tildebyte / ChucK-plugin-for-ST3

A Sublime Text 3 plugin for ChucK (http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu).

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Problems executing code in the shell

tildebyte opened this issue · comments

zeffii says:
I've been having a trouble sending code to the shell, I get this error:

chuck %> {
code  1>   SinOsc s => dac;
code  1>   2::second => now;
code  1> }
[chuck]: unrecognized escape sequence: \s
[chuck]: malformed filename + argumentlist...    -->  '\s2i8.7'add: error: command failed
chuck %>

I get the same thing... I can '+' to run a file...
Also, commands mentioned in the ICM paper function correctly (e.g. 'ls', 'cd', pwd', et al.).

I've tried all the different shells available in Win 7 (yes, there are actually several), as user and admin; they all act the same.

this means it may be a release bug in the chuck shell itself, ..let's look at the shell.cpp :)

sadly this is a bug in the c++ or c code suffered by win users only -- this probably isn't the place to report such bugs.