tianran / glimvec

Graph to linear maps and vectors

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


GLIMVEC (Graph to LInear Mappings and VECtors) is a tool for constructing embeddings for knowledge graphs.

Paper: Interpretable and Compositional Relation Learning by Joint Training with an Autoencoder


  • General: Python3
  • For compiling the trainer from source: c++, make

Detailed Performance on Benchmark Datasets


Usage for Evaluation:

To reproduce results in the ACL2018 paper:

$ for dataset in {wn18,fb15k,wn18rr,fb15k-237}; do echo ${dataset}; for setting in {joint,base,jointcomp,basecomp}; do echo " model-${setting}"; python python/evaluate.py --split test data/${dataset} acl2018/${dataset}/model-${setting}; done; done

Usage for Training:

You can either use a python module, or compile a stand alone executable for training.

Use the pre-built python module:

We have included pre-built binary python modules for several operating systems. If the versions feel right, this is the easiest way to start training.

  • For Linux: (compiled in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, with Python 3.5 and gcc 5.4)

    $ cp pre-built/linux/glimvec.so python

  • For MacOS: (compiled in High Sierra, with Python 3.6 and Apple LLVM 9.1)

    $ cp pre-built/macos/glimvec.so python

  • For Windows: (compiled in Windows 10, using Python 3.6 in Anaconda 5.1 and Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017)

    $ copy pre-built\windows\glimvec.pyd python

Then, run the python training script python/trainKB.py.

Example for training on the nations dataset:

$ mkdir -p model/nations
$ python python/trainKB.py --numBatches 1000 --outPath model/nations/ data/nations/vocab_entity.txt data/nations/vocab_relation.txt data/nations/train.txt

Trained model is stored under the model/nations directory:

$ ls model/nations
cvecs.npy  decoder.npy  dstep.npy  encoder.npy  mats.npy  msteps.npy  params.json  tvecs.npy  vsteps.npy

Compile a stand alone training executable from source:

You can also compile a stand alone executable for training. The training speed will be about 1.3 times faster than the python module.

First, get the Eigen library:

$ cd build
$ git clone https://github.com/eigenteam/eigen-git-mirror.git
$ cd eigen-git-mirror
$ git checkout branches/3.3
$ cd ../..

Then, depending on your OS, run the following:

  • In Linux:

    $ cp cpp/Makefile.linux build/Makefile

  • In MacOS:

    $ cp cpp/Makefile.macos build/Makefile

  • In Windows:

    $ copy cpp\Makefile.windows build\Makefile

    If you use Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017, run the following to set up a C++ compilation environment:

    $ C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Microsoft Visual Studio"\2017\BuildTools\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat x64

Now compile:

$ cd build
$ make
$ cd ..

This will produce an executable trainKB.

Example for training on the nations dataset:

$ mkdir -p model/nations
$ build/trainKB --numBatches 1000 --outPath model/nations/ data/nations/vocab_entity.txt data/nations/vocab_relation.txt data/nations/train.txt

Re-compile the Python module:

If the pre-built python modules do not work, and you have succeeded in compiling a stand alone executable but still want to use Python, try the following to re-compile the Python module:

  • In Linux and MacOS:

    $ cd build; make glimvec.so; cd ..

  • In Windows:

    $ cd build; make glimvec.pyd; cd ..

You may want to change PYTHON3_LIB, PYTHON3_LIB_PATH and PYTHON3_INCLUDE in the Makefile for successful compiling.


Graph to linear maps and vectors

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:C++ 54.8%Language:Python 40.0%Language:Scala 4.3%Language:C 0.9%