Tiago Silva (tiagoalexandresilva)


Geek Repo

Location:Braga, Portugal

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tiago Silva's repositories


Project built on Visual Studio, using ASP.NET MVC, C#, SQL Server, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Ajax and JQuery. We had to built a web game using Google Maps to travel around the world. You go around the different regions of the world and answer questions about those same regions. The game is in Portuguese.



Parser built on C using Yacc and Flex tools. The parser creates a HTML file with all the members of the family with all the information associated to each individual like, photo, about me, parents, marriage, grandparents, date of birth, etc.



Project made for Computer Communications using Java and CORE (Common Open Research Emulator). We had to implement a Hello Packet, Route Request Packet and a Message Packet that we used to send messages to other nodes using the route table constructed by the Hello and Route Request. The imn file is the network for testing on CORE.



This project is essentially a parser built on C. This project reads multiple files of scientific journals and conferences, and depending if an entry is well-written following the DBLP format, it will get accepted or rejected. At the end of every file analyzed, it will generate some .csv files and some .txt files with some general statistics.



After making a parser in C to analyze a certain .txt file and create .csv files, it was asked to create a new project where we had to analyze a .txt file and populate a network of authors. After this network is created, we can send different queries to get statistics and/or list different types of information about the network of authors.



In this Prolog project we had to deal with multiple agents with a certain hierarchy communicating through a server and an interface, where you could investigate some characteristics of the animals presented depending on the querie inputted.



Prolog project where you could check, insert, remove and list the integrity of the medicinal drugs of a certain Pharmacy.



Prolog project where you could verify the kinship between family members, find the descendent and ascendant family members of a certain individual, insertion and removal of family relationships and register birthplaces



A Distributed Systems project built on Java, where we had to implement a project similar to the Kickstarter website, to achieve this, we had to implement a Client and a Server. Users can submit projects in needing of funding or could fund a project if they like.



Project built on Java. This project is manly a racing simulator where the Administrador is the entity that has to make the order to simulate a race. Users can bet on any racer they like. Users have access to the history of their bets, consult everything about the racers (odds, perfomance, quality) and manage their user account.



A game created in C where your objective is to put lamps on your table and light all of your board. You play the game on your terminal.



This application was made to simulate trades, buys and sales of products just like on eBay. Project built on Java, Java Swing and Oracle. UML vpp file included.



Convert a .ged file to html. Project built on C using Flex.



A Computer Graphics project where we had to build a pub using OpenGL and C++
