tiberiuiancu / telegram-bj-bot

Telegram blackjack bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Telegram blackjack bot

Telegram blackjack bot that also acts as a dealer.

How to run

Make sure you have the following python3 packages installed (as well as python3): requests, numpy

On linux:

sudo pip3 install requests numpy

On windows:

Make sure python is in your path.
Make sure pip is installed.
Run cmd as admin and type:

pip install requests numpy

First create a new bot and copy the api token that botfather gave you.

Once you clone the repository, you will have to create 2 files in the main folder:
api_token.txt: in here paste the api token that botfather gave you when you created the bot.
OPTIONAL: chat_id.txt: in here place the chat id in which your bot will run.
NOTE: if you do not provide a chat id, the bot will listen on all groups and private chats for the /start command.

How to get a chat's id

  1. If the chat is a group, add the bot to the group and make it admin. Also disable the privacy mode of the bot (this might not be needed but I haven't tested with privacy mode enabled). Send a message in that group.

    If the chat you want is a private chat, just message the bot anything.

  2. Make sure that the bot's api token is in api_token.txt. From the downloaded project folder run get_chat_id.py in terminal (or cmd on Windows).
python3 get_chat_id.py

For each chat the bot received a message from, you should see an id. Copy that id and paste it into api_token.txt. (You have to create this file yourself).

Now that all that is done, simply run bot.py:

python3 bot.py

Now to run the bot just type /start in the chat.

Dealer algorithm

Given the bets of all players and their cards, the dealer computes the expecteed outcome of hit and stand:
stand: compares the value of the player's cards with its own and decides, based on the bets, the value of standing.
hit: knowing the probability of drawing each card (or otherwise assuming an even probability distribution), it computes the expected value by multiplying the probability of drawing a specific card by the maximum expected value of hitting and standing (while having that card in hand).

In other words:

max_expected_value(game_state) = max( expected_value(stand, game_state), max_expected_value(game_state.draw_card()) )

Doing it recursively means that there are millions of possible states, but in reality we only care about the sum of the cards (20 possible states: 2 to 21) and if the dealer has an ace (2 possible states: true or false). Therefore we only have to worry about a maximum of 40 states that we can cache and use later in recursion.


Telegram blackjack bot


Language:Python 100.0%