tiffafoo / driver-quiz-android

Driver Quiz App which asks four questions to a user, giving them the choice to select one of four images that correspond to the definition.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Driver Quiz App


Project Overview¶ 🚗

Made for an assignment

DQTiffanyTheodore is a Driver Quiz App which asks four questions to a user, giving them the choice to select one of four images that correspond to the definition. Each image is also associated to a definition, found through google search using said definition.

The user has two attempts for each questions before having to move to the next question. It also saves the state of the game through Shared Preferences and the state bundle.

For all specifications, check below.

Run it locally

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Open Android Studio or equivalent and wait for Gradle to load dependencies
  3. Run it with a virtual machine or android device


  • App name in the Launcher must be DQ followed by your first names: DQName1Name2

  • Create and use your own icon

  • Show the user a minimum of 4 questions, one at a time for the quiz. You will need a least 15 images so the answers are not obvious. One text question per image. One hint per image Randomly select the image/question.

  • Maintain all counters between run times (SharedPreferences.)

  • Maintain state in the Bundleas needed for display information

  • You are responsible for the logic to select a random image and it's text for each question. Randomly select 3 other images to display with it. Use them to populate your layout so they are displayed in a random order using setBackground() or setImageResource() Keep track of the correct answer. Hint: Resource class, Random class, Array class, Collection class…

  • UI must show

    • 4 image buttons
    • question count ex: question 1 of 4
    • counts for correct and incorrect: correct 1 incorrect 0
    • hint button
    • about button
    • next button (hidden for each new question)
  • Make sure the images scale when the screen is rotated and you can see the whole image (if resolution is off, that is ok, you only need one set of images but they must look centred and fill the view, no gaps unless part of the image) You may need to crop so they are similar sizes or convert to 9 patch images.

    Here are some cheat sheets for views and layouts See also ScaleType Android & this is pretty good a visual guide Here are some description and image sources:

  • Create and use a unique Icon: http://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/icons-launcher.html

  • When the last question is answered, update the saved scores (keep the last two scores) (SharedPreferences)

  • If the app ends before they finish the questions (n.b. override finish) When the app is started again use shared preferences to return the user to next question and set the counters. You need counters to implement that, along with an array of what questions have been answered.

  • Image Buttons actions:

    • If it is the correct image:
      • add one to the correct count, update score, update question counter
      • make all images not clickable
      • change the image in some way to show it is the correct answer (you may want to try and/or an alternate image that shows the same with a border) see: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/controls/button.html
      • enable and make visible the next button
    • if it is not the correct image (first incorrect):
      • set it to not clickable
      • change the image in some way to show it is incorrect
    • if it is not the correct image (second incorrect):
      • add one to the incorrect count, update score, update question counter
      • set all images to not clickable
      • highlight the correct image in some way (see point a. iii. )
      • enable and make the next button visible
  • About button: fire a new Activity:

    • Create a layout ( UI ) with
    • A short paragraph describing how to play
    • Credits (who wrote the app)
    • Any saved past scores (SharedPreferences)
    • Any small image you like (ex: your photos)
  • Hint button: fire an Intent to do a google search using the current question's description text, maybe prefix it with "road sign" See Perform a Web Search here https://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-common.html#Search

  • Be sure to comment your methods and all code thoroughly, use Javadocs for class and your methods.

  • Use Logging

  • All of your UI strings must be in strings.xml.

  • Once you have tested and the UI and logic are operating correctly, use localization to make your app bilingual (add french) strings http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/localization.html


Driver Quiz App which asks four questions to a user, giving them the choice to select one of four images that correspond to the definition.


Language:Java 100.0%