tildebyte / ChucK-plugin-for-ST3

A Sublime Text 3 plugin for ChucK (http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is essentially unmaintained, but issues/PRs are certainly welcomed.


A Sublime Text 3 plugin for ChucK, featuring syntax highlighting, tab completion, snippets (and maybe REPL-ish sessions).

  • [Sublime Text 3] 2.
  • [ChucK] 3.


  1. Open Sublime Text 3.
  2. Go to Preferences/Browse Packages.
  3. Unpack the archive into the Packagers folder which should appear.
  4. Change ChucK path in ChucK.sublime-settings specific to your platform.
  5. Restart Sublime Text 3.


Currently to get sounds out of Sublime Text 3 + ChucK we've set up a simple build script. If you are new to SublimeText, the menu to look for is located in Tools -> Build System. If automatic is not ticked then tick it, or you can set it manually by selecting ChucK from this list. To hear some sounds:

  • Load a .ck file or start a new file and save it with a .ck extension first (to let Sublime know what kind of file it is).
  • Enter your code; notice the beautiful syntax highlighting, completions and hints.
  • Hit the shortcut for build (⌘+B, or CTRL+B by default).
  • To stop ChucK, end the build command (See the shortcut listed in Tools -> Cancel Build. On OSX, CTRL+C should work. Windows has CTRL+BREAK listed as the shortcut [1]).



  • Build / Kill build / Goto error
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Completions & Snippets, auto complete and instant access to common code blocks
  • Document Search, search docs for selected word
  • Shorthand for-loop rewriter called "iternotate" (never write a for-loop by hand again).
  • Wav writer, writes current .ck to wav
  • Open File under cursor, if it's a .wav it can open your sound editor, if it's a .ck it opens insitu.

Build command

  • Build, Run, Cancel Build, and Kill are implemented. This means you write code, hit the CTRL+ENTER shortcut, and Sublime will send the file to play to ChucK . Run (CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER) will execute ChucK with an innitialize.ck if one is in the same directory as the file in the current tab - no switching back-and-forth. Cancel Build (CTRL+C / CTRL+BREAK)[1] will end that ChucK instance. Kill (CTRL+ALT+ENTER) will end the most-recently launched chuck instance, and then the next most-recent, etc. The great thing about keeping the code editing and the ChucK player separate is that if ChucK crashes it doesn't affect Sublime. This is unlike the miniAudicle; if ChucK crashes, most likely so will the miniAudicle.

  • Goto error (bound to F4). When you encounter an error, if ChucK was able to provide the line on which the error occured, the error information will be printed in the ST status line. Hitting F4 will navigate the Sublime editor to that line and file (and subsequent lines, if any).

Syntax Highlighting

Syntax definition/coloring of all major language constructs (types, syntax etc). If your code looks OK, this is a good first indication that your syntax is correct. There are a few subtle bugs listed at the end in the bugs section, but they do not impede beyond aesthetics.


We've included many objects and methods which appear in the ChucK language. This helps you type less and shows correct spelling for the built-in stuff. Very much a work in progress.


Some short, commonly used, syntactical structures (e.g. while loops) can be inserted with only a few keystrokes.

  • Typing pr and hitting enter will insert <<< >>>;
  • Typing arr and enter will insert an array declaration; first enter the type, then hit TAB, then fill in the array name. This will produce @=> <int,string,..etc> array_name[].
  • [More examples] 4.

Doc Search

chuck_doc_search.py: searches the ChucK online help for the currently selected word. It takes:

  • Any UGen name.
  • Any of the following terms (not case sensitive):
    • help, Array, Std, Math, Machine, Class, Types, and VM
    • Dot methods for Std and Math will also work; try a doc search on Math.max or Std.mtof.


iternotate.py: despite the awkward name, this saves you from typing full for-loops. Enter the shorthand and press the keyboard shortcut and watch it expand.

  • i..n (where i is your chosen iteration variable name, and n is a number or an int variable).
  • i..array_name[] can be used if you want to iterate over an array.
// i..5
for(0 => int i; i<5; i++){

// i..num_times
for(0 => int i; i<num_times; i++){

// i..iterable[  or  i..iterable[]
for(0 => int i; i<iterable.cap(); i++){

Wav Writer

default shortcut: "ctrl+shift+w"

Writes the current ChucK file as stereo wav to disk. We use the concept of an inline console to tell chuck_wav_writer.py what to do. An inline console is a specific set of instructions in the form of a comment. For example:

SinOsc d => dac;
20::second => now;  // %> 20:demo_sound

or, add a gain value. Range 0.0 and upwards. The default, when omitted, is 1.0

SinOsc d => dac;
20::second => now;  // %> 20:demo_sound:0.67

If the cursor caret is on the line with the comment using the %> token it will try to parse what is after it. "20" means you want that many seconds, demo_sound is the name of the output stereo wav you will record.

  • This feature uses a threaded sub process; it allows you to use Sublime while ChucK writes the wav to disk.
  • To use the wav writer you must add the path to [wav_writer_wgain.ck] 13 in [Chuck.sublime-settings] 15

Context Menu additions

  • Open file under cursor:
    • If you have a line like Machine.add(me.dir() + "/kicks.ck"), and want to see that file, simply place the key caret on that line and right-click to get the context menu. Choose "Open file under cursor..", to open the file in the current Sublime Text view.
    • If you have a soundfile referenced with me.dir() + "/sound.wav" Sublime will attempt to open the .wav in your configured sound editor.
  • Archive project: will archive the current folder and subfolders as an uncompressed zip, it will automatically add a time postfix to the filename.


Issue Tracker

The [issue tracker] 5 is a good place to look if you encounter a bug, or to justify/defend a feature request. It's where we go to discuss ideas and resolve bugs.

Tools > ChucK sub menu:

The menu is implemented but currently it is a stub, so avoid using it for now. There are renovations going on in the code for those menu items. We have no clear timeframe for this todo, it may even happen that the ChucK menu is ditched in favour of the REPL as a console, or inline console comment-commands as implemented in chuck_wav_writer.py.

The list:

  • Start ChucK in --shell mode (server).
  • Kill ChucK server.
  • [~] Add shred (currently open file). (WIP, once this works the rest work automatically)
  • Add selection as shred (sends everything enclosed in {} as an "on the fly" shred).
  • Replace/remove shred by name.
  • Replace/remove shred by id.
  • Remove all shreds.


The default keybinds for chuck_doc_search and iternotate conflict with Fold/Unfold.

Known bugs

Probably many, but we are aware of these:

  • While we stil rely on the build script to play chuck files, if you Build a shred while another shred is playing, you cannot stop the first shred anymore.
    • Workaround: Open Sublime's Python console and enter import subprocess then subprocess.call(["chuck", "--kill"]). This kills it with fire.
  • using .cap() will render the rest of the line in white.
  • // comments will sometimes cause weird highlighting in the comment itself.
  • Doc Search currently behaves differently under firefox and webkit (chrome, safari..etc). This has to do with these browsers not implementing url#section the same way. This issue is compounded by the ChucK docs using inconsistent rules for named ids. More about this topic [here] 12
  • Sublime's architecture uses a plugin_host process which may crash if you are printing out too much with too little time between printing intervals. For example printing two messages per 20 ms, for 30 second duration will bring plugin_host to its knees. When the plugin_host crashes ChucK will probably still keep playing until the piece ends or you terminate the ChucK process. If your piece doesn't have a built in end, then end Chuck from Task Manager or Activity Monitor. You will need to restart Sublime to continue using the ChucK plugin. This is not something the authors of this ChucK plugin can fix.


  • [quaestor] 6
  • [zeffii] 7
  • [Sharov Anton] 8
  • [Nathan Leiby] 9


  • [Geoffroy Montel] 10 for the ST2 Supercollider plugin.
  • Sharov Anton (initial Build command).
  • Nathan Leiby (syntax highlighter conversion of textmate files by [tasmo] 11).
  • [Brian Harrington] 14 (Pointed out the need for platform-specific settings).


  • Sergey Kazakov
  • Paul Anderson
  • Petros Lafazanidis
  • Santiago Braida

[1] CTRL+BREAK doesn't seem to work with all keyboards.


A Sublime Text 3 plugin for ChucK (http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu).


Language:Python 98.1%Language:ChucK 1.9%