Rails + Webpack + Vue.js + Vuex Demo App
Demo Single Page Application based on Ruby on Rails 5.2, using Vue.js + Vuex, compiled with Webpack. All the basic features you need to build a real world app with:
- Front / Admin namespaces
- I18n (server side + client side)
- Forms (with progress and error handling)
- Authentication (Devise)
- Pagination (Kaminari)
- Dynamic search filters (Ransack)
- Websockets chat (ActionCable)
All of this is designed with maintainability and readability in mind, slightly inspired by the Rails conventions.
You can read more about the how and why I built this App here: http://www.guillaume-barillot.com/2017/12/02/how-to-organize-your-vue-files-in-a-rails-5-1-project-using-webpack/
git clone git@github.com:gbarillot/rails-vue-demo-app.git
cd rails-vue-demo-app
bundle install
yarn install
bundle exec rails db:migrate
bundle exec rails db:seed
Booting the app
foreman start
Running tests
Rails side
rails test
JS side
yarn test
PR and feedbacks welcome!