tidalcycles / tidal-fuzz-completer

Autocoder agent producing Tidal patterns and atom-auto suggestion package

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tidal autonomous agent "Fuzz" is a code generator combined with the autocomplete package. It allows you to produce unique and syntactically correct Tidal code produced by a machine counterpart for use in collaborative improvisation.

To run

  • Git clone and add this repository to atom package directory ~/Users/yourname/.atom/packages

  • Open the terminal, cd into this repository>src

  • Run terminal command: runhaskell listen.hs

  • In atom, run ctl+y h to start

  • Type a $ symbol to receive suggestions

  • To exit, run ctrl + c in terminal


  • Mini-notation tokenisation and inclusion
  • Extend from bi-gram representation to n-gram
  • Develop capabilities for machine evaluation of patterns
  • Develop a machine (artificial) aesthetic to distinguish patterns?


@article{wilson2021autonomous, title={Autonomous Creation of Musical Pattern from Types and Models in Live Coding}, author={Wilson, E and Lawson, S and McLean, A and Stewart, J and others}, year={2021} }


Autocoder agent producing Tidal patterns and atom-auto suggestion package

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Haskell 73.9%Language:JavaScript 22.7%Language:Less 3.4%