tikhon / viper

New experimental programming language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status

Viper is an experimental programming language that aims to provide the following features:

  • Bounds and overflow checking, both on array accesses and on arithmetic
  • Support for signed integers and decimal fixed point numbers
  • Decidability - it's possible to compute a precise upper bound on the gas consumption of any function call
  • Strong typing, including support for units (eg. timestamp, timedelta, seconds, wei, wei per second, meters per second squared)
  • Maximally small and understandable compiler code size
  • Limited support for pure functions - anything marked constant is NOT allowed to change the state

Compatibility-breaking change log

  • 2017.07.25: the def foo() -> num(const): ... syntax no longer works; you now need to do def foo() -> num: ... with a @constant decorator on the previous line.
  • 2017.07.25: functions without a @payable decorator now fail when called with nonzero wei.
  • 2017.07.25: a function can only call functions that are declared above it (that is, A can call B only if B appears earlier in the code than A does). This was introduced to prevent infinite looping through recursion.


Note that not all programs that satisfy the following are valid; for example, there are also requirements against declaring variables twice, accessing undeclared variables, type mismatches among other rules.

body = <globals> + <defs>
globals = <global> <global> ...
global = <varname>: <type>
defs = <def> <def> ...
def = <0 or more decorators> def <funname>(<argname>: <type>, <argname>: <type>...): <body>
    OR <0 or more decorators> def <funname>(<argname>: <type>, <argname>: <type>...) -> <type>: <body>
decorator = @constant OR @payable OR @internal
argname = <str>
body = <stmt> <stmt> ...
stmt = <varname> = <type>
    OR <var> = <expr>
    OR <var> <augassignop> <expr>
    OR if <cond>: <body>
    OR if <cond>: <body> else: <body>
    OR for <varname> in range(<int>): <body>
    OR for <varname> in range(<expr>, <expr> + <int>): <body> (two exprs must match)
    OR pass
    OR return
    OR break
    OR return <expr>
    OR send(<expr>, <expr>)
    OR selfdestruct(<expr>) # suicide(<expr>) is a synonym
    OR [other functions, see full list in viper/functions.py]
var = <varname>
    OR <var>.<membername>
    OR <var>[<expr>]
varname = <str>
expr = <literal>
    OR <expr> <binop> <expr>
    OR <expr> <boolop> <expr>
    OR <expr> <compareop> <expr>
    OR not <expr>
    OR <var>
    OR <expr>.balance
    OR <expr>.codesize
    OR <system_var>
    OR <basetype>(<expr>) (only some type conversions allowed)
    OR floor(<expr>)
    OR [other functions, see full list in viper/functions.py]
literal = <integer>
    OR <fixed point number>
    OR <address, in the form 0x12cd2f...3fe, CHECKSUMS ARE MANDATORY>
    OR <bytes32, in the form 0x414db52e5....2a7d>
    OR <bytes, in the form "cow">
system_var = (block.timestamp, block.coinbase, block.number, block.difficulty, tx.origin, tx.gasprice, msg.gas, self)
basetype = (num, decimal, bool, address, bytes32)
unit = <baseunit>
    OR <baseunit> * <positive integer>
    OR <unit> * <unit>
    OR <unit> / <unit>
type = <basetype>
    OR bytes <= <maxlen>
    OR {<membername>: <type>, <membername>: <type>, ...}
    OR <type>[<basetype>]
    OR <type>[<int>] # Integer must be nonzero positive
    OR <num or decimal>(unit)
binop = (+, -, *, /, %)
augassignop = (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=)
boolop = (or, and)
compareop = (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=)
membername = varname = argname = <str>


  • num: a signed integer strictly between -2**128 and 2**128
  • decimal: a decimal fixed point value with the integer component being a signed integer strictly between -2**128 and 2**128 and the fractional component being ten decimal places
  • timestamp: a timestamp value
  • timedelta: a number of seconds (note: two timedeltas can be added together, as can a timedelta and a timestamp, but not two timestamps)
  • wei_value: an amount of wei
  • currency_value: an amount of currency
  • address: an address
  • bytes32: 32 bytes
  • bool: true or false
  • type[length]: finite list
  • bytes <= maxlen: a byte array with the given maximum length
  • type[base_type]: map (can only be accessed, NOT iterated)
  • {arg1:type, arg2:type...}: struct (can be accessed via struct.argname)

Arithmetic is overflow-checked, meaning that if a number is out of range then an exception is immediately thrown. Division and modulo by zero has a similar effect. The only kind of looping allowed is a for statement, which can come in three forms:

  • for i in range(x): ... : x must be a nonzero positive constant integer, ie. specified at compile time
  • for i in range(x, y): ... : x and y must be nonzero positive constant integers, ie. specified at compile time
  • for i in range(start, start + x): ... : start can be any expression, though it must be the exact same expression in both places. x must be a nonzero positive constant integer.

In all three cases, it's possible to statically determine the maximum runtime of a loop. Jumping out of a loop before it ends can be done with either break or return.

Regarding byte array literals, unicode strings like "这个傻老外不懂中文" or "Я очень умный" are illegal, though those that manage to use values that are in the 0...255 range according to UTF-8, like "¡très bien!", are fine.

Code examples can be found in the test_parser.py file.


  • public(type): publicly visible state variable

Planned future features

  • Declaring external contract ABIs, and calling to external contracts
  • A mini-language for handling num256 and signed256 values and directly / unsafely using opcodes; will be useful for high-performance code segments
  • Smart optimizations, including compile-time computation of arithmetic and clamps, intelligently computing realistic variable ranges, etc

Code example

funders: {sender: address, value: wei_value}[num]
nextFunderIndex: num
beneficiary: address
deadline: timestamp
goal: wei_value
refundIndex: num
timelimit: timedelta
# Setup global variables
def __init__(_beneficiary: address, _goal: wei_value, _timelimit: timedelta):
    self.beneficiary = _beneficiary
    self.deadline = block.timestamp + _timelimit
    self.timelimit = _timelimit
    self.goal = _goal
# Participate in this crowdfunding campaign
def participate():
    assert block.timestamp < self.deadline
    nfi = self.nextFunderIndex
    self.funders[nfi] = {sender: msg.sender, value: msg.value}
    self.nextFunderIndex = nfi + 1
# Enough money was raised! Send funds to the beneficiary
def finalize():
    assert block.timestamp >= self.deadline and self.balance >= self.goal
# Not enough money was raised! Refund everyone (max 30 people at a time
# to avoid gas limit issues)
def refund():
    assert block.timestamp >= self.deadline and self.balance < self.goal
    ind = self.refundIndex
    for i in range(ind, ind + 30):
        if i >= self.nextFunderIndex:
            self.refundIndex = self.nextFunderIndex
        send(self.funders[i].sender, self.funders[i].value)
        self.funders[i] = None
    self.refundIndex = ind + 30


Don't panic if installation fails, Viper is still under development and constant changes. Installation will be much simplified/optimized after a stable version release.

Take a deep breath and follow, please create an issue if any errors encountered.

It is strongly recommended to install in a virtual Python environment (normally either virtualenv or venv), so that new packages installed and dependencies built are strictly contained in your viper project and will not alter/affect your other dev environment set-up.

To find out how to set-up virtual environment, check out: virtualenv guide.

  • Ubuntu (16.04 LTS)
  1. Package update:
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
  1. For Viper to run, Python3.6 or later is required, know your python version, if the output is Python 3.5.2, then install python3.6, otherwise skip step 3
python3 -V
  1. Install python3.6 and some necessary package (if you haven't installed the package)
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev

wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.1/Python-3.6.1.tgz
tar xfz Python-3.6.1.tgz
cd Python-3.6.1/
./configure –prefix /usr/local/lib/python3.6
sudo make
sudo make install
  1. Now, start a python virtual environment named it "viper", then activate the virtual env. (after activation, you should be able to see "(viper)" at the front of each commandline, indicating that you are now in a virtual environment)
virtualenv --python=/usr/local/lib/python3.6/bin/python --no-site-packages viper
source viper/bin/activate

To deactivate and return to default environment, (you should see the "(viper)" at the front disappeared.)


Alternatively: It is handy to use pyenv [https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv] to help manage your Python 3.6.2 or higher when Python releases new version. It works like a python version manager.

pyenv virtualenv viper
  1. Now, we are talking business, clone this Viper repo and install and test, and Walla!
git clone https://github.com/ethereum/viper.git
cd viper 
python setup.py install
python setup.py test
  • MacOS
  1. Make sure you have homebrew installed. if not, you could checkout How-To-Geek Guide or Homebrew Repo

  2. Make sure your python is 3.6 or higher. If not, you could checkout python3 for MacOS guide

  3. Now, go ahead and clone viper repo (not within pyethereum folder), and you run install and test, and Walla !!

git clone https://github.com/ethereum/viper.git
cd viper 
python setup.py install
python setup.py test

If it fails with some error message on openssl, do the following:

env LDFLAGS=“-L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib” CFLAGS=“-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include” pip install scrypt


To compile your file, use:

viper yourFileName.v.py

Note: Since .vy is not official a language supported by any syntax highlights or linter, it is recommended to name your viper file into .v.py to have a python highlights.


python setup.py test


New experimental programming language

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Makefile 0.2%