timc1 / remix-kentcdodds

My remix rewrite of kentcdodds.com

Home Page:https://kentcdodds-remix.herokuapp.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kent C. Dodds blog (rewritten with Remix)

Build Status GPL 3.0 License

More info coming soon...



All content for the blog is hosted in a separate repo. Contributions should be made there.

If you want to work on the content while running it locally in the app, then put the files in mocks/content and it will be pulled from there.


If you have a remix license, then make sure you run install with REMIX_TOKEN env variable set.

There is an .env.example file located in the root of this project. Rename it to .env, and adjust the values before you start the app.

If you do not have a remix license, you will not be able to install dependencies and run the project locally.


My remix rewrite of kentcdodds.com




Language:TypeScript 93.0%Language:JavaScript 5.4%Language:Shell 1.1%Language:CSS 0.4%