tianrendong / online-grocery

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Howe's Grocery Researcher Portal

This application gives researchers the ability to control the behavior of a simulated online grocery store used to run experiments.


The application originally consisted of a React app (built by students) that is a simulated online grocery store. The Researcher Portal is a companion Rails app to allow researchers to customize the behavior of the React app.

Initial setup

  • Ensure MySQL is installed locally and running.
  • Copy config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml and fill in the needed mysql password (if the root database user needs a password).
  • Copy howes_grocery.priv.example to howes_grocery.priv.
  • Get the config/master.key file from another developer on the project or (SciMed Solutions developers only) from this credential.
  • Set the local ruby version to the one defined in .ruby-version using a ruby version manager like rbenv
  • From the root directory of the application, run the following commands:
    • gem install bundler
    • bundle install
    • yarn install
    • rake db:setup

Note: To run an abbreviated (and thus faster) set of seeds (only 1000 products), run seeds like so: SHORT_SEED=1 rake db:seed

Rails credentials

This application is using Rails Credentials which was first introduced in Rails 5.2. There is an encrypted file kept in source control called config/credentials.yml.enc. The way this file is decrypted is by running the command bin/rails credentials:edit in your terminal. Note, you must have the file config/master.key for this to work. Sensitive information can be stored in this file in YAML format.

The following credentials

foo: bar

can be accessed with Rails.application.credentials.foo, which will return bar.

Starting your local development server

Start the webpack dev server

In one terminal tab, run NODE_ENV=development yarn build --watch from the root directory of the application.

Start the server

In another terminal tab, start the Rails server with rails s

Visiting the Researcher Portal

To log in to the Researcher Portal, visit http://localhost:3000 You can log in with email: admin@admin.com, password: adminadmin!1

Visiting the Grocery Store

To navigate to the Grocery Store, visit http://localhost:3000/store. You may enter any text as your session ID to continue. No other login is needed.


All rspec tests, JS tests, rubocop, and eslint can be run with the default rake task (bundle exec rake)

Currently all feature tests run in a headless chrome browser. To troubleshoot feature tests you can view them running in a Chrome browser. To do this add the BROWSER environment variable to your rspec command:

BROWSER=1 bundle exec rspec spec/feature/feature_spec.rb

Testing Troubleshooting

Occasionally webpacker will not recognize javascript changes, especially when the changes came from a git pull. If this happens many, if not all, of the javascript enabled tests will fail. To fix, run RAILS_ENV=test ./bin/webpack


For details about CI (only pertains to developers at SciMed Solutions), see docs/scimed/ci.md

Servers, Credentials, and Deploying

See docs/DEPLOY.md

Updating categories

To update the categories, subcategories, and subsubcategories in the store on a server:

  1. On your local development machine, replace the file at db/seeds/base/categories.csv with the updated categories file.
  • The new file must be in the same format as the old file.
  • This file must be a CSV file, not an Excel file.
  1. Test the new file locally by running this command in a terminal within from the root directory of the application: bundle exec rake update_categories. If the output ends with Success!, the task has succeeded. Otherwise, there is a problem with the file format.

  2. Commit the updated file to git and push the change to GitLab.

  3. Follow the instructions under "Deploying" (above) to deploy the updated file to the server.

  4. SSH to the server (see "Servers and Credentials" above) and navigate to /var/www/apps/howes_grocery/current

  5. In this directory on the server, run the command appropriate to the server you are on:

    • For the staging server, run bundle exec rake update_categories RAILS_ENV=staging
    • For the production server, run bundle exec rake update_categories RAILS_ENV=production

Updating products

To update the products in the store on a server:

  1. On your local development machine, replace the file at db/seeds/base/products.csv with the updated products file.
  • The new file must be in the same format as the old file.
  • This file must be a CSV file, not an Excel file.
  • If you are adding new products to the CSV, you do not need to fill in the "awsImageUrl" column for them - that will be filled in for you. You should fill in the "imageSrc" column, though.
  • If the CSV refers to new categories, be sure to update the categories before updating the products.
  1. Test the new file locally by running this command in a terminal within from the root directory of the application: bundle exec rake update_products. If the output ends with Success!, the task has succeeded. Otherwise, there is a problem with the file format.

Note that if you have added new products, the CSV will be updated with the AWS image URL. You should commit these changes.

  1. Commit the updated file to git and push the change to GitLab.

  2. Follow the instructions under "Deploying" (above) to deploy the updated file to the server.

  3. SSH to the server (see "Servers and Credentials" above) and navigate to /var/www/apps/howes_grocery/current

  4. In this directory on the server, run the command appropriate to the server you are on:

    • For the staging server, run bundle exec rake update_products RAILS_ENV=staging
    • For the production server, run bundle exec rake update_products RAILS_ENV=production

PayPal integration

We currently use the PayPal JavaScript SDK to manage the subscriptions on the system. In a non-production environment, sandbox credentials are used (see config/app_config.yml.erb). All of the app configuration is stored on Holly's paypal account

While in production, we use the client_id of the app as set up in the client's real PayPal account, the change between these credentials is determined on the config/app_config.yml.erb

To test payments in non-production environments, use the sandbox accounts to create subscriptions, the credentials can be found here. If you log in with that account at https://www.sandbox.paypal.com, you should see the payments that have been made.



Language:Ruby 57.9%Language:JavaScript 24.9%Language:HTML 12.5%Language:SCSS 4.0%Language:HCL 0.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.0%