timbutler / ESP8266-4051-Multiplexer-Example

An example showing how to use a 4051 multiplexer with an esp8266 to connect up to 8 analog sensors.

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An example showing how to use a 4051 multiplexer with an esp8266 to connect up to 8 analog sensors.

Buy the Multiplexers here:

Buy the ESP8266 here:

Wiring: Wemos -> 4051

D4 -> S0 (A)

D3 -> S1 (B)

D2 -> S2 (C)

A0 -> Common

3.3v -> VCC

G -> GND

G -> Inhibit

G -> VEE


An example showing how to use a 4051 multiplexer with an esp8266 to connect up to 8 analog sensors.


Language:Arduino 100.0%