.2.3"></link>

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-cache-breaker --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, add this to your Gruntfile.js


And then add one of the following to your list of tasks

// Single file
cachebreaker : {
    js: {
      asset_url : '/js/dist/combined.min.js',
      files: {
        src : 'app/views/layout/master.html'
// Array of single files
cachebreaker : {
    js: {
      asset_url : '/js/dist/combined.min.js',
      files: {
        src : ['app/views/layout/master.html', 'app/views/account.php']
// Multiple files (glob)
cachebreaker : {
    js: {
      asset_url : '/js/dist/combined.min.js',
      files: {
        src : ['app/views/*.html']

The "cachebreaker" task

In it's simplest form (seen above), you can use the cache-breaker to replace a fixed url. This will look at the file app/source.html, find your asset_url within it & then append a timestamp. It will also overwrite an existing timestamp if one exists.

Options Explained

asset_url - this should be EXACTLY as your asset url appears in your html, it's what get replaced!

files.src - just provide the path to your html,php,erb file here (the file that contains the asset url above). You can also provide an array here if you would like to replace the url in more than 1 file.

tag - optional, a version tag to add to replaced asset urls

ext - optional, file extension of the replaced asset url - required to insert tag into a filename, rather than append it as a query string.

A More Realistic Example.

Grunt is all about automating things, so I'd be more inclined to use this as a final step to a build process. The build would generate the filename dynamically and then the timestamp would be tacked on the end. You can imagine a nice setup like this.

js_dir            : 'public/js',
js_deps           : '<%= js_dir %>/dist/deps',
js_all            : '<%= js_dir %>/dist/combined',
js_dist_file      : '<%= js_all %>.clean.min.js', /** build steps would generate this file **/

cachebreaker : {
    js: {
        asset_url : '<%= js_dist_file %>',
        files: {
            src : 'app/views/layout/master.html'
        options : {
            remove : 'public', // remove any unwanted path fragments

With this type of setup, you could do something along the lines of this (with the correct config for concat & uglify, of course)

grunt.registerTask( 'js-build', ['concat:js', 'uglify:js', 'cachebreaker:js'] );

Note Notice how we passed remove : 'public' as an option. This is becuase the public part of the string was needed for the build step, but it's something that we don't want in the final URL.


Now you're set up, run the task using this command, or add it to the end of a build task as mentioned above.

grunt cachebreaker:js

Works with any URL

I've given JS examples above, but you can easily use it for busting the cache on your css, image files, or anything else.

php_template  : 'app/views/layouts/master.blade.php',
css_dir       : 'public/css',
css_dist_file : '<%= css_dir %>/style.css', /** build steps would generate this file **/

cachebreaker : {
  css: {
    asset_url : '<%= css_dist_file %>',
    files: {
      src : '<%= php_template %>',
    options: {
      remove    : 'public'
grunt cachebreaker:css

##Optional Most of the time you will just be updating a single file with each task, so I've enabled a file property to save a few lines in your Gruntfile.js

cachebreaker : {
    js: {
      asset_url : '/js/dist/combined.min.js',
      file: 'app/views/layout/master.html',

Cachebusting file name

You can insert a version tag into a file name by including the tag and ext options. This is useful if you're using a backend which is very rigid with url parameters (like the one I'm using...).

cachebreaker: {
  options: {
    tag: '_v<%= pkg.name %>_'
  js: {
    ext: 'js',
    asset_url: '/assets/js/jsfile.min.js',
    file: 'app/views/layout/master.html'

Which makes jsfile.min.js become jsfile.min_v1.0.0_.js in master.html


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.


Simple cache-breaker, appends a timestamp to a give asset url

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%