ticmyvom / ECS153-hw0

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Homework 0

Due: 06-09-2023 11:59:59 PM

The goal of this homework is for you to

  • setup and get familiarized with the development environment, build tools, and homework submission process;
  • review C basics by implementing a generic quick sort.
  • get familar with C pointers

Table of Contents

  1. Homework Spec
  2. Setup Dev Env & Run/Debug Your Program
  3. CMakeFiles

Homework Spec


There are many use cases where the data and the algorithms are separated. The algorithm only needs a few guarantees from the data, and that's it. Sorting is one example. Sorting is one of the most important algorithms in computer science. To sort an array of objects, all you need to know is how to compare two objects.

Some programming languages can provide for such needs. For example, Trait in Rust and Interface in Java. Instead of defining data fields, they only contain methods that you can use. An algorithm can declare the Trait it needs (Trait Objects in Rust). Any struct/class that satisfies a Trait or Interface can then be automatically adapted to this algorithm.

But C doesn't have such design...

Really? C is a powerful language famous for running the world. Many high-level features in OOP can be implemented in C... if you are good enough with pointers. If you still don't believe it, just think about how inheritance is implemented in C++: Ah yes, v-table!

All we need is something similar to a v-table. Imagine all structs have a bunch of function pointers. Then, even if we are facing a bunch of void *s, we can still call the functions using offsets. These functions can do a lot of things, including comparing the current object (this or self) with the other.

File description

In this homework, we will write a quicksort as a warm-up to a lot of things, i.e. algorithms, C, CMake, etc. Even better, we would implement sorting with as little knowledge of the type as possible. Simply put, the algorithm barely knows what it is sorting! Well... it does know how to compare two objects.

You will implement the following:

  • Quicksort (quick_sort.c)

  • Four structs, each has a very different layout, yet all of them can be sorted by the quicksort you wrote.

  • A quicksort driver (main.c). You will read from the input stream to create the structs, sort them, and print them out. Here are descriptions of the files:

  • GenericTraits.h/GenericTraits.c provides a bunch of functions that each of the structs needs to implement. You can think of "Traits" as contracts, they provide a guarantee to your sorting algorithm and driver as to what can be done about the structs.

    • new: Generate a new struct based on a string.
    • dump: Prints the details of the struct to a file stream. All dump should put an extra \n when finished.
    • cmp: Compares two instances, returns positive number if larger, negative number is smaller, 0 if equal.
    • drop: Free the memory allocated to this instance.
  • Int.h, Student.h, Human.h, Rectangle.h are four structs you need to implement.

    • Int is nothing but a wrapper over int32_t. Int is sorted based on its value. Int.h has an example definition.
    • Human only have one field name, which should be a string. Human is sorted based on its name.
    • Student inherits from Human, it has an extra field called grade.
    • Rectangle contains some macro tricks.
  • quick_sort.c: Where your sorting algorithm stays, you will sort them in decending order.

  • main.c: The driver to read the file, create objects, call quick_sort, and print.

  • All the rest C files: The definition of your structs.

  • CMakeLists.txt will compile the whole project.

Input and Output specifications

  • The first line of the input contains the name of your struct.
  • The second line contains n, which is the number of objects in this file.
  • The following n lines describe the objects, one line each. The specific specification of objects can be found in the following sections.
  • The input file ends with an extra \n.

Programming guide

It's not a must, but its recommended that you follow this guide.

Implement quick_sort.c first. You should sort the array IN PLACE, in descending order. Because this algorithm is so basic (also so openly available), you won't get any credit for finishing this. We have already given you declarations, telling you that there are n objects, each object satisfies GenericTraits in quick_sort.h.

Then, let's work with a basic int32_t wrapper called Int. We have provided an example definition of Int in Int.h, you can use it.

  • new will convert a line of string to an integer. The input is guaranteed to be valid.
  • dump should output the hexadecimal format that starts with 0x.

Once you finished Int, let's try to put them together in main! You will read from a file, construct objects from the string you read, call quick_sort and print the objects to the file. You will get 10% if you get everything up till here right.

When you're finished with Int, you can move on to the more complicated Human. Human has a name, which is a bunch of characters WITHOUT SPACES (' ') OR LINE BREAKS ('\n'). The input may contain extra spaces and/or '\n' at the end, which you should remove. name should not be longer than MAX_LEN - 1, which is 256 bytes. But there is a trailing \0 to end the string, that means there are at most 255 characters in the name. Anything more than that should be removed. The input may also contain some words concatenated together by spaces, but you should only use the first word. You can use strcmp to compare the strings. You will get 20% if you finish Human correctly, extra 20% if your code is memory safe. To detect memory safety, we use AddressSanatizer (ASan) to detect memory leaks, double free, and buffer overflows. You can ask CMake to generate a Makefile that copmiles your code against ASan by: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=asan ..

Student inherits from Human. Each line will have a name and grade separated by ONE space. grade is guaranteed to be an integer. You should sort Student by grade first. If the grades are equal, compare their names using human. When dump, you should put the grade first, then a space , followed by the name. You will get 10% if you finish Student correctly, extra 20% if your code is memory safe.

Finally, you may have realized that much of the code in the previous structs is repeated. In Rectangle, we attempted to remove this repetition by using macros. Look into DECLARE_STRUCT and DEFINE_STRUCT in GenericTraits. Once you understand them, you should be able to declare Rectangle in less than 5 lines in Rectangle.h, and the implementation of Rectangle should be less exhaustive. Each line of input contains two integers separated by ONE space, representing height and width, respectively. It's guaranteed that height and width will be non-negative. When using dump, you should use the same format as the input. Rectangles are sorted based on their area. If two objects have the same area, compare their heights. If their heights are also the same, compare their widths. Your Rectangle.h and Rectangle.c will only be graded if DECLARE_STRUCT and DEFINE_STRUCT are used. You will get 20% if you finish Rectangle using the marcos we provided, and the code has no memory errors.


  • For C and header files, you SHOULD NOT modify any code unless you see /* Your code here ... */ or something similar. Specifically, you SHOULD NOT modify:
    • Any function declarations.
    • Any #include, the files have enough #include to write the code. Even if main.c doesn't include any struct definitions, with smart function pointers you can work that around.
  • You may modify CMakeLists.txt as you wish.
    • Try not to change compiler settings, but you can modify it for debuggin purposes.
    • You should remove the files you didn't finish to avoid a compiler failure.

Submitting your Homework

  • Run ./generate_submission.sh to create a zip file hw0-submission.zip.
  • Transfer hw0-submission.zip to your host (if necessary).
    • If you are in VS Code with Dev Container / Remote SSH / WSL2, you can right click on hw0-submission.zip and click Download.
    • If you are using a terminal, you can use scp or sftp.
  • Submit hw0-submission.zip on Gradescope.

Setup Dev Env & Run/Debug Your Program

Use one of the following options to setup your environment.

⚠️ If you're a student, DO NOT FORK this repository because you cannot change the visibility of a forked repo to private. If you plan to use Git for version control (which is encouraged), run rm -rf .git && git init after setting up using one of the options below and push to your private repository. Any public repository containing part of this homework solution will be reported to SJA.

Option 1: VS Code with Local Dev Container

This option provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for code editing and debugging.

This option does not require internet connection when coding after initial setup.

  • Install/update the following software on your local OS:

    • WSL2 (Required for Windows only) (Docker will use WSL2 as backend on Windows)
    • Docker Desktop
      • Make sure you install the correct version based on your hardware (especially for Apple-chip powered Macbook and ARM-based Windows PC)
    • Visual Studio Code
  • Start Docker Desktop and keep it running in the background.

  • Click the following button to setup the environment.

    Setup Local Dev Container

  • When asked for selecting a Kit to configure CMake, choose GCC.

  • Click Run -> Start Debugging to run the program.

    • project is automatically (re)built (no need to run make or cmake initially or after making code modifications).
    • you can supply command line args in .vscode/launch.json through args array.
    • you may set breakpoints by hovering over the left of each line number and click the red dot.

Option 2: VS Code with CSIF

This option provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for code editing and debugging.

Connecting to CSIF computer may require UC Davis Library VPN.

  • Install/update the following software on your local OS:

  • Open VS Code

  • Click the little green button in the bottom-left corner of the window to open Remote - SSH extension

  • Click Remote-SSH: Connect to Host...

  • Select csif if you configured Passwordless Login to CSIF

    • If not, in the textbox prompted, enter username@pcXX.cs.ucdavis.edu (you need to replace username and XX), press enter, and then enter your password for CSIF
  • Wait for VS Code to install VS Code Server on CSIF automatically

    • VS Code Server will be installed in /home/<username>/.vscode-server so other users don't have access to it
    • Retry if you get any error
  • Install C/C++ Extension Pack (on Remote Server)

  • Open an integrated terminal inside VS Code (Terminal Menu -> New Terminal)

    • Notice that this terminal is already connected to the CSIF
  • Run the following command inside the integrated terminal

    git clone https://github.com/ecs36c-sq2023/ECS153-hw0 ECS153-hw0

  • Run code ./ECS153-hw0 to open the folder

  • When prompted to configure CMake, confirm and choose GCC when prompted for kit selection.

  • Click Run -> Start Debugging to run the program.

    • project is automatically (re)built (no need to run make or cmake initially or after making code modifications).
    • you can supply command line args in .vscode/launch.json through args array.
    • you may set breakpoints by hovering over the left of each line number and click the red dot.

Option 3: Terminal with CSIF

This option works but you will have to use print statements or command-line gdb for debugging. It is recommended that you try one of the other options to have more efficient, developer-friendly way of debugging.

Connecting to CSIF computer may require UC Davis Library VPN.

  • SSH into a CSIF computer

  • Run the following commands

    git clone https://github.com/ecs36c-sq2023/ECS153-hw0 ECS153-hw0
    cd ./ECS153-hw0/src
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
  • To rebuild after code modification, run make in build folder.

  • To run the program, run ./main [INPUT_FILE] [OUTPUT_FILE] in build folder.

Other Options

You could use other options such as running it directly on your macOS or WSL2, but you'll be responsible for having the correct build tools and making sure your submission works on Gradescope.


Information about using CSIF computers, such as how to remotely login to CSIF computers from home and how to copy files to/from the CSIF computers using your personal computer, can be found at http://csifdocs.cs.ucdavis.edu/about-us csif-general-faq.



Language:C 82.9%Language:CMake 15.4%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%Language:Shell 0.7%